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CDAE 170 Solar Building Strategies Class #1 Sept. 8, 2003

CDAE 170 Solar Building Strategies Class #1 Sept. 8, 2003. Gary Flomenhoft BSME, MAPP, CEE Research Associate Gund Institute, SNR. Source: Smil (1991). Figure 2 The Composition of U.S. Energy Use Source: (Hall et al., 1986). 100. 75. coal. wood. Percent of total energy use.

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CDAE 170 Solar Building Strategies Class #1 Sept. 8, 2003

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  1. CDAE 170 Solar Building Strategies Class #1 Sept. 8, 2003 Gary Flomenhoft BSME, MAPP, CEE Research Associate Gund Institute, SNR

  2. Source: Smil (1991)

  3. Figure 2 The Composition of U.S. Energy Use Source: (Hall et al., 1986) 100 75 coal wood Percent of total energy use oil 50 gas 25 animal feed electricity 0 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000

  4. Hubbert Oil Cycle

  5. World Oil Extraction

  6. World Oil Extraction

  7. World Oil Extraction

  8. World Oil Consumption

  9. The Epoch of Fossil Fuel Exploitation (after Hubbert, 1969) 300 200 Trillion kwh per year 100 +5 +1 +2 +3 -1 +4 -5 -4 -3 0 -2 Mayan Steam culture Stonehenge Built Parthenon Engine completed Pyramids Iron in constructed Black Middle Death East Inquisition Magellan's Circumnavigation

  10. Two Views • Julian Simon view: technological developments and human ingenuity will yield more resources • “Drowning in oil” The Economist, March 6th-12th 1999, pp. 23-25 • Colin Campbell, et al. use Hubbert curves to predict the end of oil • “The End of Cheap Oil” Scientific American, March 1998, pp. 78-83 (Campbell and Laherrere) S. Gürcan Gülen, Ph.D.

  11. Real Price of Oil since 1869

  12. Ein Energy Source Energy Extraction Eout (surplus) Eout Energy Return on Investment (EROI) = Ein

  13. Energy Rate of Return

  14. US CO2 by Sector (1999) Source: (US EPA)

  15. Percentage Sector Contribution to Air Pollution Emissions (1995) AIR POLLUTION FATALITIES NOW EXCEED TRAFFIC FATALITIES BY 3: 1 http://www.earth-policy.org/Updates/Update17.htm

  16. The Carbon Question Metric tons per GWhe

  17. CARB DEFINITIONS Additional Requirements

  18. Atmospheric C02 since 1000

  19. Atmospheric C02 since 1000

  20. Climate losses

  21. Tom Tomorrow

  22. If World consumption = US: Need 4 more planets Source: Center for A New American Dream

  23. Full World or Empty World? Source: Ecological Economics Principles & Applications, Farley and Daly

  24. HYDROGEN FUEL CELL OPERATION SOURCE: Schatz Energy Lab Humboldt State U.

  25. SOME SURPRISING FACTS ABOUT HYDROGEN Q1) IS HYDROGEN A NEW ENERGY SOURCE? Where does hydrogen come from? Fossil: nat gas, propane, gasoline, methanol Renewable: electric wind, solar, etc. electrolyze water Methane (CH4), methanol(CH3OH), ammonia(NH3?) A) HYDROGEN STORES & TRANSPORTS ENERGY, NOT A SOURCE. Q2) WHICH IS MORE EFFICIENT, FUEL CELL OR BATTERIES? A) BATTERIES

  26. SOLAR FUEL CELLS ? SOURCE: Schatz Energy Lab Humboldt State U.

  27. BIODIESEL Can biodiesel help mitigate “global warming”? Biodiesel reduces net CO2˜ emissions by 78 percent compared to petroleum diesel. This is due to biodiesel’s closed carbon cycle. Source: 1998 US DOE and US DOA How much vegetable oil is available? US Soybean acreage could fuel 8 million cars. (50 gals oil/acre)

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