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Auditions. What you need to know if you want to Try-out for a play. Audition Terminology:. Monologue – a short speech or script given by one person. Usually memorized and under one minute. Slate – An introduction to who you are what role you are playing (and from what play).

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  1. Auditions What you need to know if you want to Try-out for a play.

  2. Audition Terminology: Monologue – a short speech or script given by one person. Usually memorized and under one minute. Slate – An introduction to who you are what role you are playing (and from what play). Project – Speak loudly and clearly so everyone in the audience can hear you. Read – performing or reading a short segment from the script and a certain character’s lines. Words in italic or in (parenthesis) – Usually actions or emotions that the playwright suggests the actor do while reading Memorization – being able to remember your lines without looking at the script.

  3. Types of Auditions: • Open Audition- Anyone can attend and expect lots of people to attend. Usually advertised in newspaper or on the internet. Cold readings or prepared monologues may be required. • Private Audition- Actors are given specific date and time to audition. • Musical Audition- Actor usually will be required to perform a monologue and/or a song • Callbacks- An actor will be asked to return for a second audition. Usually less people will be present and the actor may be asked to read for a specific role. • Cold Reading- Auditioning for a part that the actor has never seen before. Actor can have script in hand. • Prepared Audition- The actor will be required to prepare a monologue(s)/song before the audition to be performed for the director.

  4. Audition Tips: • Always be prepared! A prepared actor is a confident actor! -Make sure you have everything you need (all forms) for auditions! - Practice and memorize your monologue! • Be on time! • Be flexible and open to being all roles. Do not decide in advance that you do not want a role or have your heart set on one specific role - You never know what will happen!

  5. Audition Tips Continued: • Remember that your attitude before and after you read is important as well. This may be the only chance the director gets to see your personality. • If you mess up, or forget a line, keep going… Don’t Stop! • Always listen to the director and take direction. Add to what you have already done... Do not completely change the scene. • HAVE FUN! Learn from the audition experience.

  6. BDJHAuditions Who: ALL BDJH students 6th - 8th grade When: Monday Sept. 9th A-M 2:45 – 5:00 Tuesday Sept. 10th N-Z 2:24 – 5:00 Tech Interviews Thurs. Sept. 12th 3:00- 4:00 Cast List posted Sept 11th After School Where: Meet in the cafeteria after school and begin to turn in your forms What You Need:(Actors and Techies) - Get an Audition Packet from your theatre teacher - TYPED Resume (example in packet) - A picture of you (stapled or printed on resume) - Permission form (signed by your parent) - Memorized one minute monologue no longer than 1 min. (from handout or from a published source) - Tech student must be prepared to answer questions on their wants and capabilities. -Cast and Crew List in Packet of available options Tom Sawyer Performances are November 22 & 23!!!

  7. 6th Grade Showcase! • In January sixth grade students will be invited to audition for the 6th grade showcase. There will be 10 – 15 scenes that will be presented to a live audience. • You will perform one of your previous performances that you have done in class… • Pantomime/mime • Lip sync • Storytelling • Monologues • Duet scenes • Be thinking of what you would like to perform during the year! Especially if you do really well on a specific performance! • Auditions are Jan. 15th and the performance will be Jan. 18th! • Parents will be invited to come and see you perform • Will be in the cafeteria on the “big stage!” • You will have two days of rehearsal on the stage (Jan 16th & 17th) • This is the first time we are doing this – so lets make it FUN and EXCITING!

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