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Dive into the intricate stages of prenatal and embryonic development, from the pivotal moment of fertilization to the formation of a baby, exploring the protective mechanisms and potential risks along the way.
Prenatal Development • Fertilization: Union of a sperm cell w/ an ovum. • ~Fertilization takes place in the upper 1/3 of the fallopian tube. • Zygote: Fertilized union, egg and sperm unite. • ~Once zygote is formed, a protective membrane around it prevents more sperm from entering ovum. • ~Zygote begins its journey to uterus and begins cell division. • ~Once cell division has begun, zygote is now a blastocyst. • Blastocyst: a cluster of cells that has a hollow space in the center. • ~7-8 days later the blastocyst has traveled to the uterus and implanted into the wall of uterus. • ~This is called Implantation. • ~ After implantation, the blastocyst becomes an embryo.
Embryonic Development • Embryo: Cluster of developing cells following implantation. • AmnioticSac: Bag of water, fluid filled sac around the embryo. • ~Function- Is a shock absorber that protects the embryo. • Placenta: Blood rich tissue developed from outer layer of cells from the embryo and tissue of mother. • ~Function- Transfer oxygen and nutrients from mother’s blood to embryo also serves as lungs, liver, kidneys, and digestive system for fetus. • Umbilicalcord: A tube through which nutrients and oxygen pass from the mother’s blood to embryo’s blood. This tube connects the embryo to the placenta. • DEVELOPMENT STAGES: • Ova> Zygote> Blastocyst> Embryo> Fetus> Baby
Vocabulary • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome(FAS): 3 main features- mental retardation, slow growth before and after birth, and a wide range of physical defects ranging from cleft palate to hip dislocation • Apgar Test: test that determines an infants’ physical condition at birth. • ~Tests in 5 areas- coloring, pulse, reflex irritability, activity, respiration. • Miscarriage: Spontaneous abortion, in which a female expels the embryo or fetus. • Stillbirth: The birth of a dead baby.
Shaken Baby Syndrome: form of child abuse that occurs when an infant or small child is violently shaken. • Two injuries: Cerebral Hemorrhage & Cerebral Edema • 70% of perpetrators of Shaken baby syndrome are males. • Cerebral Edema: Massive brain swelling caused by Shaken Baby Syndrome