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RegCM3 ITCP Regional Climate Model

RegCM3 ITCP Regional Climate Model. Latest Developments. User-friendliness Preprocessor Terrain and landuse Initial and boundary conditions Model Physics Large-scale and convective precipitation Land-surface and ocean Postprocessor Output formats. Latest Developments: Input/Output.

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RegCM3 ITCP Regional Climate Model

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  1. RegCM3 ITCP Regional Climate Model

  2. Latest Developments • User-friendliness • Preprocessor • Terrain and landuse • Initial and boundary conditions • Model Physics • Large-scale and convective precipitation • Land-surface and ocean • Postprocessor • Output formats

  3. Latest Developments: Input/Output • User-Friendly • Landuse and Topography • USGS GLCC 30 second (~1-km) Landuse data • Based on AVHRR • Now 20 vegetation types (previously 13) • USGS GTOPO30 30 second (~1-km) Elevation data • Initial and Boundary Conditions • Reanalysis Data: NCEP and ECMWF • GCM Data: HadCM and CCM3 • SST Data: 1° CAC Optimal Interpolation and 1° Hadley Centre • Rotated Mercator Map Projection • Suitable for most latitudes • More Compact Data formats • GrADS compatible (real*4 direct access) • NetCDF Processors (real*4 and integer*2) • Vis5D

  4. GLCC Vegetation Reanalysis & GCM Initial and Boundary Conditions Rotated Mercator Projection USGS Topography Improvements to Structure & Input Hadley & OI Sea Surface Temperatures

  5. Latest Developments: Core Model • Tracer/Aerosol Scheme [Qian et al (2001); Solmon] • Zeng et al (1998) Ocean Flux Model • SUBEX Large-scale Precipitation Scheme (Pal et al 2000) • Emanuel (1991) Convection Scheme • Sub-grid Land Surface and Precipitation Parameterization [Giorgi et al (2003); Pal and Elguindi]** • Non-Hydrostatic [Bi]** • Parallel Code [Ye and Bi]** ** To be released by the end of the summer.

  6. Latest Developments: Core Model • Tracer/Aerosol Scheme [Qian et al (2001); Solmon] • Zeng et al (1998) Ocean Flux Model • SUBEX Large-scale Precipitation Scheme (Pal et al 2000) • Covection: FC80 Closure; Emanuel (1991) Scheme • Sub-grid Land Surface and Precipitation Parameterization [Giorgi et al (2003); Pal and Elguindi]** • Non-Hydrostatic [Bi]** • Parallel Code [Ye and Bi]** ** To be released by the end of the summer.

  7. Importance of Clouds • Correctly simulating the surface solar radiation is crucial in simulating the hydrologic cycle. • The response of climate to changes in CO2, soil moisture, vegetation, etc., is largely dependent on cloud feedbacks. • E.g. The IPCC report indicates that the representation of cloud characteristics accounts for a large portion of the uncertainty in climate change predictions. • In most climate models clouds and precipitation are represented in two forms • Resolvable (large-scale) • Unresolvable (convective)

  8. Surface Temperature (RegCM vs OBS) Incident Solar (RegCM vs OBS) Large-Scale Clouds and Precipitation • The model had an on-off tendency with clouds. • No middle ground • Clouds only form when the gridcell is supersaturated. • Clouds often exist at relative humidities below one. • Fractional cloud cover (FC) is 80% when cloud water exists and 0% otherwise. • FC varies between 0 and 100%. • Raindrop accretion & evaporation are not accounted for.

  9. Summary of RegCM3 (Developments) - Input • User-friendly • Lateral Boundary and Initial Conditions • Reanalysis: 1. ECMWF; 2. NCEP • GCM: 1. HadCM3; 2. CCM3 • Sea-surface temperatures: 1. CAC OI; 2. Hadley Centre. • Landuse: USGS GLCC (Loveland et al 1999) • Topography: USGS GTOPO30 • Map Projections: 1. Rotated Mercator; 2. Lambert Conformal; 3. Polar Stereographic

  10. Summary of RegCM3 Core • Dynamics: 1. MM5 Hydrostatic Dynamics (Grell et al. 1994); 2. Non-hydrostatic (Bi) • Radiation: CCM3 (Kiehl 1996) • Large-Scale Clouds & Precipitaion: SUBEX (Pal et al 2000) • Cumulus convection: 1. Grell (1993); 2. Anthes-Kuo (1977); 3. Emanuel (1991) • Tracers/Aerosols: Qian et al (2001); Solmon • Boundary Layer: Holtslag (1990) • Land Surface: 1. BATS (Dickinson et al. 1986); 2. Subgrid BATS (Giorgi et al 2003) • Ocean Fluxes: 1. Zeng et al (1998; 2. BATS • Parallel Code (Ye & Bi)

  11. * data are available at http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~pubregcm/RegCM3

  12. RegCM/PreProc/Terrain • domain.param • terrain.f • Makefile • terrain.x

  13. domain.param (Table 3)

  14. Variables in DOMAIN file (Table4)

  15. RegCM/PreProc/ICBC • icbc.param • ICBC.f • SST_1DEG.f • Makefile • icbc.x

  16. RegCM/Commons • regcm.in • regcm.x • postproc.x • /tools

  17. regcm.in (Table 6)

  18. regcm.in (Table 7)

  19. Model Output ATMYYYYMMDDHH (Table 8) SRFYYYYMMDDHH (Table 9) RADYYYYMMDDHH(Table 10)

  20. Run • centered @ 17.5S 35E • iy = 102, jx = 107, ds = 60 km • Jan 1996 • NCEP Reanalysis • CCM3 Radiative transfer package • Grell Cumulus parameterization • SUBEX large-scale precip • BATS

  21. Map Domain

  22. Spatial and Temporal Correlations

  23. RegCM3 Homepage • www.ictp.trieste.it/~pubregcm/RegCM3 • Mailing list: regcnet@ictp.trieste.it

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