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Masyarakat Pertanian (8000 SM – 1700) Gelombang pembaharuan manusia menentukan & menerapkan teknologi pertanian Manusia yang semula berpindah-pindah menjadi suka untuk tinggal menetap (desa) Manusia menggunakan energi dari alam (otot binatang, matahari, angin & air)
Masyarakat Pertanian (8000 SM – 1700) • Gelombang pembaharuan manusia menentukan & menerapkan teknologi pertanian • Manusia yang semula berpindah-pindah menjadi suka untuk tinggal menetap (desa) • Manusia menggunakan energi dari alam (otot binatang, matahari, angin & air) • Masyarakat produsen & sekaligus menjadi konsumen
Masyarakat Industri (1700 – 1970) • Revolusi Industri ditandai dengan penggunaan mesin (melipat gandakan kekuatan fisik manusia) • Manusia menggunakan energi: minyak, batu bara & gas • Pemisahan antara masyarakat produsen dengan masyarakat konsumen (spesialisasi) • Terjadi perusakan alam akibat eksploitasi sumber daya • Penetrasi pasar internasional
Masyarakat Informasi (1970 > 2000) • Penggunaan teknologi komunikasi dalam peradaban manusia • Penggunaan komputer & mikro elektronik sebagai teknologi inti • Pelipatgandaan kekuatan pikir manusia • Energi alternatif, energi baru, rekayasa genetika, bioteknologi
Sekumpulan pengetahuan ilmiah, mesin, perkakas, serta kemampuan organisasi produksi yang dikelola secara sistematik dan efektif. (Judet & Perrin, 1971). • TEKHNOLOGIA (Greek) • Techné = art or skill, • Logos = science or study Technology is the totality of goods, tools, processes, methods, techniques, procedures and service that are invented and put into some practical use (Bayraktar, 1992)
Teknologi: suatu input produksi yang penting & dapat diperjual-belikan di pasar dunia sebagai suatu komoditi. • Barang modal (investasi). • Tenaga kerja manusia (tenaga terampil – spesialisasi sangat tinggi). • Informasi (sifat teknis atau komersial: pasar, hak cipta, dijual)
Suatu pengaturan yang berisikan atas tiga elemen atau komponen teknologi (paket)(SANDRETT): Elemen material : mesin, peralatan, bahan baku, bahan setengah jadi, dll. Elemen informasi : pengetahuan tentang prosedur, keterampilan individu & kolektif Elemen organisasi : organisasi produksi, jabatan, situasi kerja & koordinasi
Technology includes whatever it takes to convert resources into products and services (Gaynor,1992) Technology includes whatever it takes to convert resources into products and services (Gaynor,1992) All the knowledge, products, processes, tools,methods & system employed in the creation of goods or in providing services (Khalil, 2002)
Science is the discovery & explanation of nature Engineering is the understanding & manipulation of nature for human purposes Technology is the knowledge of the manipulation of nature for human purposes
Science is the discovery & explanation of nature Engineering is the understanding & manipulation of nature for human purposes Technology is the knowledge of the manipulation of nature for human purposes
Science is the discovery & explanation of nature Engineering is the understanding & manipulation of nature for human purposes Technology is the knowledge of the manipulation of nature for human purposes
Engineering for Elementary Children Christine M. Cunningham Museum of Science, Boston
What is Engineering? • Name:__________________ • Age:____ • I am: male female (please circle one) • Briefly answer the questions below in one or two sentences. Don’t worry about being right or wrong—just write what you think. • In your own words, what is engineering? • What does an engineer do? • (3)Draw a picture of an engineer at work. (4) Please describe your picture. (5)List three things that are created by engineers. a.__________________________________ b.__________________________________ c._______________________________
“An engineer is a person who…” • Most common response: “engineers fix things” • When more specific, they indicated that items fixed included buildings, cars, electricity/wiring, phones, motors/engines and technology. • “works with special technology to fix things”
“An engineer is a person who…” • Second most common response: engineers build things • Those who were specific about what was being built usually mentioned buildings or wiring • “bills thing and wacks as a team. And most are boys.” • “Makes stof and brakes stof.” • “An engineer is some one how does lectrisady.”
“An engineer is a person who…” • Engineers work/operate things • Attributes of engineers • “Has a vevry in porting job.” • “is very, very very smart at math” • Engineers design or improve things
How do you know if something is technology? • Most common response: it uses/has electricity • “I think I know because I think that technology is something with power or electrisaty” • “stuf that thay did not have in the old day's that runs on elechric” • “I know technologh because you need to plug it in that is why I know.” • “it works by bataries or by a plug. A lot of the time you miteuse a charger.” • “I think I know because these thing work on electricity. These thing can eletrify you.”
How do you know if something is technology? • Next most common response: mentioning the function of technology • “Technology is something that makes you learn like books and a computer.” • “technology is something that makes it easyer for people so they won't have to do all that stofe”
How do you know if something is technology? • Because it was created by people • “you can find out if something is technology if it is made by human minds” • “I know if something is technology because it takes lots of men to build something and because it takes a very long time.”
Skill Building • Problem solving • Analysis and data-driven decisions • Variables and optimization • Teamwork • Creativity • Communication