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Background of the Conservative Resurgence. Debating the Role Of Government. Conservative Power of government should preserve & extend freedom not regulate every aspect of life Liberal Power of government should be expand to promote social well-being. Liberal Ideals (Govt. to protect people).
Debating the Role Of Government Conservative • Power of government should preserve & extend freedom not regulate every aspect of life Liberal • Power of government should be expand to promote social well-being
Liberal Ideals (Govt. to protect people) Conservative Ideal (Personal responsibility and freedoms)
Liberals vs. Conservatives LIBERALS - Left (Dems) CONSERVATIVES - Right (Repub) believe in personal responsibility, limited govt, free markets, individual liberty, traditional values, strong defense Believe govt should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems. • believe in government action to: • achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. • Govt’s job to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights • emphasize the need for the government to solve problems
President Johnson’s Dream 1964 - 1968 The Great Society Programs – A bundle of domestic programs proposed by Johnson to end racial injustice and end poverty
The Great Society Enacted Supporters argued programs like this helped shape a more just society, critics argued the Great Society gave gov’t too much power, created and enabled an “underclass” • Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Voting Rights Act of 1965 • Declared “War on Poverty” • Jobs Corp • Dept. Housing and Urban Development • Medicare & Medicaid - Federal health insurance program aimed at elderly and low income people • Immigration Act of 1965- Ended old quota system • Raised public interest in Environmentalism
I left the woman I loved (Great Society) For that B*&^% of a war in Vietnam
The Political Spectrum – Course Review Liberal – Broad role of government in society Conservative – narrow role of government in society The Gilded Age – Laissez fair capitalism is very permissive to big business Progressives – committed to improving conditions in American life. The Roaring Twenties – “The business of America is Business” The Conservative Resurgence –the role of big government in American society is challenged. The New Deal to The Great Society – continued expansion of the Welfare State.
1980 Presidential race Democratic Party Incumbent Jimmy Carter Republican Party Challenger Ronald Reagan
Major shift to the right! RED= Republican 489 (91%) Reagan/BushBLUE = Democrat 49 (9%) Carter/Mondale
Standard / Goal # 1 What short-term and long term factors that contributed to the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980? • BIG IDEAS: • American ideal of exceptionalism questioned • Crisis of confidence • Disillusionment with govt
Short-Term Factors # 1: Economy • Stagflation • High unemployment • High inflation (drop in people’s purchasing power) • Wages drop • Little to no economic growth • End of Vietnam and….
Short-Term Factors # 1: Economy • Energy Crisis • Early 1970’s - U.S. supports Israel against Arab nations • Oil Embargo, 1973 - Arab nations stop shipping oil to U.S. • A year-long, nationwide energy crisis
Short -Term Factor # 2: Three Mile Island • PA 1979 • Nuclear Power Plant – partial meltdown • Nuclear Energy = Too big of a risk • Americans question technology and superiority Millstone Power Plant, Waterford CT Built in 1975
1979 • Boots are to keep radioactive particles from being taken out of the plant President Jimmy Carter tours Three Mile Island 3 days after the “meltdown”
Long-Term Factor # 1: Watergate Scandal • 5 men arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in D.C. • Investigation by the Senate finds links to Nixon • With impeachment nearing – Nixon resigned • Watergate increased America’s distrust of Federal Government https://archives.nbclearn.com/portal/site/k-12/collectionnavigator?cuecard=432
Long Term Factor # 2: Iran Hostage Crisis • January 1979: Revolution swept through Iran, U.S.-backed leader is replaced by Ayatollah Khomeini • Carter allows exiled Iranian leader to enter U.S. for medical treatment: enrages many Iranians • Nov 1979: Iranians take 66 U.S. hostages in Tehran • April 1980: Carter ordered a disastrous military rescue operation • Hostages are released after 444 days – U.S. & Carter seem weak in eyes of the world.
Long-Term Factor # 3 : Vietnam • 58,000 U.S. soldiers dead; 300,000 wounded • A war that could have been avoided was lost • Created a credibility gap & distrust of government • Vietnam Syndrome – U.S. is hesitant to be involved in another long conflict
Long-Term Factor # 4: Welfare State (Great Society / Liberalism) • LBJ’s Great Society creates larger federal govt & expands the welfare state • Warren Court rulings favor liberal interpretation on issues (prayer in schools, abortion, etc.) • Many Americans become wary of liberal programs, big government, taxing & spending
Long-Term Factor # 5: Moral Majority • Evangelical Christians - concerned with declining moral & religious values of American society – including feminism, gay rights, abortion, prayer in schools, divorce & drug use • Become the “Moral Majority,” voting for conservative candidates & issues • AKA: The “New Right,” a political movement working on behalf of conservative causes.