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Research on the spatial needs of faith communities

Research on the spatial needs of faith communities. Three studies led by CAG Consultants, with LUC and Diverse Ethics for: GLA (2008) Oadby and Wigston BC (2008) Northampton BC/NIFF (2013) Presentation by Mary Anderson, CAG Consultants 5 December 2014. Our approach to these studies:.

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Research on the spatial needs of faith communities

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  1. Research on the spatial needs of faith communities Three studies led by CAG Consultants, with LUC and Diverse Ethics for: GLA (2008) Oadby and Wigston BC (2008) Northampton BC/NIFF (2013) Presentation by Mary Anderson, CAG Consultants 5 December 2014

  2. Our approach to these studies: • Development of faith community profiles through surveys and in-depth research with representatives of faith groups • Development of spatial needs assessments, through review of planning policy, and analysis of census statistics vs existing provision

  3. The local context differed: • In London – particular issues about provision for growing Pentecostal Christian communities • In Oady and Wigston – a key issue was provision for the growing Muslim communities • In Northampton – a mixture of both these issues… Source: stockimages - www.freedigitalphotos.net

  4. But common themes emerged: • Evidence of the multiple benefits of places of worship within communities • Differences between faiths in terms of their space needs • Need for more town centre provision for places of worship (particularly D1 use class) • Need for better guidance on assessing the spatial needs of faith groups • Need for clearer planning policies on provision for places of worship

  5. GLA study: http://static.london.gov.uk/mayor/planning/docs/places-of-worship.pdf Oadby and Wigston study: http://www.oadby-wigston.gov.uk/files/documents/faith_community_profile_and_places_of_worship_needs_assessment/Faith%20Community%20Profile%20and%20Places%20of%20Worship%20Needs%20Assessment.pdf Northampton study – shortlisted for RTPI award: http://www.northampton.gov.uk/info/200205/planning_for_the_future/1739/ http://www.rtpi.org.uk/events/awards/rtpi-awards-for-planning-excellence/rtpi-planning-awards-2014-winners/leading-the-way-in-planning-for-community/northamptons-faith-communities/

  6. To find out more, please contact: Mary Anderson/Tim Maiden, CAG Consultants www.cagconsultants.co.uk ma@cagconsult.co.uk 08769 532194 Philip Smith, LUC Atul Shah, Diverse Ethics communities

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