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Session 207. Objectives. Describe how the Jefferson County School District is working to meet the new Tennessee Education Standards. Provide a sneak preview to what we are doing with our web site to facilitate the changes. Changes in Our World. Globalized World Wired 24/7
Objectives • Describe how the Jefferson County School District is working to meet the new Tennessee Education Standards. • Provide a sneak preview to what we are doing with our web site to facilitate the changes.
Changes in Our World • Globalized World • Wired 24/7 • Continuous Communications • Cell Phones and Text Messages • High Speed Internet • The United States is no longer the leading country in many areas. • Technology is a Driving Force!
Changes in the Workplace • We are educating students for jobs that do not exist yet. • People do not have to live in the same location as their work. • Thomas Friedman identified three world “flatteners”: • New technologies • New ways of working and a new playing field for business • New set of people have emerged onto the playing field and want to work.
Changes in our Schools • Emerging Technologies for Teaching • Emerging Tools for Teaching and Learning • New Skills Needed • The advancing Internet
New Tools and Methods for Teaching & Learning Podcasting Web 2.0 Digital Storytelling Streaming Media Web lessons and tutorials Distance Learning
Seventy-one percent (71%) of American households have web access. Americans age 13-24 spend more time online than they do in front of a TV (Sloane & Kaihla, 2006). Seventy percent (70%) of the registered users of YouTube are American and 50% are under the age of 20 (Gomes, 2006) 65% of students in grades 6-12 use instant messenger/email every day. Changes in Our Students
Personal website usage jumped by 300% from 2004 to 2005. • By grade 12, almost 50% of students report using a personal web page on a weekly basis. • In grades 6-12: • 54% of students go online for news, sports, weather, and entertainment • 51% use graphic, photo, music editing software • 47% conduct personal research • 43% shop Web 2.0 New tools, new schools by Gwen Solomon and Lynne Schrum
Changes in Our CurriculumShift in Emphasis New Version of Bloom Old Version of Bloom
Remembering: can the student recall or remember the information? define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce state • Understanding: can the student explain ideas or concepts? classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphrase • Applying: can the student use the information in a new way? choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write. • Analysing: can the student distinguish between the different parts? appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test. • Evaluating: can the student justify a stand or decision? appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate • Creating: can the student create new product or point of view? assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write. http://www.odu.edu/educ/roverbau/Bloom/blooms_taxonomy.htm
Changes in Mathematics Math - 4 Credits: (Students must take a math class each year) • Algebra I - 1 Credit • Geometry - 1 Credit • Algebra II - 1 Credit • Upper level Math: - 1 Credit • Bridge Math Students who have not earned a 19 on the mathematics component of the ACT by the beginning of the senior year is recommended to complete the Bridge Math course. • Capstone Math • STEM Math (Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Adv. Algebra and Trigonometry, Statistics, Discrete Mathematics)
Changes in Science • Three Science credit • Biology • Chemistry or Physics • Additional lab science
Embedded Inquiry & Technology and Engineering Standards • GLE 0707.Inq.1 Design and conduct open-ended scientific investigations. • GLE 0707.Inq.2 Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, organize, analyze, and interpret data. • GLE 0707.Inq.3 Synthesize information to determine cause and effect relationships between evidence and explanations. • GLE 0707.Inq.4 Recognize possible sources of bias and error, alternative explanations, and questions for further exploration. • GLE 0707.Inq.5 Communicate scientific understanding using descriptions, explanations, and models.
Technology & Engineering • GLE 0707.T/E.1 Explore how technology responds to social, political, and economic needs. • GLE 0707.T/E.2 Know that the engineering design process involves an ongoing series of events that incorporate design constraints, model building, testing, evaluating, modifying, and retesting. • GLE 0707.T/E.3 Compare the intended benefits with the unintended consequences of a new technology. • GLE 0707.T/E.4 Describe and explain adaptive and assistive bioengineered products.
Changes in Language Arts • Language • Communication • Writing • Research • Logic • Informational Text • Media • Literature • Grade 7: Informational Text • GLE 0701.6.2 Analyze the organizational structures of informational texts • Cause-Effect Relationships K12 English Language Strands Informational Text
Critical Point • Every teacher put their hands on the curriculum and really studied the changes. • Realization that they were not the only one thinking this would be difficult.
Mission Possible • Prepare teachers for the changes in curriculum standards. • Inform stakeholders of the new Tennessee curriculum standards and the impact on graduation requirements and test scores. • Develop confidence in teachers with new instructional strategies and the “raising of the bar.”
Summer Workshop • Teachers developed resources for three half days and aligned with areas of change and areas identified as difficult to teach. • All resources were identified by new curriculum number coding system.
Strategies for Teachers • Identify what is new at each grade level. • Identify vocabulary and terminology that is new for teachers. • Identify what is going to be difficult for students at each grade level. • Create resources for each of these areas. • Locate online resources for all areas of curriculum.
How do we do this? Assist Teachers through Professional Development • Strengthen content knowledge base • Assist in classroom by “modeling” techniques and strategies. • Support teachers…Create an environment where are not afraid to ask for help. • Strengthen technology skills • Web 2.0 tools
Dynamic Curriculum http://jc-schools.net Dynamic Curriculum
Current Activities and Timeline Roll Out New Curriculum April 2009 Fall 2008 Language Arts Math Spring 2009 Science Social Studies
Two High School Classrooms High School in West Philadelphia Traditional School Room
We know how they are different. High School in West Philadelphia Traditional School Room
But how are they alike? High School in West Philadelphia Traditional School Room
“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”
The Starfish StoryOriginal Story by: Loren Eisley One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” “Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!” After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said…”I made a difference for that one.”