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Praise Service Sunday March 8, 2009. Order of Service. Offering Sanctuary Joys & Concerns The Lord’s Prayer Closing Song All the Earth Will Sing Your Praises. Opening Song Stir Up Hunger Welcome / Announcements Call to Worship Songs of Praise Soon and Very Soon I’ll Fly Away
Order of Service Offering Sanctuary Joys & Concerns The Lord’s Prayer Closing Song All the Earth Will Sing Your Praises • Opening Song • Stir Up Hunger • Welcome / Announcements • Call to Worship • Songs of Praise • Soon and Very Soon • I’ll Fly Away • Chalk Talk • Passing the Peace • Songs of Worship • We Fall Down • Once Again • Scripture • Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16; 1 Romans 4: 3-25; Mark 8: 31-38 • The Message – “The Prediction of Death”
Join us as we welcome Bishop Peggy Johnson, District Superintendent Bill Sterling, Conference Resource Director Dr. Sandra Steiner-Ball, and many of the former Pastor's from Centreville United Methodist Church. Hear the choir help us celebrate, see the photo memorabilia, and video testimonials. A Reception will follow immediately after the service in Fellowship Hall.
Coffee Hour Third Sunday of Each Month Next Coffee Hour Sunday, March 15th Following the 8:45 Service through the beginning of the 11:00 Service. We encourage folks to stay late and/or come early so the we can all mingle in Fellowship together
We are in need of photos from events that take place at Centreville United Methodist Church, or with Groups from CUMC in 2009. These photos will be used on the website and in a Special “Year in Review”. So please bring your camera and snap photos of people having fun and fellowship in 2009! Volunteer Photographers Needed! • Baptisms • Flea Markets • VIM Pancake Breakfasts • Dinners • MYF Events • ASP • Movie Nights • and much, much more! Capture images of the events that are held at and with groups from CUMC in 2009 for all of us to enjoy!
Worship To Start In 2 7 10 8 5 1 9 6 4 3
Day into night You can turn the dark into light; You can take a soul that was lost And turn it around
Lord, on my own My heart can turn as hard as stone, But You can make it tender again With Your love
Stir up a hunger Stir up a hunger in my heart Nothing will satisfy me Nothing else will do
Stir up a hunger A hunger in my heart Stir up a hunger in my heart for more of YOU
Day into night You can turn the dark into light; You can take a soul that was lost And turn it around
Lord, on my own My heart can turn as hard as stone, But You can make it tender again With Your love
Stir up a hunger Stir up a hunger in my heart Nothing will satisfy me Nothing else will do
Stir up a hunger A hunger in my heart Stir up a hunger in my heart for more of YOU
Stir up a hunger Stir up a hunger in my heart Nothing will satisfy me Nothing else will do
Stir up a hunger A hunger in my heart Stir up a hunger in my heart for more of YOU
Call To Worship Leader: Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow. People: Though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.
Some glad morning When this life is o’er, I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (Fly Away).
To a home On God’s celestial shore, I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (Fly Away)
I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away Oh Glory; I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (In the Morning)
When I die, Hallelujah, by and by, I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (Fly Away)
When the shadows Of this life have grown, I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (Fly Away)
Like a bird from prison bars has flown, I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (Fly Away)
I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away Oh Glory; I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (In the Morning)
When I die, Hallelujah, by and by, I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (Fly Away)
Just a few more weary days and then I’ll (Fly Away) Fly away (Fly Away)
To a land where joys shall never end, I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (Fly Away)
I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away Oh Glory; I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (In the Morning)
When I die, Hallelujah, by and by, I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (Fly Away)
I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away Oh Glory; I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (In the Morning)
When I die, Hallelujah, by and by, I’ll (Fly Away) Fly Away (Fly Away)
We fall down, We lay our crowns at the feet Of Jesus,
The greatness of Mercy and love at the feet of Jesus
And we cry Holy, Holy, Holy
And we cry Holy, Holy, Holy
And we cry Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lamb.
We fall down, We lay our crowns at the feet Of Jesus,
The greatness of Mercy and love at the feet of Jesus
And we cry Holy, Holy, Holy