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Understanding Sensory Organs: Vision, Balance, and Hearing

Explore the anatomy and development of sensory organs such as the eye, ear, and accessory structures. Learn about the different segments and layers of the eye, inner ear components, and the process of organ development. With detailed slides for visual reference.

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Understanding Sensory Organs: Vision, Balance, and Hearing

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  1. SENSORY ORGANS Organ of vision, Organ of balance and hearing and accessoryorgans

  2. Organ of vision • Eyeball (bulbus oculi) - anterior segment ofeye - posterior segment ofeye • Eyelid(palpebra) • Teargland(gl. lacrimalis)

  3. Anteriorsegment Posteriorsegment

  4. Thewallofeyeball Tunica interna (nervosa) Tunica media (vasculosa) Tunica externa (fibrosa) anteriorcorneairis parscaeca segment corpus ciliareretinae posteriorsclerachoroideaparsoptica segment retinae

  5. Anterior segment ofeye

  6. Anterior segment ofeye – cornea anteriorepithelium Bowman‘smembrane substantia propria cornae Descemet‘smembrane posteriorepithelium

  7. Anterior segment ofeye – corpus ciliare

  8. Anterior segment ofeye – iris dorsalcornealepithelium continues to ventralsurfaceof iris as ventralepitheliumof iris iridocornealangle stroma iridis [pink strip] dorsalepithelium

  9. Dorsal segment ofeye

  10. Posterior segment ofeye – choroidea Lamina chorocapillaris - withcapillaries Lamina vasculosa - withvessels Lamina vitrea Lamina suprachoroidea

  11. Posterior segment ofeye – retina membranalimitans interna layerof nerve fibers layerofganglioniccells innerplexiformlayer innergranularlayer outerplexiformlayer outergranularlayer membranalimitansexterna layerofrods and cones pigmentedepithelium (stratumpigmentiretinae)

  12. Palpebra ventralside (skin) eyellash dorsalside (conjunctiva)

  13. Palpebra – conjunctivalside pseudostratifiedcolumnarepithelium gobletcells

  14. Gl. lacrimalis

  15. Organ of balance and hearing • Outerearauricle (auricula) auditory meatus (meatusacusticusext.) eardrum (membranatympani) • Middleeartympaniccavity (cavumtympani) • Innerearsacculus – maculasacculi utriculus – maculautriculi ductussemicirculares – cristae ampullares ductuscochlearis – organon Corti

  16. Bony labyrinth vestibulum canalessemicirculares cochlea Membranouslabyrinth parsstatica (1, 2) parsacustica(3) sacculusutriculussaccusendolymphaticus ductussemicirculares ductuscochlearis endolymph Innerear(in pyramid ofossispetrosumossistemporalis) perilymphatic space spatium perilymphaceum

  17. organ of Corti

  18. Cochlea – organ of Corti haircells innerouter innerphalangealcolumnesouterphalangealcells cellsof Corti cellsofHensen

  19. Auricle (auricula) Elasticcartilage Earlobule

  20. SENSORY ORGANS Slides: 88. Anterior segment oftheeye 89. Posterior segment oftheeye 90. Fasciculusopticus 91. Palpebra 92. Gl. lacrimalis 93. Ductuscochlearis 94. Auricula

  21. Developmentofeye 3rd brain ventricle ectoderm stalkofoptic cup intraretinalspace ofoptic cup optic cup lens placode diencephalon mesenchyme

  22. Developmentofoptic cup and lens ectoderm outerlayerof cup intraretinalspace innerlayerof cup neuroectoderm (wallofdiencephalon) stalkofoptic cup lensvesicle lumen ofstalk ofoptic cup

  23. intraretinalspacediencephalonwall lensvesicle lumen ofstalk ofoptic cup

  24. pigmentedlayerof retina nervouslayerof retina anteriorepithelium oflens intraretinalspace ectoderm eyelid mesenchyme

  25. + retinalpigmentedlayer retinalnervouslayer cameraoculi ant. eyelid ectoderm conjunctivalsac mesenchyme

  26. Developmentofinnerear oticplacode otic pit mesenchyme ectoderm dorsal aorta wallofrhombencephalon otocyst oticpit the 1st ectodermal cleft

  27. Developmentofmembranouslabyrinth utricular part ofotocyst saccular part ofotocyst tubularprocess ofsacculus

  28. Developmentofsemicircularcanals *centralregionsofdeveloping semicircularcanals *these regions perforatelater

  29. Developmentofmiddleear middleear ossicles rhombencephalon wallofinnerear utriculus Meckel‘s cartilage primitive cavumtympani sacculus 1st ectodermal cleft wallofinnerear

  30. Developmentofexternalear the 1st ectodermalcleft basis ofeye auricular tubercles

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