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Student Union & Activities Statistical Analysis of Programs 2009-2010. Student Union & Activities. Assessment Data. Tech Activities Board (TAB) Mission and Values. Our Mission
Student Union & ActivitiesStatistical Analysis of Programs 2009-2010
Student Union & Activities Assessment Data
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Mission and Values Our Mission • The Tech Activities Board (TAB) is a group of student leaders dedicated to programming social, diverse, traditional, and educational events to enhance each student’s individual experience at Texas Tech University. Our History • The Tech Activities Board (TAB) is the largest student programming organization on the Texas Tech University campus and is responsible for planning quality events for the university community. TAB was founded in the early 1950’s as the University Center Programming Board and reinvented in 2006, as TAB, to better serve and identify with the student population. Today, TAB plays a vital role in fostering and developing Red Raider spirit and traditions such as Homecoming, RaiderGate, Arbor Day, and Rock the Plaza and in creating community on the Texas Tech University campus. Our Values • the image of TAB and producing quality events • the talents and gifts of our committee members • the ability to develop leaders and enhance individual skills • the diversity and ideas of all members of the campus community
Tech Activities Board (TAB) Member Profile • Major (Grouped by Respective Colleges) • Arts & Sciences: 34% • Business Administration: 25% • Mass Communication: 14% • Human Sciences: 10% • Education: 3% • Engineering: 3% • Visual & Performing Arts: 1% • Undeclared: 5% Gender • Male: 25% • Female: 75% Ethnicity • Caucasian: 73% • African American: 8% • Asian: 5% • Hispanic 14% Classification • Freshman: 25% • Sophomore: 27% • Junior: 34% • Senior: 14% Other Student Organization Involvement • Yes: 78% • No: 22% Currently Employed • Yes:53% • No:47%
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Evaluation Make Your Own Lip Balm - SUB West Basement (March 20, 2010) Milk- Allen Theatre (October 29, 2009) Mr. Gatti's - Mr. Gatti's (November 18, 2009) Murder Mystery Dinner- Red Raider Ballroom (November 20, 2009) Paranormal Activity (February 4, 2010) Parvez Sharma- Allen Theatre (November 12, 2009) R&R Night- Matador Room (December 9, 2009) Sherlock Holmes (March 31,2010) Singer/Songwriter Competition (April 20, 2010) Taking Woodstock (March 11, 2010) Tech Bowling Night - Whitewood Lanes (January 27, 2010) Tech Iron Chef- SUB Red Raider Ballroom (September 23, 2009) Tech Price Is Right - Allen Theatre (February 11, 2010) Tech's Got Talent - Allen Theatre (March 4, 2010) Texas Tech "SCHOLARCHIP" Challenge - Red Raider Ballroom (March 27, 2010) The Hangover- Allen Theatre (December 3, 2009) The Propsal - SUB Allen Theatre(September 30, 2009) Transformer 2- Allen Theatre (November 5, 2009) Up!- SUB Allen Theatre (September 9, 2009) Where The Wild Things Are (January 21, 2010) Year One - SUB Allen Theatre(October 7, 2009) Zach Nichols - SUB Courtyard (April 12, 2010) Events Assessed 2012 (February 16, 2010) Adam Pate- SUB West Info (September 15, 2009) After Hours - Barnes & Noble (February 9, 2010) After Hours - Barnes & Noble (January 19, 2010) After Hours - Barnes & Noble (March 23, 2010) After Hours- Matador Room (November 17, 2009) After Hours- SUB Matador Room (September 8, 2009) Bongo Ball Mania - Red Raider Ballroom (September 3, 2009) Chemistry Wizard - SUB Courtyard (October 21, 2009) Cookies By Design - SUB West Basement (March 31,2010) Corn Maize- At'l Do Farms (October 22, 2009) Dana Alexandra- SUB Courtyard (December 1, 2009) Doug Benson - SUB Allen Theatre (September 24, 2009) Dr. Jack Levin- Allen Theatre (October 28, 2009) Drinking Age Debate - SUB Allen Theatre (October 15, 2009) Fire and Ice Festival (January 15, 2010) Flip Books- West Basement (November 3, 2009) Harry Potter 6- Allen Theatre (November 11, 2009) Ice Skating (February 24, 2010) Iliza Shlesinger - Allen Theatre (February 25, 2010) Kailin Garrity and Derek James - SUB Courtyard (September 28, 2009) Laser Tag - Red Raider Ballroom (April 6, 2010)
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Gender What is your gender? In the 2009-2010 school year, 1124 participants were surveyed at the completion of a TAB event they attend, 478 were male and 593 were female. This equates to 42% male and roughly 53% female. This past semester, the Tech Activities Board drew in a larger female population than a male population. Approximately 5% of students surveyed last year indicated either “other” or did not respond to the question.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Ethnicity What is your ethnicity? The TAB evaluation specifically asks what race participants are to determine if we are appealing to our underrepresented populations. Approximately 20% of the students that attended our events were Hispanic/Latino, 10% were Asian-American and 6% of the surveyed attendees identified as African-American. Last year, about 13% of individuals in attendance at our events were Hispanic, while our African-American and Asian-American populations were 7% respectively.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Ethnicity The data for diversity statistics for Tech students in the year 2008 came from the online Texas Tech University Fact Book. Converting these numbers into percentages and comparing them to our own statistics and percentages yielded positive results. The statistical comparisons in percentages show how close TAB and Tech are in their attractiveness to underrepresented populations through programming. Proportionately, TAB attracts a larger percentage of underrepresented populations at their events than Texas Tech has as part of their overall population. Last year, the Tech Activities Board also attracted a higher percentage of underrepresented students than the university population reflected.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Classification What is your classification? The Tech Activities Board was pleased to see a wide array of individuals attend their events this year. Between the results from last year and this year, there was a decrease in the percentage of individuals that were Sophomore (-1%), Graduate Students (-4%), Faculty (-1%), Staff (-1%) and Community Members (-4%). There was an increase in attendance in with the following populations: Freshmen (+8%), Juniors (+1%), and Seniors (+1%). Undergraduates only
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Transfer Students Are you a transfer student? The transfer population is a group of students TAB is wanting to appeal to more so than years previous. This years is the first year TAB is looking to track the number of transfer students that attend TAB programs. Of the individuals who evaluated this years TAB events 14% indicated that they were a transfer student. Fall 2009 2,400 transfer students
Tech Activities Board (TAB)International Students Are you an international student? As international students continue to have a strong presence at Texas Tech University, the Tech Activities Board this year, began to assess the number of international students who attend their events. In the 2009-2010 school year, 6% of students evaluated indicated they were international students.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Alternative Did you attend this program as an alternative to doing something else? There was a significant change between last year’s results and this year’s results with individuals that attended TAB events were surveyed. Last year 36% attended a TAB event as an alternative to doing something else. This year that number increased to 48%.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Education Did you learn something new from this program? This year yielded a significantly lower percentage of responses that indicate that individuals learned something new by attending a TAB event. Last year, approximately 43% of the participants surveyed indicated that they learned something new, while 23% of the participants this year made that claim.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Class Credit Are you receiving credit for a class? The Tech Activities Board often writes letters to departments and instructors of courses that they think could use an event or program as an opportunity to education their students. This year, 1% of the student population claimed that they received class credit for the events that they attended. As we continue, TAB will look to different ways to incorporate academics into the programmatic aspects of the events, for example co-sponsorships with academic departments.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Community Did you come to this event with someone? We can see that a majority of participants attended our events with someone. This is to be expected of the college social scene. The results reported last year and this year both reveal that over three quarters of individuals who attended the events came with another person. Last year, 86% reported that they attended with another person and this year 76% made that claim.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Community Did the program provide you with a sense of community? One of the goals of the Tech Activities Board is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for the student of Texas Tech University. Over three quarters of the students and staff that participated in the event evaluation process felt as though the Tech Activities Board accomplished this goal.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Student Organization Link Did you come as part of a student organization function? The Tech Activities Board makes efforts to create events that student organizations and departments on campus value and have a vested interest in. Many of these relationships often involve co-sponsoring events with organizations, but many student organizations attend the events as a group. Last year, 9% of individuals surveyed reported that they attended the event and part of a student organization function. This year, that percentage remained the same at 9%.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Marketing How did you find out about this event? Last year, TechAnnounce was by far our best publicity for events, but this year word of mouth seems to have been the most effective form of publicity, followed by TechAnnounce, posters, the TAB Calendar, and Facebook. Last year, the use of Facebook increased drastically and continued that growth this year. TAB is looking to utilize other social networking tools such as Twitter to market events in the future. Also, individuals who reported “other” have shown a dramatic increase in the few years. This may be related to expectation that TAB utilized unconventional forms of marketing to promote their events throughout campus.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Publicity Publicity Last year, 37% of the individuals surveyed indicated that the marketing for TAB events was excellent. This year that number has stayed about the same at 35%. Another interesting note is that less than 10% of those surveyed indicated that they thought the marketing was below average.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Venue Venue The venues, although varied, seemed to greatly please the majority of students. Places that were generally utilized to hold events, included the Allen Theatre, Matador Room, and SUB West Basement. While most of our events take place in the Student Union, TAB considers itself the programming board for the entire campus and will look to utilize other venues throughout campus as well as a few locations off campus. Last year, 59% of the sample indicated that the venue was excellent and this year the percentage is around 55%. It is good to know that 2% of the sample indicated that the venue used was below average or poor.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Time Time Time varies greatly for TAB events. We offer several smaller events during the daytime, many of our larger events after 6:00 P.M., and our movie times are shown twice, once in the evening and once in the afternoon, to appeal to as many students as possible. Overall, it would seem that our wide array of times pleases the students. Last year, 57% of the sample indicated that the time selected for the event was excellent and this year the number has almost stayed the same at 56%. It is good to know that 2% of the sample indicated that the time of the events were below average or poor.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Date Date TAB takes into consideration midterms, finals, home athletic games and tries to offer our events at times when students have no other commitments. Last year, 57% of the sample indicated that the date selected for the event was excellent and this year the percentage was 54%. This year, TAB faced a number of challenges in having to reschedule events due to weather and other related complications. It is good to know that 2% of the sample indicated that the dates chosen were below average or poor. Of course, the people surveyed were able to attend the event so they more than likely were pleased with the day of the event.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Quality Quality TAB strives to maintain a high quality of events for students. Last year, 63% of the sample indicated that the time selected for the event was excellent and this year the number has grown to 57%. It is good to know that 5% of the sample indicated that the quality of the program was below average or poor.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Overall Satisfaction Overall This is potentially the most important statistic of the entire evaluation. Many things may make a student disgruntled: venue, date of event, subject matter; however it is the overall feeling after the event that is most important. We want students to leave with a smile on their face thinking, “That was awesome! I love being a Tech student and I love TAB.” Last year, 62% of the sample indicated that the time selected for the event was excellent and this year the number was 54%.
Tech Activities Board (TAB)Future Programming What events would you like to see in the future? The most requested events were Movies (New Releases) and Comedians, following closely behind were Concerts. In general, these would be the most entertaining events and as such seemed to be the most popular. Independent Movies and Game Shows were the next two highest scoring categories. Last year, the most requested type of event Concerts followed closely by Comedians.
Tech Activities BoardAttendance Numbers Per Month Attendance Per Month
Tech Activities BoardHonorarium Expenses Per Month Honorarium Expenses Per Month
Tech Activities Board“Paying Your TAB” Rewards Program “Paying your TAB” is a rewards program for students that frequent Tech Activities Board events. Students complete a registration form and are then given a “Paying your TAB” punch card. For every event a student attends in the fall or spring, they receive a punch. Once the student has attended ten (10) events and receives ten (10) punches, they can then turn their card in to be entered in to win prizes. Participation in the “Paying your TAB” program gives the student the opportunity to be on a bi-monthly email newsletter that informs students about upcoming TAB events. In the 2009-2010 school year, 774 students participated in the Paying Your Tab Rewards program, a 15% decrease from the 2008-2009 school year.
Student OrganizationsMission and Values Getting Involved As a part of the Texas Tech University community, students have the opportunity to join registered student organizations including service, academic, professional, and religious groups to name a few. Student organizations impact who students meet at college, the skills they learn, the confidence they build, and the leadership positions they take on. Most successful students join student organizations in their freshman year where they make friends and start to develop support networks. Many organizations provide students with the opportunity to meet and interact with people in the professional career areas they intend to pursue, as well as make life long friends. Being in a student group is a critical part of the college experience and helps determine success in higher education. Involvement Is Easy Joining a student organization is the greatest way to get involved on campus and also one of the easiest. There are approximately 450 organizations currently registered at Texas Tech University with over 20,000 members participating in these groups – this is a quick way to get connected on campus. Since there are thirteen categories of student organizations linked to every aspect of campus life, it is very difficult not to be involved.
Student OrganizationsTotal Student Organizations Total Student Organizations per Year • 2007-2008 • 432 (+8.8%) • 2008-2009 • 430 (-0.5%) • 2009-2010 • 457 (+6.3%) Total Student Organizations per Category • Academic Professional : 101 (-3.8%) • Social Fraternity/Sorority: 50 (-2.0%) • Honorary : 21 (-8.7%) • International: 15 (+7.1%) • Multicultural: 17 (+13.3%) • Religious/Faith-Based: 35 (+6.1%) • Recreation: 41 (+13.9%) • Service : 36 (+24.1%) • Special Interest : 62 (-3.1%) • Spirit: 5 (+66.7%) • Residence Hall: 5 (+150.0%) • Graduate: 27 (+50.0%) • Law School: 42 (+13.5%)
Student OrganizationsRegistration Total Registration Meetings • 2007-2008 • 24 (+8.3%) • 2008-2009 • 35 (+31.4%) • 2009-2010 • 21 (-40.0%) Total Students Attending Registration Meetings • 2007-2008 • 404 (-12.1%) • 2008-2009 • 476 (+15.1%) • 2009-2010 • 529 (+11.1%)
Student OrganizationsGrounds Use and Coca Cola Funds Total Grounds Use Forms Processed • 2007-2008 • 554 (-17.9%) • 2008-2009 • 436 (-32.0%) • 2009-2010 • 596 (+36.7%) Total Funds Allocated from Coca Cola Endowment • 2007-2008 • $4,753.86 • 2008-2009 • $1,508.93 (-215.05%) • 2009-2010 • $4,526.00 (+199.9%)
Student OrganizationsStudent Organization Academy and Student Organization Workshops Total Attendance at Student Organization Orientation • 2007-2008 • n/a (n/a) • 2008-2009 • 111 (n/a) • 2009-2010 • 85 (-23.4%) Total Attendance at Student Organization Academy • 2007-2008 • 161 (+41.0%) • 2008-2009 • 225 (+6.4%) • 2009-2010 • 364 (+61.8%)
Student OrganizationsStudent Organization Academy and Student Organization Workshops Total Student Organization Workshop Presentations • 2007-2008 • n/a (n/a) • 2008-2009 • 12 (n/a) • 2009-2010 • 10 (-16.7%) Total Student Organization Workshop Presentation Participants • 2007-2008 • n/a (n/a) • 2008-2009 • 507 (n/a) • 2009-2010 • 651(+28.4%)
Student OrganizationsRisk Management Total Attendance at Risk Management Sessions • 2007-2008 • n/a (n/a) • 2008-2009 • 445(n/a) • 2009-2010 • 582(+30.8%)
Student Organizations Advisors Total Student Organization Advisors • 2007-2008 • 349 (+6.1%) • 2008-2009 • 350 (+0.3%) • 2009-2010 • 360(+2.9%) Total Student Organization Advisor Workshop Presentations • 2007-2008 • n/a (n/a) • 2008-2009 • 3 (n/a) • 2009-2010 • 5 (+66.7%)
Student Organizations Advisors Total Student Organization Advisor Workshop Presentation Participants • 2007-2008 • n/a (n/a) • 2008-2009 • 106 (n/a) • 2009-2010 • 84(-20.8%)
Student OrganizationsStudent Organization Awards Total Student Organization Award Applicants • 2007-2008 • 31 (+12.9%) • 2008-2009 • 26 (-19.2%) • 2009-2010 • 39 (+50.0%) Total Student Organization Award Winners • 2007-2008 • 22 (+18.2%) • 2008-2009 • 17 (+4.5%) • 2009-2010 • 24 (+41.2%)
Student Union & Activities Other Notes of Interest
Student Union & ActivitiesSpecial Activities Other Notes of Interest • Student Development • Graduate Assistants (Deepti Vanguri and D.J. Walch) • Graduate Interns (Sarah Barron and Joshua Hansen) • Fall and Spring Awards Banquets • Student attendance at I-LEAD (Amanda Cruse and Ricky Sherfield) • Special Events • 30,000 Enrollment Milestone Press Conference • Kelly Clarkson concert ticket presale • Jay-Z concert ticket presale • Presidential Arts and Lecture Series Performances • Richard Florida • Pilobolus Dance Theatre • Rachel Price – Jazz Vocalist • Jeannette Walls • Back to School Fiesta • Texas Tech Band and Orchestra Camp • UIL Academic and One Act Play Competitions • Board of Regents Meetings • SPICE CUP (World Wide Competition) • Career Fairs • Study Nights at the Union
Student Union & Activities TAB Yearly Awards Other Notes of Interest • Scholarship • Shubert Programming Scholarship: Aspen Teague and Liz Kociolek • ACUI Region 12 Student Award: Aspen Teague • Professional Development • ACUI Region 12 Director, Matt Ducatt • ACUI Region 12 Website Project Team Leader, Zane Reif • ACUI Region 12 Graduate Student Project Team Leader, Deepti Vanguri • 2009 NACA Central Region Selection Showcase Committee, Jana Vise • 2009 NACA Central Region Conference Graduate Intern, D.J. Walch • 2010 NACA Central Region Conference On-Site Volunteer Coordinator. D.J. Walch • 2010 NACA National Conference Graduate Intern, Sarah Barron • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity West Texas & Mexico Administrative Assistant, Mike Gunn • Tech Activities Board (TAB) Yearly Awards • Jerry V. Fox, Jr. Award for Outstanding Coordinator: Aspen Teague • Award for Outstanding New General Member: Christi Figueroa • James G. Allen Award for Outstanding General Member: Kamil Bachleda • W.B. Rushing Award for Outstanding Contribution to Campus Programs: Amanda Cruse and Sarah McCall • Advisor’s Choice Excellence Award: Erin Rinderknecht • TABtime Achievement Award: Dr. Cathy Duran, Associate Dean of Students, Rawls College of Business
Student Union & Activities Student Organization Awards Other Notes of Interest • Student Organization Awards • Student Organization Advisor of the Year (Voluntary - Academic): Ryan Rathman, Livestock Judging Team • Student Organization Advisor of the Year (Voluntary - Graduate): Doug Hamman, Education Graduate Student Association • Student Organization Advisor of the Year (Voluntary - International): SeshadriRamkuma, India Student Association • Student Organization Advisor of the Year (Voluntary - Service): Jon Mark Bernal, Alpha Phi Omega • Student Organization Advisor of the Year (Voluntary - Sorority): Alisa Falls, Alpha Chi Omega • Student Organization Advisor of the Year (Voluntary – Special Interest): MukaddessDarwish, U.S. Green Building Council Student Organization at Texas Tech • Overall Student Organization Advisor of the Year (Volunteer): Dominick Casadonte, Catholic Student Association • Overall Student Organization Advisor of the Year (Assigned): Ellis Clifton, Knights of Architecture • New Student Organization of the Year (Multicultural): Hispanic Scholarship Fund • New Student Organization of the Year (Graduate): Education Graduate Student Organization • Overall New Student Organization of the Year: U.S. Green Building Council Student Organization at Texas Tech