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CS 294-12 -- October 2002

Explore the use of computer graphics and rapid prototyping in design, evaluation, and optimization processes. Learn about traditional and new prototyping methods, commercial processes, and the challenges and benefits of rapid prototyping.

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CS 294-12 -- October 2002

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  1. CS 294-12 -- October 2002 Rapid Prototyping and its Role in Design Realization Carlo H. Séquin EECS Computer Science Division University of California, Berkeley

  2. Focus of Talk • How can we use the visualization power offered by computer graphics and by computer-controlled rapid prototyping in design and in design realization?

  3. DESIGN The following questions should be raisedand be answerable: • What is the purpose of the artifact ? • What are the designer’s goals for it ? • How will the artifact be evaluated ? • What are the associated costs ? • How can we maximize the benefit/cost ratio ?

  4. Example Task “Design an Instrument as an Interfaceto an Existing Data Base. • Purpose: Enhance access to data base. • Goals: Provide: novel insights, deeper understanding, better user interface. • Evaluation: Let several users use the device and observe what emerges. • Costs: Fabrication, as well as operation. • Optimization: Heavily dependent on approach taken.

  5. Design is an Iterative Process Formal Specifications Detailed Description Clear Concept Vague idea Experiments, get feedback Revision of artifact 1st `hack' Demo Prototype Usable Evaluation Series Marketable Systems Product

  6. A Specific Challenge Create as soon as possible a 3D "free-form" part (not a box-like thing that can be built from flat plates) for evaluation in its application context. This includes: • visualization • tactile feedback • function verification • simulation of final use.

  7. Conceptual Prototyping The Traditional Options: • Model from clay • Carve from wood • Bend wire meshing • Carve from styrofoam – perhaps with surface reinforcement • Mill from a block of plastic or aluminum (3- or 4-axes machines)

  8. “Hyperbolic Hexagon II” (wood) Brent Collins

  9. Brent Collins’ Prototyping Process Mockup for the "Saddle Trefoil" Armature for the "Hyperbolic Heptagon" Time-consuming ! (1-3 weeks)

  10. New Ways of Rapid Prototyping Based on Layered Manufacturing: • Build the part in a layered fashion-- typically from bottom up. • Conceptually, like stacking many tailored pieces of cardboard on top of one another. • Part geometry needs to be sliced, and the geometry of each slice determined. • Computer controlled, fully automated.

  11. Slices through “Minimal Trefoil” 50% 30% 23% 10% 45% 27% 20% 5% 35% 25% 15% 2%

  12. “Heptoroid” ( from Sculpture Generator I ) Cross-eye stereo pair

  13. Profiled Slice through the Sculpture • One thick slicethru “Heptoroid”from which Brent can cut boards and assemble a rough shape.Traces represent: top and bottom,as well as cuts at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4of one board.

  14. Emergence of the “Heptoroid” (1) Assembly of the precut boards

  15. Emergence of the “Heptoroid” (2) Forming a continuous smooth edge

  16. Emergence of the “Heptoroid” (3) Thinning the structure and smoothing the surface

  17. “Heptoroid” • Collaboration byBrent Collins &Carlo Séquin(1997)

  18. Some Commercial Processes Additive Methods with Sacrificial Supports: • Fused Deposition Modeling (Stratasys) • Solidscape (Sanders Prototype, Inc.) • Solid Printing / Imaging (3D Systems) • Stereolithography Powder-Bed Based Approaches: • 3D Printing (Z-Corporation) • Selective Laser Sintering

  19. SFF: Fused Deposition Modeling Principle: • Beads of semi-liquid ABS* plastic get deposited by a head moving in x-y-plane. • Supports are built from a separate nozzle. Schematic view ==> • Key player: Stratasys: http://www.stratasys.com/ * acrylonitrile-butadine-styrene

  20. Fused Deposition Modeling

  21. Looking into the FDM Machine

  22. Zooming into the FDM Machine

  23. Single-thread Figure-8 Klein Bottle As it comes out of the FDM machine

  24. Layered Fabrication of Klein Bottle Support material

  25. Klein Bottle Skeleton (FDM)

  26. Fused Deposition Modeling An Informal Evaluation • Easy to use • Rugged and robust • Could have this in your office • Good transparent software (Quickslice)with multiple entry points: STL, SSL, SML • Inexpensive to operate • Slow • Think about support removal !

  27. What Can Go Wrong ? • Black blobs • Toppled supports

  28. Solid Object Printing ModelMaker II (Solidscape)

  29. SFF: Solid Object Printing ModelMaker II (Solidscape) • Alternate Deposition / Planarization Steps • Build envelope: 12 x 6 x 8.5 in. • Build layer: 0.0005 in. to 0.0030 in. • Achievable accuracy: +/- 0.001 in. per inch • Surface finish: 32-63 micro-inches (RMS) • Minimum feature size: 0.010 in. • Key Player:Solidscape*: http://www.solid-scape.com/ * formerly: Sanders

  30. SFF: Solid Object Printing Projection of 4D 120-cell, made in “jewelers wax.” (2” diam.)

  31. SFF: Solid Scape (Sanders) An Informal Evaluation • The most precise SFF machine around • Very slow • Sensitive to ambient temperature • Must be kept running most of the time • Poor software • Little access to operational parameters Based on comments by B. G.:http://www.bathsheba.com/

  32. SFF: Solid Imaging • Droplets of a thermoplastic material are sprayed from a moving print head onto a platform surface. • Need to build a support structures where there are overhangs / bridges. • These supports (of the same material) are given porous, fractal nature. • They need to be removed (manually). • Key player: 3D Systems:http://www.3dsystems.com/index_nav.asp

  33. SFF: Solid Imaging Supports made from same material, but with a fractal structure

  34. SFF: Solid Imaging Thermojet Printer (3D Systems) • Technology: Multi-Jet Modeling (MJM) • Resolution (x,y,z): 300 x 400 x 600 DPI • Maximum Model Size: 10 x 7.5 x 8 in (13 lb) • Material: neutral, gray, black thermoplastic: • ThermoJet 88: smooth surfaces for casting • ThermoJet 2000: more durable for handling

  35. SFF: Solid Imaging • That’s how partsemerge from theThermojet printer • After partial removalof the supportingscaffolding

  36. 9-Story Intertwined Double Toroid Bronze investment casting fromwax original made on3D Systems’“Thermojet”

  37. SFF: Solid Imaging An Informal Evaluation • Fast • Inexpensive • Reliable, robust • Good for investment casting • Support removal takes some care(refrigerate model beforehand) • Thermojet 88 parts are fragile

  38. Powder-based Approaches Key Properties: • Needs no supports that must be removed! • Uniform bed of powder acts as support. • This powder gets selectively (locally) glued (or fused) together to create the solid portions of the desired part.

  39. SFF: 3D Printing -- Principle • Selectively depositbinder dropletsonto abed of powderto form locallysolid parts. Head Powder Spreading Printing Powder Feeder Build

  40. 3D Printing: Some Key Players • Z Corporation: http://www.zcorp.com/Plaster and starch powders for visualization models. • Soligen: http://www.zcorp.com/Metal and ceramic powdersfor operational prototypes. • Therics Inc.:http://www.therics.com/Biopharmaceutical products,tissue engineering.

  41. 3D Printing:Z Corporation The Z402 3D Printer • Speed: 1-2 vertical inches per hour • Build Volume: 8" x 10" x 8" • Thickness: 3 to 10 mils, selectable

  42. 3D Printing:Z Corporation

  43. 3D Printing:Z Corporation • Digging out

  44. Optional Curing: 30 min. @ 200ºF Keep some powder in place <-- Tray for transport

  45. 3D Printing:Z Corporation Cleaning up in the de-powdering station

  46. 3D Printing:Z Corporation The finished part • Zcorp, • 6” diam., • 6hrs.

  47. 120 Cell -- Close-up

  48. 3D Color Printing: Z Corporation The Z402C 3D Color Printer Differences compared to mono-color printer: • Color print head with: Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Black, and Neutral. • Smaller build area. Specs: • Speed: 0.33 - 0.66 vertical inches per hour • Build Volume: 6" x 6" x 6" • Thickness: 3 to 10 mils, selectable • Color depth: 80 mils

  49. 3D Color Printing: Z Corporation

  50. 3D Color Printing: Z Corporation Use compressed air to blow out central hollow space.

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