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HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), virus yang menyerang system kekebalan tubuh manusia kemudian menimbulkan AIDS. HIV kelompok retrovirus virus dapat “ mengkopi-cetak ” materi genetik diri di dalam materi genetik sel-sel yg ditumpangi ,
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), virus yang menyerang system kekebalantubuhmanusia kemudianmenimbulkan AIDS
HIV kelompok retrovirus virus dapat “mengkopi-cetak” materigenetikdiri di dalammaterigenetiksel-selygditumpangi, Dengan proses ini HIV dapatmematikan sel-sel T-4. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) merupakankumpulangejalapenyakit akibatmenurunnyasistemkekebalantubuholeh HIV.
virus penyebab AIDS, HIV-1 dan HIV-2. HIV-1 paling banyak di daerahEropa Barat, Asia danAfrika Tengah, Selatan danTimur. HIV-2 terutamaditemukan di Afrika Barat.
AIDS has killed more than 28 million people 3.6 million people dying in 2005 alone [Source: Avert]. many cases go unreported, the prevalence of the disease is increasing. By comparison: The flu pandemic of 1918 killed approximately 20 million people worldwide. World War II killed approximately 40 million people.
The regions with the greatest number of people living HIV/AIDS, (World Health Organization), include: Sub-Saharan Africa - 25.8 million South and Southeast Asia - 7.4 million Latin America - 1.8 million North America - 1.2 million Eastern Europe/Central Asia - 1.6 million (Avert)
PENULARAN HIV Sexual contact Sharing contaminated intravenous needles Breastfeeding (mother to baby) Infected mother to fetus during pregnancy or birth Blood transfusions (Rare in countries where blood is screened for HIV antibodies.) HIV does not reproduce in insects, virus doesn't survive in the mosquito long enough to be transmitted in the saliva.
The regions with the greatest number of people living HIV/AIDS, (World Health Organization), include: Sub-Saharan Africa - 25.8 million South and Southeast Asia - 7.4 million Latin America - 1.8 million North America - 1.2 million Eastern Europe/Central Asia - 1.6 million (Avert)
HIV/AIDS History 1926-46 - HIV possibly spreads from monkeys to humans. No one knows for sure. 1959 - A man dies in Congo in what many researchers say is the first proven AIDS death. 1981 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notices high rate of otherwise rare cancer 1982 - The term AIDS is used for the first time, and CDC defines it. 1983/84 - American and French scientists each claim discovery of the virus that will later be called HIV. 1985 - The FDA approves the first HIV antibody test for blood supplies. 1987 - AZT is the first anti-HIV drug approved by the FDA. 1991 - Basketball star Magic Johnson announces that he is HIV-positive. 1996 - FDA approves first protease inhibitors. 1999 - An estimated 650,000 to 900,000 Americans living with HIV/AIDS. 2002 - AIDS global death toll reaches nearly 28.1 million.
Cara kerja virus HIV Virus menempelpadareseptor protein CD4, di selaputbagianluarLympocyt. CD 4 adalah marker ( penanda) di permukaansel-seldarahputihmanusia, (terutamasel-sellimfosit). Sel-selmemilikireseptor CD4 disebutsel CD4+ (limfosit T penolong=T helper).
LIFE CYCLE HIV HIV attaches to and penetrates its target cell 2. HIV releases RNA, the genetic code of the virus, into the cell. RNA converted to DNA.(by an enzyme reverse transcriptase). HIV mutates easily at this point because reverse transcriptase 3.The viral DNA enters the cell's nucleus. 4.WITH an enzyme called integrase, the viral DNA becomes integrated with the cell's DNA(HUMAN) 5.The DNA of the infected cell now produces RNA to assemble a new HIV. 6.A new virus is assembled from RNA and short pieces of protein. 7.The virus pushes (buds) through the membrane of the cell, wrapping itself in a fragment of the cell membrane and pinching off from the infected cell. 8.To infect the budded virus must mature. It becomes mature when another HIV enzyme (HIV protease) cuts structural proteins in the virus, causing them to rearrange.
the CD4+ cells ("T-helper) damage Damage to a person's immune system is measured by counting the CD4+ cells ("T-helper" ) These cells are very important for the integrity of the immune system.(limfB, makrofagdanlimf. T sitotoksik) The CD4+ cell in a healthy person is 500 and 1,500 cells in each microliter (µl) blood
Bulanpertamaterinfeksi HIV, CD4+ turun 40-50% (bisamenularkan HIV) , banyakpartikel virus di dalamdarah. 6 bulan, jumlahpartikel virus di darahkadarnyastabil, (berlainanpadasetiappenderita). Perusakansel CD4+ danpenularanberlanjut. Kadar partikel virus yang tinggi dankadarlimfosit CD4+ yang rendah Dapatmenentukan orang-orang yang beresikotinggimenderita AIDS.
FASE PERJALANAN PENYAKIT 1.Fase “periodejendela” (window period). Titer antibody HIV belumbisadiukur (3-6 bulan) 2.Fase latent Penyakitberhentiberkembangselama 1-20 bulan (titer antibodiHIVtetappositif) 3.Aids syndrome lengkap Beberapatahuntimbulgambaranklinik AIDS (26 bln – 10 thsetelah HIV +)
acute aid latent
ANATOMI VIRUS All Viruses, don't have cell walls or a nucleus. viruses are made up of genetic instructions wrapped inside a protective shell. An HIV virus particle, called a virion, is spherical in shape and has a diameter of about one 10,000th of a millimeter.
The basic parts of the HIV virus 1.Viral envelope – the outer coat of the virus. composed of two layers of fatty molecules(lipids.) the viral envelope are proteins from the host cell. 72 copies of Env protein, which protrudes from the envelope surface. Env protein consists of 1.a cap made of 3 or 4 molecules glycoprotein (gp) 120, 2.a stem consisting of 3 to 4 glycoprotein(gp41)
2.p17 protein – The HIV matrix protein that lies between the envelope and core 3.Viral core – contains 2,000 copies protein, p24. surround two single strands of HIV RNA, each containing a copy of the virus's nine genes. Three of these genes -- gag, pol and env– to make structural proteins for new virions. HIV is a retrovirus, RNA virus HIV replicates inside host cells. a retrovirus uses an enzyme, reverse transcriptase, to convert RNA into DNA
GEN-GEN pada HIV Retrovirus yang hanyamemilikitiga gen (gag, pol, danenv), HIV memilikienam gen tambahan(vif, vpu, vpr, tat, ref, dannef). berukuran 9 kb. Kesembilangen dikelompokkanmenjaditigakategoriberdasarkanfungsinya, yaitu gen penyandi protein struktural (Gag, Pol, Env), protein regulator (Tat, Rev), dan gen aksesoris (Vpuhanyapada HIV-1, Vpxhanyapada HIV-2; Vpr, Vif, Nef).
SYMPTOMS OF HIV/AID First infection with HIV, influenza-like symptoms. fever, headache, sore muscles and joints,stomachache, swollen lymph glands, and/or a skin rash. Flu-like symptoms may last for one or two weeks, then symptoms disappear. A few people are asymptomatic .
TES HIV 1.TES - PCR (POLIMERASE CHAIN REACTION) TES KUALITATIF (PCR DNA) untukdeteksi DNA ditubuhmanusia TES KUANTITATIF(REAL TIME –PCR) untukmendeteksi RNA Tes PCR + 11-16 harisetelahterinfeksi HIV (tessangatpeka , tesumumnyahanyauntukbayi(mahal& tkkesulitantinggi) 2.TES - ANTIBODY 2.1.TES ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) tesmendeteksi antibody HIV-1. hasil – veberarti HIV negative (kecualipasangannya + HIV) tes + harusdiulanglagi. 2.2.TES Western blotor,immunofluorescence assay (IFA)). ( Only specimens that are repeatedly reactive by ELISA) ELISA + dan Western blot +/IFA + HIV + 3.TES -antigen antigen HIV (P24) memicutimbulnya antibody thd HIV (jarangdigunakankarena sensitivity rendah)
RAPID TEST (ANTI BODY TES) Sejaktahun 2002, (rapid test) mendeteksiantibodi HIV tetesandarahataupun (saliva) Sampeldaritubuhpasiendicampurdenganlarutantertentu. Test stripdimasukkan Hasilpositifmakaakanmunculdua pita berwarnaungukemerahan. Tingkat akurasidarialatujiinimencapai 99.6%, namunsemuahasilpositifharusdikonfirmasikembalidengan ELISA.
UJI COBA HIV-1 TAT VACCINE The successful results obtained with the biologically-active Tat protein in monkeys
JumlahKumulatifKasus AIDS MenurutJenisKelamin 21,707 (LAKI LAKI) 8,970 (PEREMPUAN) 304 (TIDAK DIKETAHUI) 30,981(TOTAL) * Tidaktermasuk 1122 kasus di DKI Jakarta pada 2011, masihdalam proses validasi data . JumlahKumulatifKasus AIDS MenurutFaktorRisiko 18,680 (homo sexual) 1,014 (homo bisexual) 10,265 (IDU) 73 (TRANSFUSI DARAH) 912(TRANSMISI PERINATAL) 1,153 (Tidakdiketahui)
VAKSINASI HIV ? PERLU/DIPERTIMBANGKAN DIPERTIMBANGKAN Hepatitis A(HepA) Hepatitis B(HepB) PERLU Human papil-lomavirus(HPV) DIPERTIMBANGKAN Influenza PERLU Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) DIPERTIMBANGKAN Meningococcal(MCV4, MPSV4) DIPERTIMBANGKAN Pneumococcal(PCV13, PPSV23 PERLU PERLU Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis)(Tdap, Td) Varicella(Chickenpox) DIPERTIMBANGKAN Zoster (shingles) DIPERTIMBANGKAN
PREVENTION TO HIV / AIDS Use a new condom every time you have sex. Consider the drug Truvada. Tell your sexual partners if you have HIV Use a clean needle. Pregnant, get medical care right away Consider male circumcision