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Of Mice and Men. By John Steinbeck. Mr. George Milton.
Of Mice and Men.. By John Steinbeck
Mr. George Milton George Milton is one of the main characters in the book “ Of Men and Mice”.He is the friend of Lennie. George was a little on the small side, but had looks that could catch the eye of anyone passing by. He had short dark brown hair , and sharp features, as well as he had a dark complexion. George was very smart when it came to coming up with things on the spot. Which means that he was also a quick thinker. He was always getting his friend Lennie out of some kind of trouble. During this novel, Lennie and George decide to travel together. George of course was the one who had to look after Lennie. The reason for being that George is the one that looks after Lennie is because, Lennies aunt asked george to take good care of him before she died. George would do anything to help his friend out. There was only one thing that he never let Lennie get away with. This being the fact that Lennie ended up killing Curley’s wife.
Lennie Small Lennie Small is the other most important person in the novel. He is the best friend of George Milton. Lennie is known for his great amount of strength and structure. He is a very big man. His body and features are quite plump. Mr. Small is the complete opposite of his companion George. He is not quick with decisions like George. He is actually quite slow. Lennie has a mild condition, and his speech is very simple and slow. One thing that Lennie loves is things that are soft. It doesn't matter what it is, if it’s soft once he has touched it; he will instantly fall in love. Having the desire to always want to touch soft things is often the reason why he gets in trouble.
Curley’s Wife Throughout the novel, it never really gives us a full “real” name for Curley’s wife. This is pretty much just what she’s referred too. She is a very provocative wife. She never really wants to spend too much time with her husband. She’s always out looking at all the other workers. Even though saying this may sound like she probably doesn’t look proper or take care of herself; but that is not the issue. Curley’s wife is a very pretty woman. All the men think so, but the issue they have with her sis that they think she’s a trouble maker. She’s very bold and she usually wants it her way. Curley’s wife is also often found sad, and frustrated with herself because she is not happy with the way her life turned out. She often feels that she could be making lots of money and be famous because when she was younger, a man offered her a job in the movie business. Later on in the novel she is then killed by Lennie feeling her soft hair.
Map of Relationships Boss Carlson Curley George Milton Lennie Small Candy Curley’s wife Andy Cushman
Cast From “Of Mice and Men”, Starring... ......
George Milton as Toby Maguire I think that toby Maguire would be the perfect actor if “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck were to make a movie because, I feel that he fits the description perfectly for being a little short, and has sharp features. I think that he would play the part of having to take care of his best friend, and be able to make good decisions for him.
Lennie Small as Sean Penn I chose Sean Penn to fill the part as Lennie Small because I know that he can do a good job with acting as somebody with a disorder. He featured in “Sam I Am” and I feel that he did an excellent job. The only thing that is wrong is that, he doesn’t have a rough, big, round figure like Lennie does in the book.
Descriptive Writing “One the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them.” p.1 “His eyes blinded with tears and he turned and went weakly out of the barn, and he rubbed his bristly whiskers with his wrist stump.” p.96 “ The light climbed on out of the valley, and as it went, the tops of the mountains seemed to blaze with increasing brightness.” p.100 “A water snake glided smoothly up the pool, twisting its periscope head from side to side; and it swam the length of the pool and came to the legs of a motionless heron that stood in the shallows.” p.99 “The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied.” p.106
Climax • One afternoon, Lennie was sitting in the barn all by himself petting one of his puppies. All of a sudden Curley’s wife comes in and sits down next to Lennie. She starts to talk to him about her life, and how she could of been in some movies if she would of went for that job that the guy offered her years ago. This doesn’t really interest Lennie, and so he just continues on talking to her about all the rabbits that they have on their farm. All of a sudden, Curley’s wife realizes how much Lennie actually likes soft things; and so she thought she would ask him if he wanted to touch her hair. Of course he couldn’t say no, and so he reached over to touch her hair. While he was touching it he started to get really rough. She then began to be scared of him, and so she wanted to leave. Lennie was confused and was trying to quiet her down, and while he was doing this, he ended up breaking her neck. After this had happened he was so scared that he ran and hid on the river bank. Once people had came in the barn and seen that she was just laying there, they went and told George and the other guys on the ranch went and got their guns. They were then on the hunt to find Lennie so that they could kill him.
Conflict • I think that the main conflict that happened in this book would have to be, between Lennie and the other people in the novel. To everyone in the novel, he is seen as such a bad person when really he isn’t. He is just unaware of his strength, so when he tries to pet anything, either it being a pet, a mouse, or even a human, he can kill them. George always was trying to help Lennie out of things, but when Lennie killed Curley’s wife, he thought that the best decision to make would be to kill Lennie. That’s what everyone else wanted him to do as well. To me, I think that the conflict could of been handled in a different way. In my opinion, people could of took Lennies disorder in consideration, and tried to help him. They should of been making sure that Lennie was never in the barn alone with Curley’s wife, because the reason why they were at this ranch was the fact that the cops were after Lennie because; he had assualted a woman back home. They also could of came up with a better discipline for him instead of shooting him.
Theme • I think that the author did a good job at picking the title of this book. It seems a bit confusing at first but once you read the book you can see why he picked it. In my opinion I think that he chose the title “ Of Mice and Men” because, Lennie was always liking to pet soft things. At the first of the book, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a mouse, he wanted to keep it and keep petting it but, George wouldn’t let him. Also, from the starting of the book to the end, it’s all about Lennie getting into trouble throughout the book over, petting soft things. In the end, that’s the reason why he got shot, because he was touching the woman’s soft hair. This is also why it is appropriate for the book.