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Integrating General Studies: Family Course

Explore the interdisciplinary research process in an online course focusing on family studies. Understand the nature of love using an integrative approach. Enhance learning outcomes through diverse perspectives.

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Integrating General Studies: Family Course

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  1. Family & Love: Integrating General Studies Kenneth Fuchsman, University of Connecticut Jennifer Parker, University of Connecticut

  2. Objectives By the conclusion of this presentation, you should be able to: • Describe an example of how integrative learning can occur in an online course. • Apply an interdisciplinary research process to a topic using personal knowledge and experience.

  3. Integrating General Studies: Family Course • Course’s Origin • Face-to-Face Version • The “Family” Focus • Going Online

  4. Instructional Design

  5. Online Course Improvements • Strengthened Interdisciplinary Studies foundation at course’s beginning • Added concluding module to better aid students with Interdisciplinary Studies synthesis process • Ensuring consistency across other course versions (Organizations & Civil Rights) • Meeting Quality Matters Standards

  6. Interdisciplinary Studies Julie Thompson Klein and William Newell (1996):  “interdisciplinary studies may be defined as a process of answering a question, solving a problem, or addressing a topic that is too broad or complex to be dealt with adequately by a single discipline or profession.” Interdisciplinarity “draws on disciplinary perspectives and integrates their insights through construction of a more comprehensive perspective. In this manner, interdisciplinary study is…complementary to and corrective of the disciplines.”

  7. Interdisciplinary Research Process National Academy of Science (2005): “Interdisciplinary research (IDR) is a mode of research by teams or individuals that integrates information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and/or theories from two or more disciplines or bodies of specialized knowledge to advance fundamental understanding or to solve problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline or area of research practice.” An inquiry “is truly interdisciplinary when it is …an integration and synthesis of ideas and methods”

  8. Allen Repko'sInterdisciplinary Research Process • Draw on disciplinary insights • Define the problem or state the focus question • Justify using an interdisciplinary approach • Identify relevant disciplines • Conduct literature search • Develop adequacy in each relevant discipline • Analyze the problem and evaluate each insight into it B. Integrate insights and produce an interdisciplinary understanding 7. Identify conflicts between insights and their sources 8. Create or discover common ground 9. Integrate insights 10. Produce an interdisciplinary understanding of the problem and test it  

  9. What’s the nature of love? • Conceptions of love(See handout.) • Christopher explains loveto Grover

  10. Activity: Define “Love” Use Allen Repko’s Interdisciplinary Research Process to examine love. • Draw on disciplinary insights using personal knowledge and experience to analyze “love.” • Integrate insights and produce an interdisciplinary understanding of “love”.

  11. Questions ?

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