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Discover the intricate details of muscle tissue, fibers, and proteins. Learn about tendons, ligaments, and the differences between them. Dive into the types of muscle tissue and the structure of skeletal muscle. Explore sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, myofibrils, myofilaments, and more.
Structure and Characteristics of Muscle 1.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ousflrOzQHc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLDC6-PH6rA 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIH8uOg8ddw 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfFBoIkdDgQ
Introduction • Tendon is fibrous connective tissue (non elastic) which is thick with while colour connecting skeletal muscle with bones. • Ligament is fibrous connective tissue connecting bone with other bone. • Muscle is skeletal muscle fibre which is a bundle of fasciculus (cylindrical-shaped muscle bundles bound by connective tissue.
Differences between Tendon and Ligament • Both are connective tissue;tendon connects muscle with bone, while ligament connects bone with bone. • Tendon connects the edge of muscle for bone, while ligament always connects bones in their joints. • There is only one tendon for certain muscle in one edge, while there are several ligaments connecting two bones in one joint. • Tendon has more collagen compared to ligament. • Ligament has more proteoglycancompared to tendon. • Tendon has higher blood supply compared to ligament.
Types of muscle tissue • Skeletal muscle: striated muscle fibre, has multiple nuclei, innervated by somatic motor neurons (voluntary), and attached to bone • Smooth muscle: smooth muscle fibre (non striated), has one nucleus located in the middle, innervated by autonomic nervous (involuntary), found in the internal organ (viscera) • Cardiac muscle: smooth muscle which is involuntary; striated muscle, has one nucleus, innervated by autonomic nervous (involuntary)
Structure of Muscle • Muscle • Muscle bundle/ fascicle • Muscle fiber/ cells • Fibril (myofibril) • Filament (myofilament) • Thick filament (myosin) and thin filament (actin).
Connective tissue on meat • Epimysium : connective tissue that surrounds muscles • Perimysium : connective tissue that surrounds muscle fiber bundle • Endomysium: connective tissue that surrounds muscle fiber.
Muscle Fiber • Structural unit of skeletal muscle called as muscle fiber/ muscle cell. • Muscle fiber composes 75-92% of muscle, the remaining consists of connective tissue, blood vessels, nervous tissues, and extracellular fluid. • Muscle fiber in mammals and avian is long, unbranched, and multinucleated. • Muscle fiber has a diameter of 10-100m.
Sarcolemma • Sarcolemma is membrane covering muscle fiber. • Sarcolemma forms tubule called transverse tubules or T system. • Sarcolemma is elastic, and functions in muscle contraction and relaxation.
Sarcoplasm • Sarcoplasm is the cytoplasm of muscle fiber. • It is intracellular colloid substance composed of water as much as 75-80%, and the remaining consists of lipid, glycogen granules , ribosome , protein , NPN and inorganic components.
Nuclei • Skeletal muscle fiber has multiple nuclei, because the shape of the cell is long. • Nuclei can be found every 5 m of distance.
Myofibril • Myofibril is organelle of cylindrical, long, and thin muscle fiber with a diameter of 1-2 m. • The length of myofibril is parallel to the length of muscle fiber. • Muscle fiber whose diameter is 50 m contains 1000-2000 myofibril. • Myofibril consists of segments called sarcomere. • The length of sarcomere is approximately 2,5 m.
Myofilament • Sarcomere contains thick filament (diameter of 14-16 nm and length of 1,5 m) and thin filament (diameter of 6-8 nm and length of 1 m). • Thick filament forms A-band and consist of myosin protein. • Thin filament consists of I-band and consists of actin protein .
Myofibril Protein • It consists of more than 20 types of myofibril protein. • There 6 main proteins: myosin, actin, titin, tropomyosin, troponin and nebulin. • The functions of myofibril protein are categorized as contractile proteins , regulatory proteins and cytoskeletal protein.
Myofibril Protein • Myofibril protein functioning as the main contractile protein is actin and myosin. • Myofibril protein functioning as the main regulatory protein is tropomyosin and troponin. • Myofibril protein functioning as cytoskeletal protein is titin and nebulin.
Actin • Actin protein composes of approximately 20% of the total myofibril protein. • Actin is round globular protein which is also called as G-actin with a diameter of 5,5 nm. • Fibrous actin is formed when G-actin undergoes polymerization forming actin chain. • Two actin chains form spiral then form super helix (actin filament).
Myosin • Myosin composes approximately 45% from the total myofibril protein. • Myosin is fibrous protein. • Myosin is thin and long, and a little thick on its edge. • The thick part of the edge is called head, the long part is (backbone) is tail, and the part within head and tail is called neck. • Myosin undergoing hydrolysis will result in 2 main fractions, namelymyosin heavy chain and myosin light chain..
Tropomyosin • Tropomyosin composes approximately 5% from the total myofibril protein. • Tropomyosin is located near actin filament. • One molecule of tropomyosin is found along 7 molecule of G-actin in actin filament.
SarcoplasmicProtein • Enzymes related to glycolysis process (73%). • Enzymes related to creatin kinase (9%). • Myoglobin (meat pigment). • Hemoglobin (blood pigment).
Myoglobin • Myoglobin is a single proteinchain with 153 amino acid residues with heme group which can store oxygen. • Myoglobin has higher affinity for oxygen compared to haemoglobin. • The existence of myoglobin in meat can result in red color of meat. • Heme group binds to nitrogen from histidine and iron from that heme.
Hemoglobin • Hemogobin has a structure which is almost similar to that of myoglobin, • Hemoglobin has quarternarystructure because it consists of 4 sub-units of protein chain. • Each sub-unit of protein chain has heme group so that each molecule of hemoglobin contains 4 molecules of oxygen. • Reacting with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin • Oxygenation of hemoglobin occurs in blood when blood passes lungs.
Protein of Connective Tissue • Distributed to all components of body: muscle, blood and lymph vessels, tendon, nerves, and skin. • Withstanding infectious agents. • Protecting fat-storing cells (adipose tissue). • Protecting muscles, muscle fiber bundle, and muscle fiber.
Protein of Connective Tissue • Connective tissue is composed of ground substance, cells, and extracellular fibers. • Ground substance is viscous solution containing soluble glycoprotein, substrate, and end product of connective tissue metabolism (tropocollagen and tropoelastin). • The cells of connective tissue consist of fixed cells and wandering cells. • Extracellular fiber is composed of collagen, elastin and reticulin.
Collagen • Collagen composes approximately 20-25% from the total protein in the body. • Collagen is structural protein in connective tissue. • Collagen has direct effect on meat tenderness. • The amount and strength of collagen increase with increasing age.
Collagen • Collagen is the main component of skin tissue, tendon, ligament, bone and cartilage. • Collagen fiber has a diameter of 1-12 m. • Collagen contains amino acid specific hydroxyprolin in a relatively fixed amount, so that the level of hydroxyprolin can be used to determine the amount of collagen tissue.
Collagen • Collagen fibril is formed from tropocollagen molecules. • Tropocollagen is protein with BM 300 kDa, and is formed of 3 polypeptide chains that overlap to form triplehelix. • The process of collagen formation requires vitamin C, i.e. during the hydroxylation of prolin into hydroxyprolin.
Muscle Contraction • Muscle contraction is the process of muscle shrinkage/Shortening that needs energy. • The proteins involved in the contraction process are actin, myosin, tropomyosin dan troponin. • The energy for this process is from ATP. • The process of muscle contraction consists of contraction (muscle shortening) and relaxation (muscle stretching)
Stages of Contraction Process • Stimulus from nerve to neuromuscular junction ending. • Action potential causes acetylcholine to be released to the surface of the muscle fibers. • Action potential spreads to all muscle fibers through T-system (transverse tubule). • Action potential is sent to SR and SR releases Ca2+ ion.
Stages of Contraction Process • Ion Ca2+ activates troponin and tropomyosin in thin filament, forming a strand between actin and myosin; filament shift occurs which then leads to muscle contraction
Stages of Relaxation Process • It starts with partial repolarization of action potential. • Acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction is broken down by acetylcholinesterase, causing the termination of the stream of action potentials along the muscle fiber surface • SR ceases to release Ca2+ ions used for contraction.
Stages of Relaxation Process • Troponin releases Ca2+ ions so that change in the configuration of troponin and tropomyosin occurs. then blocks the action of the myosin molecule heads, and contraction ceases. • The activity of molecule heads of myosin and the formation of strand between actin and myosin are blocked so that contraction ceases.