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AICP Exam Prep Session

AICP Exam Prep Session. APA National Conference San Antonio, TX April 22, 2006 1:00 – 6:00 PM. Schedule. 1:00 – 1:30 AICP Exam Basics Studying for the exam 1:30 – 2:45 Land Use Planning Plan Implementation Part I 2:45 – 3:00 Break 3:00 – 4:15 Exam Tutorial Plan Making

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AICP Exam Prep Session

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  1. AICP Exam Prep Session APA National Conference San Antonio, TX April 22, 2006 1:00 – 6:00 PM

  2. Schedule 1:00 – 1:30 AICP Exam Basics Studying for the exam 1:30 – 2:45 Land Use Planning Plan Implementation Part I 2:45 – 3:00 Break 3:00 – 4:15 Exam Tutorial Plan Making Plan Implementation Part II 4:15 – 5:30 Transportation Ethics History, Theory, Law 5:30 – 6:00 Sample test Questions

  3. Presenters • Anna Breinich, AICP • Pennsylvania Environmental Council • Former Pennsylvania APA Professional Development Officer • Jennifer Evans-Cowley, PhD, AICP • Ohio State University • Ohio APA Professional Development Officer • Veronica Rosales, AICP • City of Sunland Park, New Mexico • Texas APA Professional Development Officer • Mary Margaret Shaw, PhD, AICP • American Planning Association • Professional Development Program Manager

  4. Purpose of this session • To improve understanding of the AICP exam process, purpose and content • To encourage participants to make informed decisions about taking the exam • To present some substantive information and some advice but not all of the information you will need to know to pass the exam • To present information that will be useful to majority of people in audience

  5. Notes available online To get copies of presentation slides, after the conference, go to www.planning.org/2006conference and follow instructions to session S401, AICP Exam Prep

  6. Who may take the exam • Member of the APA • Meeting education/experience requirements • MA/MS from PAB program • 2 years experience • BA/BS in planning or MA/MS from non-PAB program • 3 years experience • Other BA/BS/MA/MS • 4 years experience • No degree • 8 years experience

  7. Professional experience means • Influencing public decision making in the public interest • Employing a comprehensive point of view • Applying appropriate planning processes • Having professional level of responsibility

  8. Why take the AICP exam • Enhanced opportunities for jobs • AICP preferred • Enhanced salaries • 2004 median for non-AICP was $52,000 • 2004 median for AICP was $65,000 • Of course, other variables matter greatly • Experience, type of employer, region of country • Prestige • Recognition of achieving professional level of skills, knowledge, and abilities

  9. How to apply • Application is online • Go to: www.planning.org > AICP logo > Certification • Suggestion: Read the FAQ’s • Cost is now $425 • Must send verifications of employment/education to APA office • Allow ample time… • Receive Authorization to Test from test administration company

  10. When and Where • Exam is given over 12 days in each of May and November • Exam is given at about 350 different commercial testing centers • May take test only once during each window

  11. What happens during the exam • Exam is on computer • Exam is 4 hours • ½ hour tutorial • 3 and ½ hours for 170 questions • 20 are pre-test questions • Easy to mark questions to return to them before submitting • No penalty for incorrect answers • Receive unofficial results immediately • Receive official results after testing window closes • Note: problems do happen

  12. What to study • Exam tests knowledge (40%) and skills (60%) • List of reference books is on website • Bookstore price at conference is 20% discount • Conference price on study manual & CD is $156 • Most available through libraries/inter-library loan • There are many free resources available online (following slides)

  13. Distribution of exam topics • Plan-making (20%) • Plan implementation (20%) • Ethics (15%) • History, theory, law (15%) • Emerging issues (10%) • Functional topics (20%) Environment, land-use, infrastructure, transportation, economic development, community redevelopment, design, preservation, housing, rural planning

  14. How to study • Keep in mind that it is a multiple-choice exam • Keep in mind that it is a national exam • Do memorize • Study in whatever way has worked for you in the past • Read and re-read • Form study group • Make flash cards • Write notes, outlines • Look for exam prep session offered by your APA chapter PDO

  15. When studying functional topics (Slide 1 of 3) • Look for historical figures • Daniel Burnham, Frederick Law Olmsted (Sr. and Jr.), Clarence Perry • Look for theories • Of what cities should be (Ebenezer Howard; Stein and Wright; Le Corbusier; new urbanists) • Of how planning should be done (Advocacy planning; Rational planning) • Look for federal programs • NEPA; NFIP; National Interstate and Defense Highways Act

  16. Studying functional topics (Slide 2 of 3) • Look for legal decisions and principles • Mt. Laurel; Euclid v Ambler; eminent domain; takings; right to farm • Look for techniques and trends • Urban growth boundaries; TIF; environmental impact assessment; TOD; inclusionary housing; deed restrictions; façade easement; TAZ; secondary containment; concurrency; cost-benefit analysis; CDC’s; adaptive reuse; CPTED; charrette

  17. Studying functional topics (Slide 3 or 3) • Look for measurements • Mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation • Floor to area ratio • Location quotient

  18. Exam results 2004 & 2005 • Total number examinees • 2,531 • Overall pass rate 63.4%

  19. Repeating the exam • 71.3% of people taking exam for first time passed • 35.7% of people repeating exam passed • Suggestion Study Differently for a Different Result!

  20. Exam scores Passing scaled score is 55

  21. Day before the exam • Get directions to testing center • Know how long it will take to arrive assuming delays • Know where you will park; which subway exit to take… • Check for correct spelling on your ID and your authorization to test • Pack your photo ID • Generally not a good idea to cram • Get plenty of sleep

  22. On Exam day • Be rested and well fed • Be confident • Focus on what you must do – others in test center have their own agendas • You are not penalized for incorrect answers • If you do not know an answer, narrow down the choices to improve probability of guessing correct answer • In dire situations, guess (25% chance of being correct) • It may be one of the 20 pre-test questions • It is a national exam • Do not concentrate on how things might be done or expressed in your particular community

  23. Exam administration questions • Questions about special needs, special circumstances • Contact AICP Exam Administrator, Lydija Saric in the APA Chicago office • 312-431-9100 ext. 6384 • AICPexam@planning.org

  24. Moving on • Other presenters with substantive information on • Plan making and implementation • Land Use and Transportation planning • Ethics • History, Theory , Law • Sample test 5:30-5:45 • Your questions 5:45 – 6:00

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