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Establishment Clause

Explore conflict and cooperation between Establishment & Free Exercise Clauses, 1st & 2nd Great Awakenings, government actions, Supreme Court rulings, and the impact on society.

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Establishment Clause

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  1. Establishment Clause Compare the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings

  2. Establishment and Free Exercise Clause often conflict with each other: • In schools, the religion issue is most prevalent • If a student raises his hand and asks, “Teacher, can we say an opening prayer before this test?”

  3. Establishment and Free Exercise Clause often conflict with each other: • If the teacher says: “Yes!” It looks like establishment of religion. • “No!” It is denying a student free exercise.

  4. The Establishment Clause • A government cannot promote religion • What is the purpose of the Establishment clause?

  5. The Establishment Clause Governments can: • Teach about religions in school • Allow voluntary prayer in many examples • Transport students to a religious school • Read Bible for culture or literacy content

  6. The Establishment Clause Governments cannot: • Set a state religion • Government cannot order a prayer • Teach religious doctrine in the school • Pay seminary teachers • Teach creationism

  7. The Supreme Court and the Establishment Clause • The Supreme Court has held fast to the rule of strict separation between church and state when issues of prayer in public school are involved.

  8. Establishment Clause - The Free Exercise Clause • Congress shall make no law… prohibiting the free exercise thereof (religion)” is designed to prevent the government from interfering with the practice of religion. • This freedom is not absolute. • Several religious practices have been ruled unconstitutional including: • Snake handling • Use of illegal drugs • polygamy • Nonetheless, the Court has made it clear that the government must remain NEUTRAL toward religion.

  9. Establishment Clause – See you at the Pole! • Student participation in before-or after-school events, such as “see you at the pole,” is permissible. • School officials, acting in an official capacity, may neither discourage nor encourage participation in such as event.

  10. 1st vs. 2nd G.A. vs. Civil War Revivals (3rd GA)

  11. 1st Great Awakening • Emphasize the individual • Call back to RELIGION • all men are equal, • the true value of a man lies in his moral behavior, not his class • that all men can be saved

  12. GREAT AWAKENING PART DEUX • Growing liberalism starting in the early 1800's • Revivals on Southern Frontier • Second Great Awakening introduced new sects • Second Great Awakening • “camp meetings occurred” • thousands would become “saved” • Revivals stimulated • church membership • variety of humanitarian reforms

  13. GREAT AWAKENING PART DEUX • Evangelicalism became emphasized during the time of the Second Great Awakening • A belief in the need for personal conversion (or being "born again") • Actively expressing and sharing the gospel • A high regard for biblical authority, especially Biblical inerrancy • An emphasis on teachings that proclaim the death and resurrection of Jesus.

  14. Idealism in the Second Great Awakening • Emotionalism not as high as 1st GA • Religion began to influence other ideals such as • freedom from cruelty of war • discrimination • intoxicated drinking • slavery • There were increased plantation missions held for slaves • Methodists and Presbyterians divide on the issue of slavery in 1830's-1840's • Idealistic religion on a utopian socialism, moral reform, and other ideas came to Christianity

  15. Important Sects and Ideas • Two other sects that were born were Methodists and Baptists • Encouraged women to pray aloud in public and denounced both alcohol and slavery • Both these sects stressed personal conversion and explored a democratic control of church affairs

  16. Divisiveness Caused by the Second Great Awakening • Second Great Awakening widened lines between class and region. • This split between North and Southern Faith and ideals in religion • considered the first sign of splitting • followed by a split in politics and the Union. • Protestants encouraged increase in educational learning and also importance of education in every household

  17. More religious movements • Unitarianism - emphasized reason as the path to perfection & faith in the individual • Transcendentalist - emphasized that truth could be discovered intuitively by observing nature and relating it to one’s own emotional and spiritual experience. • Mormons • African American Church – Similar to Moses and releasing Jews from Egypt

  18. Second Great Awakening and Abolition • Second Great Awakening later affected the Abolitionist Movement • “Second Great Awakening now inflamed the hearts of many abolitionists against the sin of slavery.” (Bailey). • Supporting abolitionist movement, Protestant beliefs displayed a variety of humanitarian reform • Church Attendance decreased later in the later 1800's compared to the ¾ of 23 million Americans living in the country • Overview: Religion in the 1800's was greatly influence by the Second Great Awakening, and became more liberal and divided in North and South and Class Status

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