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OVERVIEW. NOVA’S CRISIS INTERVENTION MODEL. NOVA’S Crisis Intervention Model. Maslow’s Hierarchy Psychological First Aid Resiliencey. Services of crisis team:. – Family Assistance Center (FAC) set-up – Companions – Individual Crisis Intervention (ICI)

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  2. NOVA’S Crisis Intervention Model • Maslow’s Hierarchy • Psychological First Aid • Resiliencey

  3. Services of crisis team: • – Family Assistance Center (FAC) set-up • – Companions • – Individual Crisis Intervention (ICI) • – Group Crisis Intervention (GCI) • – Educational Sessions • – Memorial Planning and Assistance • – Death Notification

  4. Diagramming a Disaster • Determine cause: natural, human, technological • Determine elements involved: earth, wind, fire, water, people • Determine issues of concern: sensorial, duration, conceptual

  5. Diagramming a DisasterChronology • Pre-disaster Equilibrium Previous disaster history Cultural/economic tensions • Warning Characterized by anxiety Disaster subcultures Credible vs. non-credible

  6. Diagramming a Disaster Chronology • Threat Responses vary: emotional problem-solving disengagement or “blunting”

  7. Diagramming a DisasterChronology • Impact Timing may add to sense of unreality Time warp Duration Survival issues Community pre-occupation Low point vs. no low point

  8. Diagramming a DisasterChronology Inventory Disorientation Silence Assessment/triage

  9. Diagramming a DisasterChronology • Rescue • Remedy/Mitigation Disaster euphoria Disillusionment • Adjustment Stages

  10. Diagramming a DisasterSpatial Dimensions • Convergence • Proximity • Remoteness • Geographic Spread

  11. Diagramming a Disaster • Role Dimensions • Assessment of Social Disruption Practical Emotional • Distinguishing Features of Community Tragedy

  12. CRISIS REACTION • PHYSICAL Immobilization (“frozen fright”) Mobilization (fight, flight, or adapt) Exhaustion (problem of sleep)

  13. CRISIS REACTION • EMOTIONAL Shock, Disbelief, Denial, Regression Cataclysmic emotions Fear, Anger, Confusion, Frustration, Guilt, Shame, Grief Reconstruction of (new) equilibrium

  14. Elements of Crisis Intervention • Safety and Security • Ventilation and Validation • Prediction and Preparation

  15. Group Crisis Intervention(GCI) Techniques • Purpose: Address large numbers Provide peer validation Provide written validation through scribe Begin repair of community’s social fabric Educate community members Affirm hope for the future

  16. Group Crisis Intervention • Logistics Who and How Many? Where? When? How Long? Setup

  17. Group Crisis InterventionRoles • Lead Facilitator • Support Facilitator – “Scribe” • Other GCI Supporters

  18. NOVA Basic GCI Process • Introduction • Ground Rules • Questions Ventilation Validation • Education/Summary

  19. Special IssuesDeath • Emotions: Fear, Anger, Guilt, Shame • Loss • Grief • Death Notification

  20. Special IssuesLong Term Stress • Post-Trauma Character Changes • Trigger Events • Secondary Injuries

  21. Special IssuesSpirituality • Trauma Impacts Faith • Power of Prayer in Crisis • Power of Ritual in Crisis • Ethical Guidelines for Helpers Survivors are Vulnerable Respect Ritual and Practices

  22. Special IssuesCulture • Matrix of Influences • Cultural Action Plan Education Geography, History, Rituals and Routines Entrance into a Different Culture Respect and Good Will

  23. Special IssuesChildren • Developmental Stages • Spasmodic Crisis Reactions • Death Issues • Lack of Denial • Grief • Impact of Parent Loss

  24. Special IssuesElders • Challenges of Aging • Season of Losses • Trauma Shatters Beliefs

  25. Organizing Crisis Response Teams • Goals Assist local caregivers in planning Support local caregivers Train local caregivers Provide crisis intervention

  26. Organizing Crisis Response Teams • Levels of Service • Team Member Roles: HQ Staff, Team Leader, Team Manager, Others (“Worker Bees”) • Local Host • Flow of Activities

  27. CONCLUSION • “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.”  Blanche DuBois― Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire

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