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RecoTracks Revisited

RecoTracks Revisited. A quick word on association by hits Clear up a question on the low pt cut-off RS vs CTF Charge of recoTracks The resolutions plots revisited CMSSW 1_6_X

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RecoTracks Revisited

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RecoTracks Revisited

  2. A quick word on association by hits Clear up a question on the low pt cut-off RS vs CTF Charge of recoTracks The resolutions plots revisited CMSSW 1_6_X Ran over ~5k events from TTbar release validation sample(/RelValTTbar/CMSSW_1_6_0-RelVal-1189470628/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO ) RecoTracks Revisited

  3. Association by Hits • Definition of association by hits: A matched recoTrack is a recoTrack that has 50% or more of its tracker hits overlap the simulated hits from a simTrack.

  4. Fraction of Shared Hits Note: Most of the associated recoTracks share 100% of their hits with their corresponding simTrack.

  5. RS vs CTF Last time there was some confusion on why it seemed that RS reconstructed many less tracks than CTF

  6. A Quick and Dirty on RS Tracks(Kevin Burkett)

  7. This shows clearly that the RS algorithm has a higher minimum seed pT value (≈1.5GeV). The ‘bleed off’ is due to misestimate of pT from only a few [seed] hits. So in order to be fair to RS, we should make a minimum pT cut. RS vs CTF

  8. Efficiency (pT > 3.0 GeV)

  9. There seems to be less negatively charged recoTracks than positive. Why? Charge Asymmetry + charge - charge

  10. One possible explanation is that π+ reacts differently than π- at lower energies. some of the charged tracks are never reconstructed after they react with the material. Since σπ-p > σπ+p, more negatively charged tracks are lost in the material. Charge Asymmetry ≈ 20 mb ≈ 60 mb 1 GeV

  11. Resolution Revisited • Resolution = RecoTrack – SimTrack (denoted by δ) • All these plots were made with CTF tracks and associated by Hits. • There seems to be a similar trend in variables defined in the r-z plane. • An initial improvement in resolution followed by a steady decrease.

  12. Touch light affect: as you move in |η|, the distance from the first measurement point to the point of closest approach increases. This causes this point to be reconstructed with less precision which is responsible for the steady rise in the resolution plots for variables defined in the r-z plane. The r-z plane reco variables to be less precise as |η| increases. Steady Rise

  13. The improvement for small |η| can be seen from considering charge sharing. Small |η| improvement (Charge Sharing)

  14. Consider the plots in the r-φ plane. They suffer from a similar rise in resolution for increasing |η|. They do not have the improvement at low |η|. More Resolution Plots

  15. This can be explained by looking at the geometry of the tracker. Tracker Geometry

  16. R-Z plane vs R-Phi Plane z L1 L2

  17. There is an additional affect for the pt measurement to multiple scattering. What About pT?

  18. Accounting for the Effects Total Affect

  19. Pull = resolution / error Since the pull distribution depends also on error, it is a bit more complicated since the error determination may not be fully accurate. We’ll get back to you on these. Pull Distributions

  20. Pull in r-z Plane

  21. Pull in r-φ Plane

  22. Back up

  23. CombinatorialTrackFinder (CTF)(Kevin Burkett)

  24. CombinatorialTrackFinder (CTF)(Kevin Burkett)

  25. CombinatorialTrackFinder (CTF)(Kevin Burkett)

  26. CombinatorialTrackFinder (CTF)(Kevin Burkett)

  27. RoadSearch Tracking(Kevin Burkett)

  28. A Quick and Dirty on RS Tracks(Kevin Burkett)

  29. Above pT~5GeV, efficiencies about equal. The overall inefficiency dominated below 2 GeV. RoadSearch Tracking(Kevin Burkett)

  30. Efficiency (pT > 3.0 GeV)

  31. design of the tracking system (Boris) Some formulae stolen from books. The L.Rolandi’s one on your shelf contains them (“Particle Detection with Drift Chambers” by Blum and Rolandi)

  32. design of the tracking system (Boris)

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