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Sensory Organs 感觉器官

Sensory Organs 感觉器官. What is sensory organ? Sensory organs are composed of receptors and their accessory apparatus. The receptors receive stimuli from external or internal environments of the body, and convert them into nerve impulses. ⑴receptors ⑵ accessory apparatus. Sensory organs.

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Sensory Organs 感觉器官

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  1. Sensory Organs 感觉器官

  2. What is sensory organ? Sensory organs are composed of receptors and their accessory apparatus. The receptors receive stimuli from external or internal environments of the body, and convert them into nerve impulses.

  3. ⑴receptors ⑵accessory apparatus Sensory organs receptors: the structure that can receive stimuli from external or internal environment of the body, and convert them into nerve impulse(神经冲动).

  4. According to their locations and origins, the receptors (感受器) may be divided into three kinds: 1. exteroceptors (外感受器):

  5. The exteroceptors are located in the skin, the mucous membrane of nasal and oral cavity, and the visual and auditory organs. They receive stimuli such as touch,

  6. temperature, pain, light and sound from the external environment.

  7. 2. proprioceptors (本体感受器): They are located in muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments, and receive stimuli from the places where they are located.

  8. 3. interoceptors or visceroceptors (内感受器/内脏感受器) : They are located in the walls of viscera, heart and blood vessels, and pick up information about the internal environment.

  9. Visual Organs (Eyes) 视器(眼)

  10. Upper eyelid eyebrow Eyeball Eyelash Lateral angle of eye Lower eyelid Lacrimal papilla and punctum Lacrimal caruncle

  11. 睫毛 眉 上睑 泪阜 外眦 内眦 眼球 下睑 球结膜 睑结膜 泪小点

  12. Ⅰ.The Eyeball(眼球) (Ⅰ). The shape of eyeball

  13. eyeball眼球 Optic nerve视神经 cornea角膜 Extraocular muscles眼外肌 sclera巩膜

  14. eyeball眼球 cornea角膜 Optic nerve视神经 sclera巩膜

  15. (Ⅱ). The Structures of Eyeball The eyeball comprises the wall of the eyeball and the contents enclosed by it.

  16. Cornea sclera fibrous tunic Vascular tunica retina Iris ciliary body choroid Wall of eyeball Contents of eyeball Eyeball Optic part ciliary part iridial part Aqueous humor Lens Vitreous body

  17. Ⅰ). The wall of eyeball ①fibrous(outer) tunic(纤维膜/外膜), ②vascular(middle) tunic (血管膜/中膜) ③retina (inner tunica 视网膜/内膜). wall of eyeball

  18. Cornea Pupil iris Ciliary body lens Sclera visual axis choroid Retina Optic axis Vitreous body Optic disc Macula lutea Optic nerve

  19. 角膜 晶状体 虹膜 巩膜静脉窦 眼轴 睫状体 视轴 玻璃体 巩膜 玻璃体管 脉络膜 视网膜 视神经 黄斑中央凹

  20. Ciliary process Ciliary ring Ciliary body Sclera Iris choroid Pupil Retina lens Ciliary zonule (suspensory ligament) Serrate border

  21. 睫状突 虹膜 睫状小带 瞳孔 晶状体囊 视网膜 脉络膜 巩膜 放射冠 锯状缘 晶状体

  22. Cornea Iridocorneal angle iris Sinus venosus sclerae Sclera Ciliary process Ciliary body /muscle lens Ciliary zonule (suspensory lig.)

  23. 虹膜角膜角 角膜 前房 巩膜静脉窦 虹膜 巩膜 后房 睫状体 睫状小带 晶状体

  24. Pupil瞳孔 iris虹膜

  25. Pupil瞳孔 iris虹膜

  26. Iridial part Ciliary part Choroid part Blind part Retina Optic part

  27. 虹膜部 睫状体部 盲部 视网膜 脉络膜部—视部

  28. Superior nasal arteriole and venule Superior temporal arteriole and venule Macula lutea (yellow spot) Fovea centralis Optic disc Inferior temporal arteriole and venule inferior nasal arteriole and venule

  29. 颞侧上小动、静脉 鼻侧上小动、静脉 黄斑 视神经盘 中央凹 鼻侧下小动、静脉 颞侧小下动、静脉

  30. light Ganglion cell layer Bipolar cell layer Photoreceptor (rod and cone cell) layer Pigment cell lamina

  31. 光线 节细胞层 双极细胞层 视锥视杆细胞层 色素上皮层

  32. Ganglion cell layer Bipolar cell layer Photoreceptor (rod and cone cell) layer Neural lamina Histology structure of Retina Pigment cell lamina

  33. Visual field Light retina Eyeball Optic chiasma Optic nerve Lateral geniculate body Optic tract Visual center Internal capsule

  34. 视野 光线 眼球 视网膜 视神经 视交叉 视束 外侧膝状体 内囊 视觉中枢

  35. Ⅱ). The contents of eyeball

  36. The contents of eyeball include aqueous humor(房水), lens(晶状体) and vitreous body (玻璃体).

  37. Cornea Pupil iris Ciliary body lens Sclera visual axis choroid Retina Optic axis Vitreous body Optic disc Macula lutea Optic nerve

  38. Anterior chamber Cornea Iridocorneal angle iris Sinus venosus sclerae Ciliary body Posterior chamber Ciliary zonule lens

  39. 虹膜 角膜 巩膜静脉窦 前房 虹膜角膜角 后房 睫状体 晶状体

  40. Circulation of aqueous humor: aqueous humor secreted by ciliary body  the posterior chamber  pupil  the anterior chamber  space of iridocorneal angle  sinus venosus sclerae  ophthalmic vein

  41. 睫状体产生房水眼后房 瞳孔眼前房 虹膜角膜角隙巩膜静脉窦 眼静脉

  42. The circulation of aqueous humor may be obstructed under the pathological conditions(病理情况) such as conglutination (粘连) behind the iris, atresia (闭锁) of pupil,

  43. then aqueous humor will accumulated in the chambers of eye. This will lead to the increase of intraocular pressure, which may cause secondary glaucoma (继发性青光眼) in clinic.

  44. Refracting Apparatus of Eye(眼的折/屈光装置) cornea aqueous humor Lens vitreous body Refracting Apparatus of Eye The refracting ability of cornea is the largest among them.

  45. Cornea anterior chamber Pupil iris lens Posterior chamber Vitreous body Retina Macula lutea Optic disc Optic nerve

  46. 正常人眼看近物时,眼折光系统的折光能力能随物体的移近而相应的改变,使物像仍落在视网膜上,看清近物。正常人眼看近物时,眼折光系统的折光能力能随物体的移近而相应的改变,使物像仍落在视网膜上,看清近物。

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