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Evolving Role of HR Management Today

Explore the evolving status and importance of HR Administration in today's business world, emphasizing key functions such as recruitment, training, compensation, and labor relations. Understand the challenges faced by HR professionals and the crucial role they play in organizational success.

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Evolving Role of HR Management Today

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  1. HR MAN TODAY Prepared By S Gangadharaiah

  2. STATUS OF HR MAN TODAY • HR Administration is still something of a Johnny -come lately compared with the old, accepted business functions. • Since it is not so obviously linked to profits or survival as are sales or production, its standing in industry has often been uncertain and its course unclear. • Sometimes the value of HR Administration is discovered only when the very survival of the business is threatened. • A competent HR Man is a jewel of great value. His prestige and status can be greatly enhanced. • But he is recognized as important, only as long as the Crisis existed. When conditions returns to normal, the HR functions in many companies returned to its second class status in the organization • Today, the status of the HR Man varies widely from company to company. In one, HR Management sits at the right hand of General Management, in another, it is a function subordinate to a Plant Manager.

  3. The HR Man with the greatest prestige are those who function mainly in the area of Labour Relations and Union negotiations, in which a real and immediate threat to profits or even to the survival of the business is present. People with very little or no specialised training, feel that they are competent to become HR Managers, and in fact, top HR men at the Vice President level are often appointed from other areas of specialisations (Marketing, Engineering Finance) with no prior training or even experience in HR administration. In the eyes of many President's & MD's, HR Manager is “People tinkering' in highly specific and restricted areas. It is considered to be not unified, comprehensive function, crucial to the welfare of the business, but a minor function to be drawn upon when needed and then relegated to purely custodial duties. Many people engaged in HR work are deficient in training, native intelligence, and knowledge of the principles of business administration. The Chief Executive often feels no need for high powered, intelligent, aggressive, high salaried people in the HR department. Only when real crises arise, the threat of Union orgnisation, a latent rebellion, a shortage of Labour, does the Chief Executive turn to his HR department.

  4. HR real job is to work with all levels of supervision and Management to make the company one with which the Employee is proud to be associated and one for which Men and Women want to work. Selection: Any Company which is to be competitive and successful over the long range must attract and retain people with the required capacity to perform the duties for which they were hired. It must also merit and obtain the Employee's best efforts. The Employees supplied to be carefully screened and well selected. Only hire the lowest possible number of mentally disturbed people. Training: Each employee should be sufficiently trained to perform his job successfully. Since training has to do with people, it is natural that the responsibilities for guiding the training program and keeping it active should be that of HR Department. Compensation : The Company's wage and salary administration should be sound and well administered. HR should furnish guidance on performance reviews and merit ratings, it should spearhead the Appraisal plan. HR should keep wages and salaries in balance of all departments. Working Conditions: HR should see that the areas in which people work are safe and orderly. Steady employment : H R should ensure minimum employment fluctuation. Recognition of the Individuals: HR should treat employees as friends. We do not try to cheat friends, no do we expect that friends will take advantage of us. EXPECTATIONS:

  5. Personnel Service Records. HR should provide a complete record of the individuals with sufficient details to show at glance his personal history, family status, employment history, general behaviour and wage records and keeping records up to date, accurate and readily available, so that the Supervisor has the facts at hand when he talks to them. Job Descriptions: HR can perform a worth while service to manufacturing in developing job descriptions. Communication: HR should take an active hand in fostering “a bottom up” communication program or it can take an employee opinion poll at periodic interviews. Welfare: HR should administer employee benefit programs such as Insurance, accident's claims, Pensions etc., Labour Relations: HR should provide accurate and complete information about rules- Central, State and Local for dealing with employees. HR should be a reliable counselor on the Laws, the terms of the union contract and the company's policies as they apply to people. HR should also furnish competent bargaining councils and assistance. Personal Attributes of HR Man. HR function demands analytical ability, Good Judgment. A High degree of freedom from bias is imperative. Understanding of people is essential Previous training and experience is required. Familiarity with Standard literature and membership of professional bodies. Mobilizing his HR staff to maximum effectiveness.



  8. HR Advises or Decides • The Line cannot exist without staff and the staff cannot exist without the line. They are equally important • Peter Drucker – The term line and staff are derived from Military. They may have meaning in Military organization Applied to business they can, however, only results in confusions. Both line and staff are only Management functions. Staff can exert over line in many ways. a) Command through Superior articulation b) Command through Technical Competence c) Command through Status d) Command through Sanction e) Command through default.

  9. From the point of view of top executive who spend good salaries for staff men and expect them to pay their way, the advisory concept can be very frustrating. • If you were to be effective, you can not take the attitude, “I told them, What more can I do?” • The staff can and should make decisions in designated areas. Both Line and Staff should be authorized to make decisions in mutually exclusive areas.

  10. Human Resource Career path is most Mysterious inside the Corporate World. • Some where out there, your perfect job exists. The right company, the right compensation, the right next step, the right location. The right everything. • There is only one problem, you have not been considered. • Does your phone ring ? Do the search committee know you are alive?. • Are you sending resumes to blind want ads, post office boxes, black hole internet Job boards and recruiters ? • They are some people who says, “It was amazing. I was not even looking for new job and this perfect opportunity landed right in my lap !! Just dumb luck, I guess it “ Is it luck ? • Opportunities are moving targets, Many Golden chances slip from your grasp. • They are same group of HR stars routinely offered the plum opportunities that open up around the state. They are all known commodities.`

  11. Career Knitting: • A successful track record showing progressively more skill and experience, responsibility & scope. • Evidence of business acumen. • Leadership skills – persuasive speaking ability • Breadth and Depth of HR Experience in at least two or three specialty areas, such as, OD, IR, Compensation etc., • Demonstrated ability to successfully deliver specific human resources service in a comparable company or industry. • Credibility.

  12. Moving from Specialists to Generalist Role. • Specialists areas - OD,Training,Compensation, HRIT, Employee Relations, Labour Relations.. • Generalists : HR Generalist, HR Consultant, HR Business Partner, HR Manager, HR Director, Vice President (HR), Chief People Officer. • Generalist path is absolutely a high potential freeway to the C-suite (the Chief HR Officer at the executive table). • Success Principle Preperation + Opportunity = Success.


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