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Push and Pull

Push and Pull. Why do people move?. Why did people explore?. They’re lost The Three “ G”s Gold Glory God. Vikings Discover America. Vikings got lost and discovered New World. Eric the Red. Had red hair Discovered Greenland…yeah! Father of Leif Eriksson. Bjarni Herjolfsson.

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Push and Pull

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Push and Pull Why do people move?

  2. Why did people explore? • They’re lost The Three “G”s • Gold • Glory • God

  3. Vikings Discover America

  4. Vikings got lost and discovered New World

  5. Eric the Red • Had red hair • Discovered Greenland…yeah! • Father of Leif Eriksson

  6. BjarniHerjolfsson • Lived in Norway. • In 986 went to visit his parents in Greenland. • Got blown off course on the way and ended up off the coast of Canada. • Didn’t land his ship or explore the coast because he was in a hurry to see his parents

  7. Leif Ericson • Heard about a land to the West of Greenland from BjarniHerjolfsson • Explored America. • Established a Norse settlement at Newfoundland, Canada

  8. Meanwhile, back in Europe

  9. What was Europe like? • The Dark Ages • The feudal system was in effect • Many poor. Few rich

  10. Feudal system

  11. How was truth found at this time? • Tradition • Superstition • The Catholic Church • Very little free thinking

  12. What was the Renaissance? • A rebirth

  13. Rebirth of what?

  14. Classical Ideas

  15. Classical • refers to the culture of Ancient Greece or Rome Plato Aristotle

  16. Scholarly work

  17. RenaissanceArt

  18. Middle Ages Art

  19. Architecture

  20. Science

  21. GalileoGalilee • Invented the telescope • Mapped the skies • Said the sun was the center of the solar system and not Earth

  22. Leonardo da Vinci“Vitruvian Man”Blend of science and art

  23. Government

  24. What does this all mean??? • Free thinking • Exploration • Pushing the boundaries • Desire to see the world • PUSHES

  25. Printing Press • Johannes Gutenberg in 1439 introduces movable type • Books can be mass produced

  26. Before Gutenberg

  27. After Gutenberg

  28. Gutenberg’s Press Spread ideas of the renaissance throughout Europe and the world

  29. The Crusades

  30. Crusaders go to the Middle East and North Africa • Get a taste for Arabian goods • Sugar • Spices • Glass • Silk • Creates a demand in Europe for Arabian goods

  31. The Travels of Marco Polo • He went to China when he was 17. • Lived there from 1274-1291 • Told of the great China civilization • Brought back spices, silk, glass and treasures. • Made nations want to explore • Caused nations to want to go to the Orient

  32. Nations began to be strong • The nations competed for: • Gold • Land or Colonies • Trading routes • Remember the rule: • Finders keepers

  33. So what drives the age of exploration???????

  34. The wealth of the Orient

  35. Major powers in Europe • Portugal got rich from Africa and Asia trade • Spain was rich from trade

  36. Any country that wants to be wealthy needs to trade with Asia Coming soon…. The Search for a new route to Asia hits a continent-sized roadblock.

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