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Silvicultural systems Gary Kerr, Silviculturist, Forest Research

Silvicultural systems Gary Kerr, Silviculturist, Forest Research. What silvicultural system is this…and does it matter?. Structure of Presentation. Silvicultural Systems (including a show by the Llanidloes Players) Continuous Cover Forestry, Low Impact Silvicultural Systems and ATC

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Silvicultural systems Gary Kerr, Silviculturist, Forest Research

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Silvicultural systemsGary Kerr, Silviculturist, Forest Research

  2. What silvicultural system is this…and does it matter? Silvicultural systems

  3. Structure of Presentation • Silvicultural Systems (including a show by the Llanidloes Players) • Continuous Cover Forestry, Low Impact Silvicultural Systems and ATC • Relevance and application • Take away messages Silvicultural systems

  4. What are silvicultural systems? ‘A silvicultural system may be defined as the process by which the crops constituting a forest are tended, removed and replaced by new crops, resulting in the production of woods of a distinctive form.’ (Troup, 1928) Silvicultural systems

  5. Four components of a silvicultural system • Regeneration • Tending • Harvesting • [Stands of distinctive form] Silvicultural systems

  6. Silvicultural systems

  7. Application to a 5 ha forest stand 0.1 ha felling unit 5 ha felling unit Silvicultural systems

  8. Silvicultural Systems Presented by the Llanidloes Players Silvicultural systems

  9. Silvicultural systems

  10. Silvicultural systems

  11. Silvicultural systems

  12. Silvicultural systems

  13. Silvicultural systems Silvicultural systems

  14. What are the main differences between a selection system and a uniform/group/irregular system? Silvicultural systems

  15. CCF, ATC, LISS and Silvicultural systems • Continuous cover forestry • Alternatives to clearfelling • Low impact silvicultural systems • Close-to-nature forestry • Dauerwald • New forestry • Ecosystem management • Transformation • Uneven-aged silviculture • Irregular silviculture Silvicultural systems

  16. Many of these terms are used to describe approaches or processes that attempt to integrate the ever increasing range of objectives (economic, environmental, social) into forest management. The main driver is diversity at stand and landscape scale. Silvicultural systems

  17. The Woodland Strategy for Wales uses the term Continuous Cover Forestry • This is an approach to forest management and not a silvicultural system. It has 4 main guiding principles*: • Managing the forest ecosystem • Using natural processes • Working within site limitations • Diversifying stand structure * as described in FCIN29 Silvicultural systems

  18. Silvicultural systems Silvicultural systems

  19. Silvicultural systems

  20. Relevance and application • Stands of distinctive form • When Troup and others classified different silvicultural systems they were mainly based on examination of stands where different systems had been practised for at least 50 years • Consideration of transformation (from even-aged to CCF) is limited… Silvicultural systems

  21. Silvicultural systems

  22. Silvicultural systems

  23. Silvicultural systems

  24. Silvicultural systems

  25. In the context of transformation to CCF: • Option 1: deposit the concept of silvicultural systems in the WPB and work with the dynamics of the forest to create: • a simple CCF structure (1 or 2 canopy layers) • a complex CCF structure (3 or more canopy layers) • Option 2: use Silvicultural System as a ‘working hypothesis’ and not a ruling doctrine. Silvicultural systems

  26. Take away messages • All silvicultural decisions must be driven by management objectives. • Silvicultural systems are a classification of different applications of regeneration-tending-harvesting. • Continuous Cover is an approach to forest management. There is not an exact match with different silvicultural systems. • Silvicultural systems are best used to describe future treatment of long established woodlands. • For transformation to continuous cover, use forest stand dynamics to develop simple or complex structures. Silvicultural systems

  27. ..the successful application of some silvicultural systems would be impossible at present for two reasons: (i) the derelict state of many woodlands due to faulty treatment and (ii) the country is so infested with rabbits that economic forestry in any form is often difficult if not impossible. (Troup, 1928 [paraphrased]) Silvicultural systems

  28. Questions and feedback Silvicultural systems

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