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Cell Analogies

Cell Analogies. Warm-Up. What is an analogy? Give an example of an analogy. An analogy is a comparison or similarity of 2 things that are otherwise very different. Analogies for the Cell…. A plant cell is like a school. Cornell Notes Format. An analogy is…

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Cell Analogies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CellAnalogies

  2. Warm-Up • What is an analogy? • Give an example of an analogy.

  3. An analogy is a comparison or similarity of 2 things that are otherwise very different.

  4. Analogies for the Cell…

  5. A plant cell is like a school.

  6. Cornell Notes Format • An analogy is… • The brick walls of a school are A comparison of two things that might otherwise not be similar. The cell wall because it provides support and protection for the school

  7. cell wall

  8. The main office is like the cell membrane because it controls what enters & leaves. cell membrane

  9. The principal is like the nucleus because he controls all of the activities. nucleus

  10. The air in the building is like the cytoplasmbecause it contains all of the other parts and stops them from slamming into each other. cytoplasm

  11. The electricity is like the mitochondriabecause it provides energy. mitochondria

  12. The hallways are like the endoplasmic reticulumbecause they provide a method of transportation. endoplasmic reticulum

  13. The cafeteria is like the ribosomesbecause it is where things are created or made. ribosomes

  14. The mailroom is like the golgi bodies because it’s where items are collected, sorted and redistributed. Golgi Bodies

  15. The wastebaskets are like the vacuoles because they store waste materials. vacuoles

  16. The greenhouse is like the chloroplasts because it uses sunlight to make energy. chloroplasts

  17. The building service workers are like the lysosomes because they break down materials and clean up. lysosomes

  18. A cell is like a classroom.

  19. The windows & doors are like the cell membrane because they control what enters & leaves. cell membrane

  20. The teacher is like the nucleusbecause she controls all of the activities. nucleus

  21. The air in the classroom is like the cytoplasmbecause it contains all of the other partsand keeps stuff from slamming into each other. cytoplasm

  22. The electricity is like the mitochondriabecause it provides energy. mitochondria

  23. The aisles between desks are like the endoplasmic reticulumbecause they provide a walkway. endoplasmic reticulum

  24. The lab stations are like the ribosomes because it is where things are created or made. ribosomes

  25. The paper manager is like the golgi bodies because he gets items, sorts them and redistributes them to the class. Golgi Bodies

  26. The wastebaskets are like the vacuoles because they store waste materials. vacuoles

  27. The students are like the lysosomes because they clean up. lysosomes

  28. A Cell is like a City! Now you are ready to create your own analogy using a city. Think of all of the parts to a city and all the parts of a plant cell. Now, match them with the parts of a plant cell. Record your answers on the worksheet. Follow the example that was done for you. Good Luck!

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