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Education Research and the Media: How to Talk to Journalists

Education Research and the Media: How to Talk to Journalists. Emily Richmond, Public Editor National Education Writers Association Sept. 7, 2011. Accessibility. Useful Ed Research Reports Have …. Compelling executive summaries Embargoed release dates Relevance to local audiences

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Education Research and the Media: How to Talk to Journalists

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  1. Education Research and the Media:How to Talk to Journalists Emily Richmond, Public Editor National Education Writers Association Sept. 7, 2011

  2. Accessibility

  3. Useful Ed Research Reports Have … • Compelling executive summaries • Embargoed release dates • Relevance to local audiences • Data for the non-statistician

  4. So What? • Why does it matter and to whom? • Result in possible policy shift? • Result in new local program? • Validate or contradict current perceptions?

  5. Milestone Reports

  6. Key Reports for Journalists • Test results under NCLB • NAEP • College Entrance Exams/AP Participation • NCES: Condition of Education • PISA & TIMSS • Youth Risk Behavior Survey

  7. Legislative Sessions and ‘Hot’ Topics • NCLB re-authorization • Race to the Top • Teacher evaluations • Early childhood education • Higher education remediation and high school early interventions • Reform initiatives underway in other states (Florida model)

  8. Getting It Into the Newspaper

  9. What Gets Published? • Quotes from the expert/researcher (Be available for interviews) • Local angles on state or national research • Data that makes a difference

  10. EWA: Linking Reporters and Researchers • Helping reporters understand uses – and misuses – of research through training and support • EdMedia Commons as timely & accurate relay station • Research roundtable • EWA-commissioned research briefs • AERA and UPenn School of Ed co-hosting 2012 national seminar

  11. Thank you! erichmond@ewa.org @EWAEmily

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