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This presentation outlines the strategic plan and annual performance plan of the Commission for Gender Equality, highlighting activities undertaken and audited activities from 2013/2014.
Parliamentary Presentation Strategic Plan and APP 2014/2015 29 July 2013
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Strategic Plan Overview • Annual Performance Plan 2014/2015 • Highlights of Activities to be undertaken • Highlights of Audited Activities 2013/2014 • Q & A
OVERVIEW STRATPLAN Over the past several years the Commission has made a concerted effort to ensure that its plans remain relevant and responsive to challenges that emerge as far as gender equality is concerned. The strategic objectives which were previously published, remain unchanged. The Commission aligns its plans to the National Treasury’s prescribed framework on strategic plans, and its legislated mandate.
How does the CGE’s strategic plan relate to the National Agenda? Gender Rights Violations Constitution and Legislative Framework International obligations NSP, MTSF, Growth and Development Gender Inequality Political, Cultural, Economic and Social Landscape Strategic Plan of the CGE
The Constitution of the Republic of SA – The separation of powers, checks and balances
CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE Constitutional Mandate • The Constitution of SA created an independent Commission for Gender Equality to deal specifically with promotion of gender equality and to advise and make recommendations relating to gender equality and status of women. • Section 181 read with section 187 of the Constitution establishes the Commission for Gender Equality. • In terms of section 187 CGE must promote respect for gender equality and the protection, development and attainment of gender equality
FUNCTIONS PRESCRIBED BY NATIONAL LEGISLATION Commission for Gender Equality Act 39 of 1996 (As Amended) Monitor and evaluate public and private entities Granted powers of subpoena, search and seizure Investigate complaints, mediate, refer and litigate where needed Research and advise Parliament on gender equality matters Conduct public education and awareness on gender equality Collaborate with civil society and advocate on gender equality matters Monitor compliance with regional & international conventions Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000(PEPUDA) • Assist complainants in instituting proceedings in the Equality Court • Conduct investigations and make recommendations regarding persistent contraventions of PEPUDA
CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE Monitor compliance to Regional & International Conventions • Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000 (PEPUDA) Assist complainants in instituting proceedings in the Equality Court conduct investigations and make recommendations regarding persistent contraventions of PEPUDA
VISION and MISSION Vision • A society free from all forms of gender oppression and inequality Mission • Monitor, evaluate and make recommendations on policies of the public and private sector • Inform and educate the public • Evaluate and make recommendations on legislation affecting the status of women • Investigate, resolve and rectify gender issues • Collaborate with government and civil society • Monitor and report on international conventions
COMMISSIONERS OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES Governance Oversight Committees by Commissioners • Legal and Complaints • Research and Education • Strategic Planning, Annual Report and M&E • Human Resources • Audit Committee • Finance • Information Technology and Communications • Good Governance
SECTION 6 FOCAL AREAS The Commission has further established one Section Six Committee that will focus on the following areas to inform programmes:- • Women substantive equality • Women’s economic empowerment • National gender machinery • Gender equality and health • Gender-based violence • Gender, culture, religion and tradition
Organizational Structure Functions Reach and breadth • Three line functions • Legal services • Policy & Research • Public Education and Information • Support • Finance • HR • ICT • Communications • Nine (9) Provincial offices • 6 officials at each province • Provincial coordinator • 2 x line function officers and interns • 3 x support and administration staff • Head office • CEO • Support and Line functions • Total employees average 100 overall
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective 1 • To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of gender equality Planned outcome: Continuous improvements in legislation and practices to advance gender equality
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective 2 • To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress Planned outcome: A society educated in constitutional rights to gender equality, to ensure transformative behaviour necessary to respect and uphold gender equality. To further ensure effective and efficient application of social justice for victims of gender violations
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective 3 • To monitor state compliance with regional and international conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission Planned outcome: Assessment of state compliance with regional and international commitments that promote gender equality with CGE recommendations tabled before parliament Strategic Objective 4 • To build an effective, efficient, visible and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014/2015 • Strategic objective 1 • Follow-up consultations with stakeholders on Gender Transformation hearings • Investigations on gender transformation at tertiary institutions and women empowerment and gender equality • Submissions on legislation before parliament • Assessment report on women’s representation in political parties • Assessment report on the effective functioning of the GBV Council • National Gender barometer report on the status of gender polices and practices in the public and private sector • Monitoring of courts( equality, domestic violence, sexual offenses and maintenance • Policy dialogues on the gender focal persons report and the gender barometer report
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014/2015 • Strategic objective 2 • Investigation of gender related complaints • Conduct 108 legal clinics in all provinces to educate the public on gender rights and obligations; assist public in lodging complaints and to provide advice for complaints that can be quickly resolved • Systemic investigations (Sex work Investigation, Transformation within the Judiciary, Gender & Health) • Coordinated programme on forced marriages and early-child marriages • Conducts campaigns- national gender Summit, Women’s month, 16 days and GBV in schools • Use of community radio stations to disseminate gender equality education and information programmes • Engagements with Houses of Traditional leadership and religious Sector • Joint programmes with LGBTI communities and Chapter 9 institutions
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014/2015 • Strategic objective 3 • Reports on CEDAW, Beijing Platform for Action and MDGs • Drafting of shadow reports • Developing report on the Africa Gender and Development Index • Material development on CEDAW and other instruments • Strategic objective 4 • Inward looking
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2013/2014: HIGHLIGHTS The targets for the year are more detailed in the Operational Plan • Report published on the effectiveness of Gender Focal Persons (GFPs) in government departments • National Gender Barometer Report on the status of gender policies and practices in the public and private sector • Report and findings on the Assessment of Women in Political Participation and Representation • Policy dialogues on Education, Victims Charter and Gender Barometer • Report on the Africa Gender Development Index (AGDI) • Various engagements with stakeholders such as DOL, EEC, including Launching of Red Card campaign on compliance of EE in govt and private sector • Conduct 108 Legal Clinics to generate complaints
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2013/2014: HIGHLIGHTS The targets for the year are more detailed in the Operational Plan • GBV schools education programme during the Youth month • Women's Empowerment programme during the National Women’s Month • 16 days of activism of No violence Against Women and Children campaign • Human rights and gender equality campaign • Engage with Religious and traditional leaders on gender equality issues • Target 54 community radio stations and undertake gender education • Joint coordinated programme conducted on LGBTI
The Funding environment and related concerns • The CGE funding for over 5 a year period has remained at the same level despite increased mandate and public expectation on the Commission to perform at higher levels e.g. PEPUDA ( No additional funding was ever granted) • Increases that were granted the Fiscus were mainly for inflation adjustments and no additional funding requests were positively responded to: Numerous applications made via the MTEF process by the Secretariat of the CGE without success ; this situation limits the Commission to deliver on its legislated mandate
DANKIESIYABONGATHANK YOU KEA LEBOHA Have a gender related complaint ???? report it to 0800 007 709 TwitterHandle @CGEinfo