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The King’s College/Columbia College Building at Park Place Campus. Alma Mater/Spring 2014 February 10, 2014. King’s College Cornerstone.
The King’s College/Columbia College Building at Park Place Campus Alma Mater/Spring 2014 February 10, 2014
HujusCollegii, Regis, dicti, RegioDiplomateconstituti, in Honorem DEA. O.M. atque in EcclesiiaeReiquepublicaeEmolumentum, primumhuncLapidemposut, Virpraecellentissimus, Carolus Hardy EquesAuratus, hujusprovinciaepraefectusdignissimus, Augustie Die 23° An. Dom. MDCCLVI°
Translation of King’s College Building Cornerstone, 1756 • "Hail: The region diploma of this college to be is said to be established in honor of the God of this republic, as a result of the first stone placed by the outstanding man Carol Hardy, the gilded knight of this province, the dignified commander, on the 23rd day of August in the year of the Lord 1756.“ -- trans. by Patrick Galarza, CC 2014 • Patrick Galarza, CC 2014 [Trustees’ Room, Low Library]
This first stone of this college called King’s established by Royal charter for the honor of Almighty God and the advancement of the public good both in Church and State, was laid by his excellency Sir Charles Hardy, Kt., the very worthy governor of this province. August 23, An. Dom. 1756 • Trans. by Herbert and Carol Schneider
King’s College from the SouthwestAcross the Hudson near Hoboken[1763]
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