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The State Of My H eart. . By the Muslimahs. . ‘A thousand mile journey begins with a single step’ - Lao Tzu.
The State Of My Heart. By the Muslimahs.
‘A thousand mile journey begins with a single step’ -Lao Tzu
Since beginning my journey on Nurul Quran, I have noticed many positive changes in myself Alhamdullilah. My daily routine has changed completely- waking up early in excitement for the next lesson and knowing every step towards class is rewarded, makes me feel blessed that Allah SWT has chosen me to study His book. • My long-term goals are now clearer and I’ve set a higher standard for myself as well as increased in gratitude… Simply said, this is a life changing course & who would want to miss out on the beautiful downpour of Rahmah and Ilm more valuable than diamonds or pearls? • JazakAllah khair to Ustazah and all NQ staff for facilitating this for us, may Allah accept it from you all. Ameen. - - Nadia
Joining this course has made me a better person things have changed in my life for the better and Isee things more clearly and also understand them better. I truly really feel lucky that Allah has blesses me with this fantastic opportunity i pray that Allah blesses everyone with this opportunity. - Aisha
Quran has always been a light in my life but ever since I have begun to understand it, it has changed my life dramatically for the better. Starting this Islamic course has bought a lot of changes to my life, Allhumdulliah. On eid I went to pray the eid prayer and as the imaam was reciting the Quran I understood exactly what Allah SWT was saying to us as before I started this course I didn't understand a word. Allhumdullilah Allah SWT has blessed me with this amazing opportunity. May Allah SWT give us all the tawfeeq to understand and act upon the teachings of the Holy Quran to change our lives for the better. Ameen. - Farria
Since I've started this course it has really transformed my life I have become a better person and I have learned the way we should be living life as a muslimah. I have started to wear an abaya I've stopped listening to music I've never watched tv. Also I have started to have a clear understanding of the Quran and the purpose of life why we are in this dunya.And what we have to do to please our Rabb the owner of the universe. When I look at other Muslims I pray to Allah to guide them to the right path as we are so sinful in this world we need to ask forgiveness from Allah and make dua to enter jannah. -Iramnaz
I thought this course wouldn’t be possible for me.. There were a million things standing in my way.. And still are. Every day is a battle with my nafs, with life. But I have finally understood one thing that I’d heard all my life, I need this Quran, It doesn’t need me. I need Allah, Allah doesn’t need me. • When I contemplate on the fact that Allah chose me to study his book, so many things impact me. One being that I would never choose me, but Allah did. This journey isn’t supposed to be easy but there is nothing more rewarding than pleasing the Rabb al Alamin. And by Allah the Quran is the only thing that puts peace in my heart and for me, that is a miracle in itself. -Hajra
And finally… A special show of appreciation for our Ustazah Ji, whom without none of this would have been possible. None of us understand the sacrifices she has also made for us, one of them only leaving the comfort of her own home. May Allah make you amongst the leading woman of Jannah, JazakAllah khairun Ustazah Ji for giving us priceless knowledge by the will of Allah.