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Jack Settelmaier, NOAA/NWS/SRHQ/Digital Techniques Meteorologist

Using Geographic Information System Tools to Explore the Relationships Between NWS Overtime Expenditures and Severe Weather Occurrences. Jack Settelmaier, NOAA/NWS/SRHQ/Digital Techniques Meteorologist Mark Hunter, NOAA/NWS/SRHQ, Chief, Administrative Management Division

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Jack Settelmaier, NOAA/NWS/SRHQ/Digital Techniques Meteorologist

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  1. Using Geographic Information System Tools to Explore the Relationships Between NWS Overtime Expenditures and Severe Weather Occurrences Jack Settelmaier, NOAA/NWS/SRHQ/Digital Techniques Meteorologist Mark Hunter, NOAA/NWS/SRHQ, Chief, Administrative Management Division AMS Conference 2013, Austin, TX

  2. Outline • Data OverVIEW/Details • Overtime Expenditures • Weather Events • Employed GIS Techniques • Interactive Geospatially/Time-enabled Web Displays • Future Plans?

  3. NWS Overtime Data OverVIEW/Details • Fiscal Years 2009 through 2012 • Available by NWS Regions, Office Types (RFC, WFO, RHQ, etc.) • Available by 2-week pay periods • Units are Overtime Hours

  4. NWS Forecast Office Granularity

  5. Data Organization

  6. Fiscal Year 2009-12 NWS Overtime Hours(All FMCs, by Year, by NWS CONUS Region)

  7. Fiscal Year 2009-12 NWS Overtime Hours(All FMCs, by Month, by NWS CONUS Region)

  8. Fiscal Year 2009-12 NWS Overtime Hours(All FMCs, by Month, by NWS CONUS Region) Tuscaloosa Tornado Tornado Events Red River North Flooding Hurricane Irene

  9. Fiscal Year 2009-12 NWS Overtime Hours(WFOs, by Month, by NWS CONUS Region)

  10. Fiscal Year 2009-12 NWS Overtime Hours(RHQ, by Month, by NWS CONUS Region)

  11. Fiscal Year 2009-12 NWS Overtime Hours(All FMCs, by Year, by NWS CONUS Region)

  12. NWS Severe Weather Event Data OverVIEW/Details • What is Severe Weather? • by events, by deaths, by $$ impact, by Tornadoes, by Tropical Storms

  13. Billion Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters

  14. U.S. Natural Disaster Map

  15. Average Annual # of Tornadoes per CONUS State (‘81-’10)Courtesy of SPC’s Greg Carbin

  16. Edit after here

  17. Historical Tornadoes and Tracks Overlainwith Time-matched NWS Overtime Values

  18. Methodology #2 (ArcGIS) • ArcGIS • Grab NWS WWA and per-county 2010 Census population shapefiles • Extract per State, Summarize, County count • Export image(s)

  19. Successes/Future Plans • Quick and easy turnaround • Convey impact information through numerous, diverse communications channels • Opportunity to experiment with tools/technology • Can be used for any future rapidly-evolving event (e.g. Winter, USDM examples) • Can convey impacts at multiple spatiotemporal scales • Linkage between short-term weather (heat) and long-term climate (drought)

  20. Questions??Comments??

  21. Extras

  22. NWS Developmental Web Interface

  23. Summer Temperature Rankings

  24. Summer Rainfall Rankings

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