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Praise Service “Christ The King Sunday” November 23, 2008. Order of Service. Opening Song Fields of Grace Welcome / Announcements Call to Worship Songs of Praise My Life Is In You Lord Ancient Of Days Chalk Talk / Passing the Peace Songs of Worship You Are My King
Order of Service • Opening Song • Fields of Grace • Welcome / Announcements • Call to Worship • Songs of Praise • My Life Is In You Lord • Ancient Of Days • Chalk Talk / Passing the Peace • Songs of Worship • You Are My King • Praise You In This Storm • Scripture • Ezekiel 34: 11-16; Ephesians 1: 15-23; Matthew 25: 31-46 • Christian Drama – “Children of the King” • The Message – “The King” • Offering • Sanctuary • Joys & Concerns • The Lord’s Prayer • Closing Song • Let The Praises Ring
Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace. Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace.
There’s a place where I love to run and play. There’s a place where I sing new songs of praise.
Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace. Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace.
There’s a place where I lose myself in Him. There’s a place where I find myself again.
Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace. Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace.
There’s a place where religion finally dies. There’s a place where I lose my selfish pride.
Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace. Dancing with my Father God in fields of grace.
I love my Father, my Father loves me. I dance for my Father, my Father sings over me.
I love my Father, my Father loves me. I dance for my Father, my Father sings over me.
And nothing, nothing. Nothing can take that away from me. Nothing, nothing, Nothing can take that away from me.
No nothing, nothing Nothing can take that away from me. Nothing, nothing Nothing can take that away from me.
Call To Worship Leader: Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, I stand in awe at your majesty. People: We are clothed with honor and majesty and robed in light. Leader: In your wisdom you created the earth and all that is within it. People: In thanksgiving, let us worship and praise the King of Kings God.
My life is in You LordMy strength is in You LordMy hope is in You LordIn You it's in You
My life is in You LordMy strength is in You LordMy hope is in You LordIn You it's in You
I will praise YouWith all of my lifeI will praise YouWith all of my strength
With all of my lifeWith all of my strengthAll of my hope is in You
My life is in You LordMy strength is in You LordMy hope is in You LordIn You it's in You
My life is in You LordMy strength is in You LordMy hope is in You LordIn You it's in You
I will praise YouWith all of my lifeI will praise YouWith all of my strength
With all of my lifeWith all of my strengthAll of my hope is in You
My life is in You LordMy strength is in You LordMy hope is in You LordIn You it's in You
My life is in You LordMy strength is in You LordMy hope is in You LordIn You it's in You
Blessing and honor glory and power Be unto the Ancient of Days From ev'ry nation all of creation Bow before the Ancient of Days
Ev'ry tongue in heaven and earth Shall declare Your glory Ev'ry knee shall bow At Your throne in worship
You will be exalted O God And Your kingdom shall not pass away O Ancient of Days
Blessing and honor glory and power Be unto the Ancient of Days From ev'ry nation all of creation Bow before the Ancient of Days
Ev'ry tongue in heaven and earth Shall declare Your glory Ev'ry knee shall bow At Your throne in worship
You will be exalted O God And Your kingdom shall not pass away O Ancient of Days
Your kingdom shall reign Over all the earth Sing unto the Ancient of Days
For none can compare To Your matchless worth Sing unto the Ancient of Days
Ev'ry tongue in heaven and earth Shall declare Your glory Ev'ry knee shall bow At Your throne in worship
You will be exalted O God And Your kingdom shall not pass away O Ancient of Days
O Ancient of Days O Ancient of Days
I'm forgivenBecause You were forsakenI'm acceptedYou were condemned
I'm alive and wellYour Spirit is within meBecause You diedAnd rose again
I'm forgivenBecause You were forsakenI'm acceptedYou were condemned
I'm alive and wellYour Spirit is within meBecause You diedAnd rose again
Amazing loveI know it's trueIt's my joy to honor YouIn all I do I honor You
You are my KingYou are my KingJesus You are my KingFather You are my King