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Integration Primo- Aleph -PDS-SSO-AAI. Wolfgang Lierz Staff IT-Services / Network & Security Admin ETH- Bibliothek Zurich. Integration of Aleph/Primo with PDS into larger Shibboleth/SSO environments. Integration Primo- Aleph -PDS-SSO-AAI Why Single Sign -On anyway ?.
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAI • Wolfgang Lierz • Staff IT-Services / Network & Security Admin • ETH-Bibliothek Zurich Integration of Aleph/Primo with PDS into larger Shibboleth/SSO environments Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAIWhy Single Sign-On anyway? • We have alternatives: • Post-It around display • Post-It below keyboard • Browser password store • KeePass password store • Cloud password store • Facebook login Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAIAuthentication andAuthorization Infrastructure Without AAI-SSO With AAI-SSO • 1999-2000 First ideasandworkshop • 2001-2003 Project studyandpilot • 2004-2005 Implementation Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAIAAI in Switzerland Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAIAuthentication withnethz ETH Zurichmembers «nethz» database HR / Students Administration «nethz-login» LDAP RADIUS AAI(Shibboleth) Active Directory Authentication «Who am I» Authorization «Whatmay I do» e-pics WindowsExchangeSharepoint e-collection. Proxy SMS WLANeduroam VPN «Same Sign On» «Single Sign On» Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAIAlephin Switzerland ExLibrisAleph v20(only NEBIS with PDS) 5 Systems Shared User File (SUF) 700000 accounts Integration UZH into NEBIS 2013(INUIT)200000 accounts200 libraries Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAI AAI-SSO for ETHZ staffandstudents • Goals withincurrent NEBIS/Alephoperation: • eliminate separate individual userregistration / activationprocessatlibrary • enablenethz-useridfor ETHZ staffandstudents • usenethz-attributes of ALL staffandstudentsbyAlephanddiscontinue separate usermanagement Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAIAlephwithnethz / PLIF Alternatives A2+A3 unfortunatelyimpossiblewithAleph SAP nightly A3 AAI A2 Batch / Copy on request nethz User / CopyatLogin PDS (login) ShibbolethUniqueIDas additional Aleph ID #20 Aleph(Application) PLIF nethz (at least daily) Indices A4 Aleph(Database) Batch / triggeredbychanges Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAI2012: AAI-SSO for ETH members Intermediate (PDS) Login pagefrom September 2012 Authentication via «native» Alephlogin(maydisappear 2013) Authentication via «nethz-login»(AAI-SSO)(moreselections 2013) Embedded WAYF Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
PIN-VHO Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAI2013: AAI-SSO forprivate customers E-Lending Primo FE 1...4 e-shelf AAI IDP (at ETHZ)aai-login.ethz.ch WAYF PDS (login) with Shibboleth (via nethz) NEBIS/Aleph EAD00 AAI IDP (operated by Switch)aai-login.libraries.ch future other AAI IDPs (SSL connection) INUIT EAD50 ZAD50 UZH50 NEBIS Form for registration Indices (Aleph) Private customers DB- Attributes fromAleph - Passwords onlyhere (New) registrationregister.libraries.ch Aleph (Oracle DB) InitialPassword Re(set) passwordpassword.libraries.ch Private customers New separate Private Customers IDP (at ETHZ) Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAIFuture: ID management outside Ex Libris AAI IDP (at ETHZ)aai-login.ethz.ch E-Lendingandothers WAYF (via nethz) Primo FE 1...4 e-shelf AAI IDP (operated by Switch)aai-login.libraries.ch other AAI IDPs PDS as a separate service WITH attribute retrieval Private customers DB- Attributes now HERE - Passwords onlyhere (New) registrationregister.libraries.ch Alma ? Re(set) passwordpassword.libraries.ch Swiss-widePrivate Customers IDP Interface toexternalIdentity Management Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAIFurther reading • Formuchmoredetailsseeourreport • Single Sign On für e-lib.ch und sein Webportal(in German, 2012, 61 p.) • e-collection.library.ethz.ch/view/eth:5453 Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAICredits • Thanksto: • SSO projectteamofETH-Bibliothek • ITS IT-Services ofETH-Bibliothek • ICT servicesof ETH Zurich • SWITCH AAI team • ELCA Informatik AG, Zürich Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Integration Primo-Aleph-PDS-SSO-AAIQuestions ? • Thankyou! • wolfgang.lierz@library.ethz.ch SFX with PDS-SSO-AAI ? Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich
Demo http://www.switch.ch/aai/demo/ Wolfgang Lierz / IGeLU 2012 Zurich