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Reentry. What is Reentry?. The reentry process begins at reception by administering assessments and completing a needs-based case plan. The case plan is then utilized to address the inmate’s identified needs.
What is Reentry? The reentry process begins at reception by administering assessments and completing a needs-based case plan. The case plan is then utilized to address the inmate’s identified needs. Reentry prepares the inmate with the knowledge and skills necessary to rejoin the community in a safe and productive way. Every inmate will have the opportunity to receive assistance with reentry resources. This includes assessment and reception discharges, inmates released from court due to a judicial review or a delayed sentence hearing, and inmates unexpectedly released through post-conviction relief or an appeal. A system of multi-agency resources and networks will be maintained to serve the transition and aftercare of needs of inmates. A thoroughly developed and achievable pre-release plan is critical for the inmate’s successful reintegration into the community.
What is Pre-Release Planning? Pre-release planning is the process in which the inmate’s transition from the institutional setting to the community is addressed. This process normally begins six months prior to projected release and involves a shift from achieving case plan objectives to individual community preparedness.
Transition Coordinators • Work with inmates projected to be released within eight (8) months of their incarceration by providing monthly workshops at each facility. Inmates may participate in multiple transition workshops. • Inmates attending transition workshops will be provided with a reentry workbook. Transition Coordinators will provide assistance and resources to inmates to be able to complete the reentry workbook, which will be used to help the inmates and case managers complete the “Pre-Release Plan.” • Record all attendees for transition workshops in the Program Participation Database and provide a list to the facility contact person or designee. • Provide assistance and reentry resources to assigned case managers.
Assigned Case Manager • Collaborate with inmates to complete their pre-release plan within six (6) months of their projected release date. All meetings associated with the development and completion of the Pre-Release Plan shall be documented in case notes in OMS. There is likely to be multiple meetings in the completion of the plan. • Review and discuss the reentry workbook with inmates after they have attended a transition workshop. The case manager will also review the inmate’s case plan and the inmate’s progress toward completion of assessed needs and make referrals as necessary for unmet needs. All information will be recorded on the pre-release plan. • Notify inmates of registration requirements if applicable: “Methamphetamine Inmate Registration,” Attachment D, in accordance with OP-060901, and “Sex and Violent Crime Offender Registration,” in accordance with OP-020307.
Assigned Case Manager, continued • If the inmate will be supervised by ODOC Probation and Parole, forward the inmate’s Pre-Release Plan, showing the proposed residence, to the appropriate Probation and Parole region thirty (30) days prior to the projected release date. Probation and Parole staff will complete their portion of the Pre-Release Plan and return it to the case manager within fourteen (14) days. For all inmates being placed on the “Global Position Satellite Surveillance Program” (GPS) refer to OP-061001, “Electronic Monitoring Program for DUI Offenders” refer to OP-061002 and “Parole Process Procedures” refer to OP-060205. • Contact Medical and Mental Health staff at least six (6) months prior to release for assistance in completing the Medical and Mental Health sections of the pre-release plan. With this notification, Health Services will be aware of the inmate’s projected release and ensure discharge medications are ordered, if necessary.
Out of State Releases If an inmate requests to reside outside the state of Oklahoma upon release and requires probation or parole supervision, the assigned case manager is required to complete an Interstate Compact packet. For further instructions refer to OP-160108 entitled “Interstate Compact for Probation/Parole.” The Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System (ICOTS) number will be recorded on the Pre-Release Plan.
Voter Rights A person who has been convicted of a felony may not register to vote or renew voter registration until after the period of time it takes for the original judgment and sentence to expire. Example, convicted August 1,2002, to a five (5) year sentence. They cannot vote until August 1, 2007, regardless of the release date from prison. Voter registration information will need to be provided to inmates upon release. OP-060901 Attachment C. Oklahoma voter info and application form- https://www.ok.gov/elections/Voter_Info/Register_to_Vote/
Medical and Mental Health Staff • Health Services staff will provide information and referrals as needed for the Medical and Mental Health sections of the pre-release plan to the assigned case manager. They will assist inmates by contacting professionals in the community as deemed appropriate. For example: any inmate with a history of mental health treatment, serious health condition, and/or receiving services from a chronic medical clinic.
Probation and Parole • For each inmate who has required supervision under ODOC, Probation and Parole staff will receive the inmate’s pre-release plan thirty (30) days prior to their projected release date. They will conduct a home visit if required and determine if the residence is valid or invalid. Probation and Parole will complete their portion of the pre-release plan and return it to the assigned case manager within fourteen (14) working days. For all inmates being placed on the “Global Position Satellite Surveillance Program” (GPS) refer to OP-061001, “Electronic Monitoring Program for DUI Offenders” refer to OP-061002 and “Parole Process Procedures” refer to OP-060205.
Pre-Release Plan • Social Support • Legal Obligations • Sex and Violent Crime and Methamphetamine Registration (If required) • Other Services • Medical/Mental Health Needs • Probation and Parole (if required) • Proper Identification • Valid Photo ID (State ID/Driver’s license) • Social Security Card • Birth Certificate • CDIB Card • Proper Residence/Housing • Transportation • Financial Obligations
Assistance From other ODOC Staff Transition Coordinators Chaplains and/or Volunteer Coordinators Tribal Groups Education and/or CareerTech Staff Facility Treatment Program Directors
Discharge/Release • Assigned case manager will complete the “Release Checkout Sheet,” Attachment B form, on the day of the inmate’s release; however, some tasks may be initiated beforehand. The assigned case manager will initial by each item and sign to indicate all actions have been taken. • Health Services • Laundry • Property • Administration • Education • Business Office • Case/Unit Management • Records Department • Appropriate staff will ensure a completed copy of the Pre-Release Plan is provided to the inmate, a copy has been placed in the field file and a copy is forwarded to the appropriate Probation and Parole office if inmate will be supervised by ODOC. In addition, the inmate will be provided a folder for all documents from ODOC. *The actual day of release is very important to the successful reentry back into the community.
Web Based Resources The Reentry website is in the process of being updated. https://www.ok.gov/re-entry/
Reentry Staff Emily HySmith Reentry Manager - Cameron Building 405-962-6149 emily.hysmith@doc.ok.gov Kathy Conrad Transition Coordinator DCF, HMCC, JHCC, LCC, MACC & MBCC 405-964-1668 kathy.conrad@doc.ok.gov Lovie Byrd Transition Coordinator EWCC, JBCC, JDCC, JEHCC, NEOCC & OSP 918-682-7841 ext: 6310 lovie.byrd@doc.ok.gov Vacant Transition Coordinator LCCC, LCF, NFCC, OSR & UCCCC Floyd Long Transition Coordinator BJCC, DCCC, ECCC, JCCC & WSKCC 918-594-1300 ext: 2267 floyd.long@doc.ok.gov Vacant Transition Coordinator CCF, CWCCC, JLCC, KBCC & OKCCCC Molly Selzer Reentry Case Manager III - Cameron Building 405-962-6158 molly.selzer@doc.ok.gov