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W E B 2 . 0 i G O O G L E

W E B 2 . 0 i G O O G L E. By: Briam A. Laboy Pacheco Digna L. Rivera Pagán INGL0080 N06 Dr. Jesús López. What is the Web 1.0?.

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W E B 2 . 0 i G O O G L E

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  1. WEB2.0iGOOGLE By: Briam A. Laboy Pacheco Digna L. Rivera Pagán INGL0080 N06 Dr. JesúsLópez

  2. What is the Web 1.0? It is the most basic form that exists, with mariners of only text rapid enough. The Web 1.0 is only for reading. The user cannot interact with the content of the page (nothing of comments, answers, appointments, etc), being totally limited by what the Webmaster raises to this one.

  3. What is the Web 2.0? The term Web 2.0 is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive systemic biases, interoperability, user-centered design and developing the World Wide Web.

  4. What is the difference between Web 2.0 and 1.0?

  5. Web 2.0 It is the new way of taking advantage of the network, allowing the active participation of the users, across options that give our own voice to the user in the web, being able to administer his own contents, think about others, send and receive information with other persons of the same status or institutions who like that allow it. The structure is more dynamic and uses more modern formats, which make more functions possible.

  6. Web 1.0 In the web 1.0 the user tape-worm, I access the information only as recipient, the tape-worm does not have possibility of taking part of the contents, the pages were static, generally only of text and few images, and the used format was the HTML. The interaction of the users was not possible with this form of design of pages, the information in the web page was constructed only by the owners and not nourished by the opinions and resources contributed by the users.

  7. iGoogleservice, it is a page of customizable beginning based on AJAX, similar to Netvibes, Page flakes, My Yahoo! And Windows Live Personalized Experience. Characteristics include the aptitude to add web feeds and Google Gadgets

  8. Proposal

  9. Web 2.0 Tool to Showcase: iGoole What’s your topic? My topic is how to use igoogle to seek information in a more effective way. How will you describe your project? My project is a 2.0 web and it’s a search engine. Who will participate in the project? The people involved in the project are: DamarisRodriguez Digna L. Rivera BriamLaboy

  10. What web 2.0 tool did you select? The tool I chose was igoogle. Why did the group select this particular tool? Igoogle permits you to create a principal personalized web page that includes a search bar and the gadgets from google and it lets you gain access to activities and information from the web without having to leave google. What other tools did you research? Google Docs Delicious Yahoo iGoogle Digg Flickr Qwiki Itunes ooVoo

  11. What subtopics are you planning to include? I . Topic Presentation II. What’s Web 2.0? III. What’s Web 1.0? IV. Differences V. Description VI. Other tools from web 2.0 Who will be responsible for what part of the project? Damaris found three information tools. Digna made the proposal and found three tools. Briam found three tools and made the power point. Are you expecting any problems? If yes , how are you planning to deal with them? We don’t expect to have any problems. Write any additional information that you would like to share about your project. We do not have any additional information than the information we presented.

  12. The EndThank You for your attention

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