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Fraunhofer-inHaus-Center Intelligent Room- and Building-Systems Aims, Organisation, Facilities and Examples of Innovations. Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Scherer Fraunhofer inHaus-Center & IMS-IRG. Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction MISSION STATEMENT.
Fraunhofer-inHaus-CenterIntelligent Room- and Building-SystemsAims, Organisation, Facilities and Examples of Innovations Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Scherer Fraunhofer inHaus-Center & IMS-IRG
Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction MISSION STATEMENT • R&D for the process optimizationin residential and commercial properties bynew systems solutions • based on an integrated, sustainably createdcooperation network ofcommercial and research partners • with the use of jointly planned and constructedinnovation workshops (inHaus 1+2) • for the development, test, demonstration and market test of novel, integrable product components, integrated systems solutions and services Task 1.1 Task 1.5 Master Presentation
Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction INHAUS FACILITIES inHaus1 inHaus2 Area:8000 sqm inHaus1-Labs:250 sqm inHaus2-Labs:5200 sqm SmartBuilding-Labs Task 1.1 inHaus1 inHaus2 Task 1.5 SmartHome-Lab Master Presentation
Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction ORGANISATION & MANAGEMENT inHaus-Fraunhofer-InstituteConsortiaIBP-IMS inHaus-Centerresearch labs 1 + 2 inHaus-Center ManagementGeneral ManagementInnovation Management Operating of inHaus FacilitiesFraunhofer-IMS FhG-IMS FhG-IBP FhG-IAO Living (IMS) Construction (IBP) Operation&FM(ISE) Office(IAO) Health &Care(ISST/IMS) Hotel &Event(IAO/IMS) FhG-ISST Network of business partners Medium-sized and big Businesses FhG-ISE Network of research partners e.g. Universities Task 1.1 FhG-IPA FhG-IML FhG-IDMT Task 1.5 inHaus Innovation Projects FhG-UMSICHT Master Presentation
Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction SYSTEMS INNOVATION PROCESS Know-how, technologies and componentkit of the FhG´and the business partners 1 Ideas for new system solutions 3 2 Demonstration and marketingof new systemssolutions 6 Establishing system of componentsand development of system prototypes Task 1.1 4 Technology tests in theinHaus technology laboratories 5 Task 1.5 Demostration and application tests in the inHaus application laboratories Master Presentation
Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction SYSTEMS INTEGRATION PROCESS Optimized functions and processes (with UI-process-cockpit) Intelligent, integrated room- and building systems System-integration process and technologies (system engineering) Task 1.1 smart components with system integration capability (material, electronics, software) Task 1.5 Master Presentation
Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction INHAUS SYSTEMS LAYER MODEL Systems-Applications, Processes Basic Services Middleware(OSGi, .NET, JAVA) Communication(EIB, LON, Ethernet/IP, BT, wLAN, GSM, UMTS) Operating System(Linux, Windows) Constraints Task 1.1 Hardware Platform Sensor-, Actuator-, Controller-Components Task 1.5 Master Presentation
T e l e f o n S i c h e r h e i t P C T h e r m o s t a t N e t z w e r k - C o n t r o l l e r V e r b r a u c h s - L i c h t D r a h t l o s - S t e c k d o s e n W a r m w a s s e r H e i z u n g s s y s t e m A u d i o / V i d e o w e i ß e W a r e G e r ä t e Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction INHAUS SMART HOME SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE User Tele-Interfaces toSmartHomes&Buildings and to Service Providers Internet Intranet Satellit ServicesPlatform Diverse Access Technologies Computer aidedFacility Management DSL, BK, UMTS Middleware-Server(embedded) Integration &Applications M e ß g e r ä t e B e d i e n e i n h e i t e n Task 1.1 K u p f e r K o a x i a l G l a s f a s e r Tele AssistanceService Functions Task 1.5 Local AssistanceService Functions Master Presentation
Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction INNOV. EXAMPLE DECANTALISED PUMP SYSTEM Current practice No hydraulically balanced condition Decentralized pumping system Automatic hydraulically balanced condition Networked mini-pumps with central.-control-module too cold Task 1.1 WILO / FhG-IMS too warm Task 1.5 Master Presentation
Fraunhofer inHaus-Center - Introduction INNOV. EXAMPLE FUTURE HOTEL ROOM SYSTEM Task 1.1 Task 1.5 Master Presentation
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