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Overview of WINDS Collaborations in Thailand. Chalermpol Charnsripinyo, Ph.D. NECTEC Email: chalermpol@nectec.or.th. Presented in WINDS Satellite Seminar in conjunction with Asian Forum on Information and Communications Technology (AFICT2009)
Overview of WINDS Collaborations in Thailand Chalermpol Charnsripinyo, Ph.D. NECTEC Email: chalermpol@nectec.or.th Presented in WINDS Satellite Seminar in conjunction with Asian Forum on Information and Communications Technology (AFICT2009) on 16 Dec 2009, Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Outline • Background on WINDS collaborations in Thailand • WINDS committee and proposed experiments in Thailand • Network connections to the WINDS gateway terminal • WINDS activities and experiments • Conclusions
Background • In 2007, MIC-JP invited proposals for WINDS application experiments • 23 February 2008, JAXA launched the WINDS satellite • 24 March 2008, Meeting with representatives from JAXA, NICT, NECTEC, NTC and Researchers proposing WINDS experiments from academic institutes in Thailand proposed to set up WINDS Committee in Thailand • 4 June 2008, MoU Signing between JAXA and NECTEC to coordinate and support WINDS applications and experiments in Thailand • 9 July 2008, Set up WINDS Committee in Thailand • 17-24 October 2008, Installed WINDS terminal at NECTEC
WINDS Committee in Thailand • Prof. Dr. Prasit PrapinmongkolkarnResource person Board of National Telecommunication Commission of Thailand (NTC) • Dr. Pansak Siriruchatapong Chairman Executive Director of National Electronics and ComputerTechnologyCenter(NECTEC) • Mr. Shinichi MIZUMOTOCommittee Director of JAXA Bangkok Office • Dr. Masayuki Fujise Committee Director of NICT Asia Research Center, Thailand • Mr. Daisuke OkabeCommittee First Secretary of Embassy of Japan, Thailand • Dr. Seishiro KIBE (substituted by Yoshikazu Kamiya) Committee Visiting Professor, AIT, Thailand • Dr. Supavadee AramvithCommittee Assoc. Head of Dept., Electrical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University • Dr. Nisachon TangsangiumvisaiCommittee Assistant Dean of Engineering Faculty, Chulalongkorn University • Dr. Kobchai DejhanCommittee Dean of Engineering Faculty, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) • Mr. Chaiyan MaolanondhCommittee Director of Earth Observation Center, Geo Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency • Mr. Suthisak TantayothinCommittee Division Director, Telecommunication Technology and Engineering Bureau, NTC • Dr. Chalermpol Charnsripinyo Committee and Secretary Acting Director of Network Technology Laboratory, NECTEC • Miss Weena JangjaroenCommittee and Assistant secretary Secretary to commissioner, NTC • Miss Wanlapha sunratAssistant secretary Project Analyst, NECTEC Prof. Prasit Dr. Pansak
WINDS Committee in Thailand • Role and Functions of the Committee • Support and coordinate WINDS project experiments in Thailand • Coordinate the allocation of time slots for experiments between proposed projects in Thailand • Provide knowledge and experience sharing of experiments among users • Promote research and development activities and collaborations in Thailand
Proposed List of Application Experiments • Application Experiments for Tele-Education (e-Learning) broadcasting and Tele-Medical Treatment in the Asia-Pacific region (Prof. Prasit Prapinmongkolkarn, NTC) • Experiment on Videoconferencing Application Between the University of the Philippines – Chulalongkorn University – Hokkaido University – Tokyo Institute of Technology over WINDS Satellite (Dr. Supavadee Aramvith, CU) • The assessment of the VoIP for Emergency and Educational Communication Vehicle (EECV) using high-speed P-T-P satellite link (Mr. Waranyoo Phiwthongkham, NECTEC) • Using High-speed Satellite Communication in Disaster Management, Monitoring and Telecommunication in Thailand (Asst. Prof. Wichan Lertwipatrakul, UniNet) • International Distance Education via Satellite (Mr. Sathaporn Promwong, KMITL)
Proposed List of Application Experiments • Chaotic Encryption via Ka band (Dr. Pitikhate Sooraksa, KMITL) • Tele-Education between King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang and Universities in University Network of Thailand (Dr. Pornchai Supnithi, KMITL) • Experiments on the Applications of Tele-Education, Telemedicine, and data analysis in the Asia-Pacific Region (Dr. Supan Tungjitkusolmun, KMITL) • Rapid Response Disaster Recovery Management Experiment in the Asia-Pacific region (Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut, AIT) 10. The new design and improvement of Asian wide distance learning system using Digitized Video Transfer System (Dr. Yasuo Tsuchimoto)
WINDS Terminals in Thailand WINDS GISTDA Ladkrabang Thailand Science Park, Pathumtani
17-24 October 2008 Installation of WINDS Ground Terminal at NECTEC WINDS Terminal Installation
Installation of L3 Switch and TCP Accelerator For WINDS Experiments at NECTEC (15-16 July 2009)
Maintenance and Installation of Rainfall Gauge For WINDS Experiments at NECTEC (2-4 September 2009)
Connections between Participating Institutes to the WINDS Ground Terminal WINDS GISTDA Ladkrabang 1/10 Gbps ThaiSarn PoP UniNet PoP 1 Gbps TSP KMITL AIT CU Internet NTC GISTDA Head Office
Thailand Research Education Network เชียงราย แม่ฮ่องสอน พะเยา น่าน เชียงใหม่ ลำปาง ลำพูน หนองคาย แพร่ อุตรดิตถ์ นครพนม สกลนคร เลย อุดรธานี หนองบัว สุโขทัย ลำภู ตาก มุกดาหาร กาฬสินธุ์ กำแพงเพชร พิจิตร เพชรบูรณ์ มหาสารคาม ชัยภูมิ อำนาจ ยโสธร ร้อยเอ็ด เจริญ นครสวรรค์ อุทัยธานี อุบลราชธานี ลพบุรี นครราชสีมา สิงห์ ศรีสะเกษ บุรี บุรีรัมย์ สุรินทร์ สุพรรณ สระบุรี กาญจนบุรี บุรี พระนครศรี นครนายก ปทุมธานี ปราจีนบุรี นนทบุรี สระแก้ว ฉะเชิงเทรา ราชบุรี สมุทรปราการ สมุทรสาคร สมุทรสงคราม จันทบุรี ระยอง เพชรบุรี ประจวบ ตราด คีรีขันธ์ ชุมพร ระนอง สุราษฏร์ธานี พังงา นครศรีธรรมราช กระบี่ ภูเก็ต ตรัง พัทลุง สตูล สงขลา ปัตตานี ยะลา นราธิวาส Internet2 (USA) WINDS JGN2Plus (JP) UniNet NOC ThaiSarn NOC 155 / 310 Mbps 622 Mbps ThaiREN PoP 622Mbps TEIN3 Sigapore PoP via Singapore 155 Mbps • ThaiREN is established to coordinate among research and education networks in Thailand as well as collaborate with international R&E networks.
Connecting to the WINDS Terminal • There are different approaches for network connections between participating institutes to the WINDS Ground Terminal • Direct connection • Optical Fiber Cable, Leased Line, Metro-Net • IP Tunneling • VLAN • VPN
Connection from AIT to the WINDS Terminal • Dedicated optical fiber between NECTEC and AIT @NECTEC L2/L3 SW By NECTEC ODU REF-VSAT2 IDU @AIT IT Serv W 204 W 216 Dedicated Optical Fiber Milton B. Auditorium Control PCbyNECTEC
Network Connection between AIT and NECTEC • Concerns • Existing Link does not have enough bandwidth due to old equipment and cables as well as other traffic sharing • Security and firewall policy inside AIT • Solution • Dedicated fiber link was proposed • Status • Dedicated fiber link has been installed and used • No more network connection problem
Connection from CU to the WINDS Terminal • VLAN is currently used to connect CU via Thailand research and education network UniNET AS:4621 ThaiSarn AS:3836 L2/L3 SW By NECTEC VLAN ID =391 ODU REF-VSAT2 CU AS:3839 IDU Control PC CU Experiment Building NECTEC
Network Connection between CU and NECTEC • Concerns • Existing network connections go through several network domains • Traffic sharing and limited bandwidth • Security and firewall policy inside institutes • Solutions • VPN box and VLAN were proposed • Status • VPN box was tested some limitations of VPN box • VLAN has been successfully set up through different network domains
Connection from KMITL to the WINDS Terminal • VLAN is used to connect KMITL via Thailand research and education network UniNET AS:4621 ThaiSarn AS:3836 L2/L3 SW By NECTEC VLAN ID =392 ODU REF-VSAT2 KMITL AS: 9486 IDU Control PC KMITL Building NECTEC
Network Connection between KMITL and NECTEC • Concerns (Similar to CU case) • Existing network connections go through several network domains • Traffic sharing and limited bandwidth • Security and firewall policy inside institutes • Solutions • VPN box and VLAN were proposed • Status • VLAN has been successfully set up through different network domains
Connection from NTC to the WINDS Terminal • Direct connection is established between NTC and NECTEC UniNET AS:4621 ThaiSarn AS:3836 L2/L3 SW By NECTEC ISP Internet ODU REF-VSAT2 IDU 30 Mbps Control PC VPN-Box NTC Building NECTEC
Network Connection between NTC and NECTEC • Concerns • Existing network connections go through ISPs • Traffic sharing and limited bandwidth • Security and firewall policy inside institutes • Solutions • VPN box and direct connection were proposed • Status • Delicated link has been successfully set up between NTC and NECTEC
WINDS Activities and Experiments • There are 6 project experiments conducted in 2009 1. Experiment on Videoconferencing Application (Tele-Education) Between Thailand –Japan – Philippines over WINDS Satellite 2.High-Speed Satellite Communications between CUHK (Hong Kong) and NECTEC (Thailand) over WINDS Satellite 3.Basic Experiment on Multicasting and E-learning over WINDS Satellite at AIT 4.Medical ICT satellite communication Experiment Between NECTEC (Thailand), NICT YRP (Yokosuka, Japan) and NICT KSRC (Kashima branch, Japan) 5.Multi-site Teleconference between KMITL (Thailand) and Tokai University (Japan) over WINDS Satellite 6. The assessment of the VoIP for Emergency and Educational Communication Vehicle (EECV) using high-speed P-T-P satellite link
1. Experiment on Videoconferencing Applications between Thailand, Japan, and Philippines • Participating Organizations • Thailand • Chulalongkorn University (CU) • National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) • National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) • Japan • National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) • Tokyo Institute of Technology • Hokkaido University • Philippines • University of the Philippines • Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI)
Experiment on video conferencing Application between CU and Tokyo Institute of Technology (16 January 2009)
JAPAN THAILAND NICT NECTEC PHILIPPINES ASTI TIT University of Philippines Chulalongkorn University Distant Education Experiment between TIT , CU and U. Of Philippines (13 Feb 2009) Source: JAXA
Experiments on Videoconferencing Applications between Thailand, Japan, and Philippines
2.High-Speed Satellite Communications between CUHK (Hong Kong) and NECTEC (Thailand) HONGKONG THAILAND CUHK NECTEC Source: JAXA “TCP-SuperCharger: A New Approach to High-Throughput Satellite Data Transfer” By Jack Yiu-Bun Lee, Peter Tak-Shing Yum and Wing-San Wan, The 27th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS), Tokyo, Japan, 5-12 July 2009 Experiment of High Speed Satellite Communication between NECTEC and CUHK over WINDS Satellite(19-21 January, 2009)
3. Basic Experiment on Multicast and E-learning over WINDS Satellite
Multicast and E-learning Experiment between AIT (TH),Tsukuba Uni (JP) and MMU (MY) (14-17 Feb 2009)
Multicast and E-learning Experiment between AIT (TH),Tsukuba Uni (JP) and MMU (MY) (3 September 2009)
4. Medical ICT satellite communication Experiment Between NECTEC (Thailand), NICT YRP (Yokosuka, Japan) and NICT KSRC (Kashima branch, Japan)
Medical ICT Satellite Experiment between NICT YRP (JP), NICT KSRC (JP) and NECTEC (TH) (7-8 April 2009)
5. Muti-site Teleconference Experiment between Tokai University (JP) and KMITL (TH) (29 May 2009)
Muti-site Teleconference Experiment between Tokai University (JP) and KMITL (TH) (July 2009)
6. The VOIP Experiment for Using high-speed P-T-P Satellite Link (1-5, 8-11 June 2009)
Conclusions • The WINDS terminal and network equipment have been successfully set up for WINDS experiments • All participating institutes in Thailand can join the WINDS experiments through Thailand research and education network • Most network access problems have been solved to support WINDS experiments • Co-operations between networks/institutions are necessary to provide assurance and quality of services • Network security policy may have to be relaxed • Coordination between users and network administrators is important • We look forward to further collaborations