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Integrating Technology Into the Social Studies Classroom-Mini Camp II K-12 Social Studies

Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction: A Framework for Raising Achievement in Social Studies. Integrating Technology Into the Social Studies Classroom-Mini Camp II K-12 Social Studies Division of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology. Mini Camp II October 13-14, Mountain Group

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Integrating Technology Into the Social Studies Classroom-Mini Camp II K-12 Social Studies

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  1. Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction: A Framework for Raising Achievement in Social Studies Integrating Technology Into the Social Studies Classroom-Mini Camp II K-12 Social Studies Division of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology

  2. Mini Camp II October 13-14, Mountain Group October 16-17, Piedmont Group October 23-24, Coastal Group Daily Agendas

  3. http://moodle.dpi.state.nc.us/moodle/login/

  4. Web Tools That… create publish Everyone & Anyone Can.. share connect influence collaborate

  5. Web 2.0: Evolution Towards a Read/Write Platform Web 1.0(1993-2003) Pretty much HTML pages viewed through a browser Web 2.0(2003- beyond) Web pages, plus a lot of other “content” shared over the web, with more interactivity; more like an application than a “page” “Read” Mode “Write” & Contribute “Page” Primary Unit of content “Post / record” “static” State “dynamic” Web browser Viewed through… Browsers, RSS Readers, anything “ClientServer” Architecture “Web Services” Web Coders Content Created by… Everyone “geeks” Domain of… “mass amatuerization”

  6. Open Issues / Implications • The appeal of Web 2.0 lies in the nature of the apps/tools • Direct • Transparent • controllable • What expectations does this set? • Who owns the message? • How can marketers use this to their advantage? • Are “massses” better than the traditional “experts”?

  7. Have you ever used email to send a document to someone or receive from someone to edit, proof, collaborate on together? Have you ever wished that you could work on a document with someone but you were not ever able to schedule a meeting but it had to be done?

  8. Collaboration with a purpose!

  9. What is a Wiki? A wiki is a web site where anyone can easily collaborate and share information. A wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone who has permission to access it to contribute or modify the content. Wikis are collaborative websites. A wiki is a website where users can add, remove, and edit every page using a web browser. Wikis are a type of social software that make it easy to communicate online. Because the wiki is as simple to edit as it is to read it is perfect online collaboration tool.

  10. Inside communication Make it easy for everyone in your class/department/school/organization to stay up-to-date. Collaboration Discuss, create documents, share knowledge, in one place. Knowledge management Consolidate knowledge for your class/department/school/organizationin a single, searchable, structured repository. Outside groups Work with outside classes/departments/schools/organizations in secure, independent online workspaces. For what purposes are wikis commonly used? Web publishing Lose the bottleneck. Publish your website easily, instantly. Documentation Create and publish online documentation the efficient way.

  11. Wikis In Plain English

  12. Students, teammates, or co-workers collaborate online. [Collaboration] Every user gets a voice. [All can contribute] There is no ownership of pages [All can edit] Can view changes made by different users or rollback to previous versions. [Traceable history] When members of a team leave and new ones come in the wiki can live on [Anyone can just jump in..] Why Use Wikis?

  13. What do wikis look like?

  14. Wikis can be thought of as a combination of a Webpage and a WORD document All wikis start off as a single blank page Wiki pages are created and connected by hyperlinks Wiki Structure

  15. Let’s go online and take a live look at some wiki sites.

  16. http://hobbitalk.wikispaces.com/ -Five 5th graders and I created this wiki - our first - chronicling our journey through the book, The Hobbit. It was quite an exciting experiment. While we are now finished with the novel, we still go back and add new ideas to our wiki. It includes writing assignments, multimedia projects, and discussions. http://mrbruceshistory.wikispaces.com/ -This space was created to serve as a student created space that allows students create to learn. Often working in pairs or groups, topics were chosen and learned and what you see is their understanding of it. Students learning and teaching each other is one of two goals of this space. The other is the ability to publish their work to a global forum as a resource for each other as well as anyone interested in their topic. http://bookbuddyreviews.pbwiki.com/ For this project students in first and forth grade teamed up to read brand new pictures that had been nominated for the Florida Reading Association's Children's Book Award. The buddies read several books together and decided which one they wanted to review. The first graders drafted the review and the forth graders edited the reviews. First graders and a few of the forth graders narrated the reviews. Finally, the forth graders re-created the gorgeous book covers. http://armstrong-history.wikispaces.com/ -An 8th grade U.S. History class wiki. The class will not be using textbooks this year, this wiki is used for hosting the majority of information students will need to know for class. http://asalaamualiakum.wikispaces.com/ -Created by students ages 10 and 11 first attempt at class collaboration Wiki all about Pakistan instead of the usual topic book or folder! http://theconnectedclassroom.wikispaces.com/ -Professional Development wiki for teachers with emphasis on developing 21st Century Skills for students. http://classroomgoogleearth.wikispaces.com/ -I would like this space to be somewhere that allows students, teachers and other colleagues to share classroom based resources and ideas for Google Earth. http://aphistoria.pbwiki.com/ To provide a place where EHAP and AHAP students can collaborate on improving each others' writing skills. http://meadowkids.pbwiki.com/ This site supports the student's and parents of the Meadow Point Elementary Community. Almost all of these pages were built by students.

  17. Tools you will need: Download a Wiki program PB Wiki Creates a Wiki Wikispaces Creates a Wiki Decide on the purpose for your wiki Decide on your (teacher) content Files in your document folders Examples: Creating a Wiki Look at examples of PBwikis at http://educators.pbwiki.com/K-12+example+wikis Look at examples of Wikispaces at http://educationalwikis.wikispaces.com/Examples+of+educational+wikis

  18. You can get your own PBwiki at http://www.pbwiki.com/

  19. Go to http://www.wikispaces.com/ Type in a user name Type in a password Type in your email address Give a space name (optional) Click “Join” Go to Wikispaces and create an account.

  20. Also...

  21. You will be on the home page. Once on the home page you must know how to move around to build your space. Let’s look at: 1) the buttons and links the user needs to know 2) how the user gets the page to look a certain way. Once you have your account:

  22. Now, how do I play around with the color choices and how my wiki looks?

  23. 3. Now you can begin putting content on the page (building your page/wiki). To do this you must click on the Edit button and then begin. Once you have decided on your theme…

  24. http://www.wikispaces.com/site/tour#introduction

  25. My trip to Washington D.C. My interview with our state senator Project Timeline http://spacewithapurpose.wikispaces.com/

  26. How do I make a new page? Click on the New Page button. When the pop up window comes up type in the name you want to give your new page. Click create. When the new window comes up type in some type of description and then click Save. Some things you will want to know how to do:

  27. How do I make a link? Click on the edit button. Go to the text that you want to link to another page.. Highlight that text Click on the Add Link button.ter a few seconds the page should bring a pop up screen. Answer the questions and click the page you want to link to your heading. Click Save. Some things you will want to know how to do:

  28. How do I upload an image or file? Make sure you have clicked edit. Click on the button on the editor toolbar beside the two link buttons. (Looks like a tree) When the window opens click the Browse button beside the space under Upload File. Once you have your file. Click Upload. If you are uploading a website do the same thing as above but just go to Insert External Image by URL. Once you have your file UPLOAD. Once the file uploads you can double click to insert file or link by clicking on the radio button beneath the file(s). Some things you will want to know how to do:

  29. How do I embed a video or audio? Make sure you have clicked Edit. Click on the button on the editor tool bar that looks like a TV. This is the Widget button. You are embedding a widget. When the window opens decide what type of embedded image you want. (Ex. audio, video, etc.) Once you click your widget type then a window opens and you just follow the directions to go online and find the video, audio, etc. Once you have what you want find the embed code and copy. Now return to the widget window and paste the code into the empty embed box. Your link should then be available to you and be embedded in the space where your cursor indicated. Some things you will want to know how to do:

  30. Let's take a look at the wiki created for Cohort II. http://spacewithapurpose.wikispaces.com/

  31. Play around with the wiki software. Choose the wiki software that you like the best right now. Begin creating a wiki. Now Let’s Play Tomorrow: In the morning we are going to ask several of the participants to share with the class a draft of the wiki begunin class today.

  32. Tonight… For in the morning… For homework… In the morning we are going to ask several of the participants to share with the class a draft of the wiki begun in class today. http://www.secretary.stte.nc.us/kidspg/nchist.GIF

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