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Explore survey results from young people in Bulgaria who attended a training activity in Madrid. Gain insights into their views on refugees, volunteerism, and government responses to the crisis.
[ - Delete theseinstructionsfrom finalpresentation – ] Survey resultsYoung People[Bulgaria] Training activity Madrid April 17th-20th 2017 A program of Fundación Senara
Q2. Age The age is between 19 and 45 years old
Q4. Country of origin • BULGARIA
Q5. Profession • Teachers, • Business, • Marketing specialists, • Sales, • IT, • Social media, • Construction worker, • Administrative, • Project Coordinator, • Manager of SME, • Human Resources, • Consultants,
Q6. Howmanypeople do youthinkfled to Europe in 2015? • 40% of the respondents answered More than 1 mil. The other 60 % of the 80 people responded More than 5 millions.
Q7. Howmanyrefugees do youthinktheworldhad in 2015? • Almost all people responded 10 millions.
Q8. Do youknewthat 2015 istheyearwiththe record of refugees?
Q9. Why do youthinkGovermentsdoesntacceptthenumer of refugeesthatthey can affort?
Q10. Can younamethreecountries of refugeesorigin? Everyone responded that they are able to name three countries where refugees come from: Syria Afghanistan Iraq
Q11. Wouldyouvolunteer in a camp/center helpingrefugeefamilies? We have sort of surprise in the respond: • More people responded that they are not willing to volunteer in a camp.
Q12. Wouldyou host a refugee in yourhouse? Again, as in Q 11 more of the people are not willing to host refugees in their homes.
Q13. Do youthinkEuropeancountrieshave responded properly to therefugee crisis?
Q14. What would you do differently if you were deciding for European governments?
Q15. WhatisthemainreasonGovernments to refuserefugees? • Almost all people responded that reasons are all: terrorism and insecurity, religious difference and economic difficulties.
Q16. Howmanyrefugeecamps are you country? • All responded with a number 8. • Bulgarians know how many refugees camp there are because almost every day we have reasons for them to be on news.
Q17. Haveyouvisitedany camp in yourregion? • Only 12 responding that they have been in a camp once ( C answer) , • All other responses are negative. (B)
Q18. Recently in news was given a statistic about the number of refugees in Bulgaria for the last year that is why 56 people responded with answer A. The other did not know but assumed about 1 mil. B)
Q19. People are not aware of the information. The results are various. The correct answer was given by 28 people and it is B) around 25, 000.
Conclusions • Most of thepeople are wellawared of therefugee crises becauseitiseverywherearoundus- streets, TV, news, ets; • People are not open to acceptrefugeesdue to more securityreasonsand lesseconomic; • According to additionalstatistics, sincetherefugee crises ispresent, thecrimerate in Sofiaarose in times. • Peopleturned to be lesswilling to integrate, lesstolerant and more discriminativethenbefore 2014. • The gap aboutthosewho are willing to volunteering in campsisalsobigdue to the general scepticism.