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Exercise 12.2

Exercise 12.2. Write a program that Creates an Item instance named Tuna with price $2.45 Purchases 200 units for a total of $250 Sells 50 units Sells 25 units for a total of $30 Purchases 100 units for a total of $175 Outputs unit cost price. Exercise 12.3. Write a program that

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Exercise 12.2

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  1. Exercise 12.2 • Write a program that • Creates an Item instance named Tuna with price $2.45 • Purchases 200 units for a total of $250 • Sells 50 units • Sells 25 units for a total of $30 • Purchases 100 units for a total of $175 • Outputs unit cost price

  2. Exercise 12.3 • Write a program that • Creates a Fresh instance called “Pacific Salmon”, with any item number, a price of $20, and an expiry date three weeks from now • Creates a Fresh instance called “Atlantic Salmon”, with the same item number as above, a price of $25, and an expiry date 20 days from now • Outputs the return of the equals method invoked on one passing the other as argument • Outputs the return of the toString method for the two items

  3. Exercise 12.4 • The object reference x was declared and assigned as follows • Write a code fragment that changes the credit rating to AA Contact x = new Client (“Adam”, “Toronto”, “AA-”);

  4. Exercise 12.6 • Write a program that • Creates an Item instance named Tuna with price $2.45 • Creates a Supplier instance named “Adam” with any address such that it supplies the above item at $1.75 a unit

  5. Exercise 12.9 • Starting from a randomly chosen inventory collection, write a program that lists the fresh items and their expiry dates

  6. Exercise 12.17 • Starting from a randomly chosen contacts collection, write a program that determines whether any item has more than one supplier

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