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Accelerate with ATS: TPC 5.1 - The new GUI is GREAT and what else is new??

Accelerate with ATS: TPC 5.1 - The new GUI is GREAT and what else is new??. John Hollis Bryan Odom Stephen Byrd. Future ATS Webinars .

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Accelerate with ATS: TPC 5.1 - The new GUI is GREAT and what else is new??

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  1. Accelerate with ATS: TPC 5.1 - The new GUI is GREAT and what else is new?? John Hollis Bryan Odom Stephen Byrd

  2. Future ATS Webinars If there is a technical topic that you would like us to address in a future “Accelerate with ATS” webinar, please send your suggestion to Rob Deutsch: deut@us.ibm.com

  3. Presentation materials The charts from this presentation are also available on the IBM Techdocs library at: http://www.ibm.com/support/techdocs/atsmastr.nsf/WebIndex/PRS5019 A replay of this webinar will be posted at this link in a few days https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/833211216

  4. Agenda • Storage Tiering Optimization for SVC/Storwize • SoNAS support (+ IFS support delivered in 4.2.2) • Alert and Job enhancements in the new GUI • Q & A

  5. Tiered Storage Optimization (TSO) - Overview • TSO is an Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) tool focused on ensuring storage volumes are located in the appropriate storage tier • TSO evaluates recent performance and filesystem scan data against user-defined policy conditions in order to find volumes in an incorrect tier • Examples: • Which VDisks gets moved from Tier 2 to Tier 3? • Which VDisks gets moved from Tier 3 to Tier 2? • Which VDisks get moved from Tier 3 to Tier 4? • Lower IO Density, old average access age –> lower tier them. • Which is the better candidate for being in an MDG backed by SSD and Easy Tier? • A VDisk where just a few files are heavily used • A VDisk where all the files are equally used.

  6. TSO – Phase 1 Limitations • In TPC 5.1, TSO does not have a GUI component. There is a Cognos report to display the most recent analysis results and analysis job logs can be viewed via the stand-alone GUI, but actual setup and analysis must be done via the TPC CLI. • In TPC 5.1, TSO does not provide the ability to have TPC execute the recommended migration. • In TPC 5.1, TSO will only analyze VDisks in SVC and Storwize subsystems. • In TPC 5.1, TSO makes tiering recommendations only within the same SVC or V7000 system.

  7. TSO - Prerequisites • PM Data: • For each SVC/Storwize to be analyzed, there must be AT LEAST one day's worth of PM data available. We recommend a minimum of 10 days worth of data to help ensure periodic fluctuations are noticed. • Performance data is used both during policy evaluation (the IODensity condition) and when selecting the recommended new storage pool from the candidate list. • Filesystem (SRA) scan data: • For each VDisk upon which a filesystem has been installed, an SRA filesystem scan must be run for the Age condition to be able to evaluate the VDisk • TSO policies and conditions: • TSO policies must be created and given the desired condition(s) prior to running an analysis.

  8. TSO - setup • Source SRG - create group(s) of volumes to be analyzed • Target SRG - create group(s) of storage tiers • Target SRG Example: • Tier1* – a MDG backed by MDisks with Easy Tier active, in a DS8700 array with SDDs and 15,000RPM DDMs • Tier3 – a MDG backed by MDisks with DS8700 arrays with 15,000RPM DDMs • Tier5 – MDGs backed by DS4500 with 7500RPM drives *Why would I use odd numbers for my tiers? To allow for future growth in tiers. Different environments will suggest different naming conventions.

  9. TSO – policy setup • Define Source and Target SRGs • Define policy name • demo1 • Define policy condition(s) • IO Density • Total IO Rate / total capacity in GB • Age • X percent of files are older/newer than Y days/weeks/months/years • Define priority for the policy

  10. Storage Tiering First, you make the policy • …. storage tiering policies • mktp -name demo1 -to Tier3 -from Tier1Vdisks • addtpcondition –name demo1 –type IODensity –value 50 –operator < • analyzetp –policy demo1 • rmtpconditions –name <name> • lstp • gettprec • Modifytp (set policy priority) Then, you define the conditions to that policy

  11. Demo - TSO A demo policy: IODensity < 100 160W and 162W are recommended for down-tiering • There are three volumes in the source SRG • 160W is 99GB • 162W is 100GB • 163W is 50GB

  12. TSO – output

  13. TSO – example of multiple policies* * It is helpful to plan and build a table, perhaps like this one, before you start entering the CLI commands to build your environment.

  14. TSO - positioning • SAN Planner • For new volumes • Can specify Workload profile (examples: OLTP High, Data Warehouse) • Can specify range of daily performance data for use in analysis • Can do zoning, multipathing, replication, RAID level • Can implement plans • Storage Optimizer • For optimizing existing volume placement (among multiple storage devices) • Can specify specific performance data time periods for analysis • TSO (extends the previous storage tiering reports) • For optimizing overall utilization of tiers of storage (MDGs on same SVC/V7000) • Uses a selectable number of previous daily performance records • Up and down tier recommendations

  15. IFS • For SONAS in TPC 5.1 (Note: these functions were added for V7000U in TPC • Added new support including Configuration, Discovery, Probe, File system Scan and CLI • Extended existing NAS file system scan, monitor, and reporting support to include support for the File modules of the IBM SONAS • To configure IBM SONAS • User enters IBM SONAS IP and authentication information in Configuration Wizard • Probes collect data from the IBM SONAS management interface node • Configure as a NAS device • Assign scan agents (SRAs) to exported and mounted file systems for scan functionality

  16. IFS – Configure V7000U V7000 Personality SONAS Personality

  17. IFS – Configure SONAS Only the SONAS Personality

  18. IFS • Probes gather • Cluster information • Nodes • File systems • NSDs • Pools • File sets • Exports (shares) • Quotas

  19. IFS • Filesystem Scans gather • Statistics about the usage and trending of storage consumption of IBM SONAS file systems can be collected by running scans. Data is collected through proxy Storage Resource Agents on which the IBM SONAS exports should be mounted. • By running scans and generating the results of those scans in reports, you can perform the following tasks: • View all of the statistical information collected like when files were created, accessed, and modified and by what group or user, etc. • Generate historical views of storage consumption and utilization that show usage trends over time. System administrators can use these views to project and plan for future storage consumption.

  20. IFS • Configuring Filesystem Scans • Data Manager > Monitoring > Scans. • Right-click the Scans node and select Create Scan. • Define the following scan properties by going to each tab and save. • The Storwize V7000U cluster and file systems whose storage usage and consumption you want to monitor. • The directory groups to scan. • The profiles to use during a scan. • The schedule when you want a scan to run. • An alert to notify you if the scan fails.

  21. Demo - IFS • Legacy GUI • Configuration Steps • Topology viewer -> File Module • Topology viewer -> Launch in context -> Filesystems • Data Manager -> Reporting -> TPC-wide Storage Space -> File System Space -> By Filesystem • My Reports -> Duplicate files greater than 500MB • New GUI • Storage Systems -> File Storage

  22. Demo - Alert and Job enhancements in the new GUI • Alert enhancements in the new GUI • Alerts now have severity (Informational, Warning, Critical) • Acknowledge alerts instead of clearing them (user is tracked) • Parent and child resources hyperlinked to resource panel in web UI • Bar chart gives summary of alert counts per alert category, plus allows easy filtering by category. • Ability to cycle through the alerts via the alert detailed properties (drill in, pop-up) • Alert hyperlinked to TPC InfoCenter • Alerts available in different logical locations • All in one place • Specific to device being viewed • Job enhancements in the new GUI • Tabs for “All jobs” and “Performance Monitors” • Job information available in different logical locations • All in one place • Specific to device being viewed • View only • Easy to view and filter displayed error/warning information in log files

  23. Questions

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