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Misbehavior Data and facts. Definition in Finland. Improperbehavior and misbehavior always alleviate comfortability of others and which repreatingly diminishes social appreciaton of the Youth who is behaving improperly .
Definition in Finland • Improperbehavior and misbehavioralwaysalleviatecomfortability of others and whichrepreatinglydiminishessocial appreciaton of the Youthwho is behavingimproperly. • Misbehavior consists of disrespectand carelessattitude. • Misbehavingyouthswears, yells, mess, breaksthings, spits, steals, callsothersbynames, threaths, shirkhis/herresponsibility, doesn’tkeephis/herpromises, doesn’tgreet, thankorapologise, breaks common rules and agreements and behavesinappropriatetowardseverybodyaroundhim/her. • Misbehavior takes the joy out of school and oftenbothersworkpeace. Itcan/willalsoeffecthis/her social life, friendships and allotherrelationshipsthathe/she is having.
How is itappearing in Finland? • In Finland the most common form of misbehavior is swearing, bullying and bothering others • In one thesis work the students did a research about youths healthbehaviors and misbehaviors. By asking guestion of youths researchers discovered that the most common form of misbehavior among those students in that particular school are writing down on walls and windows of common places, destroying items that belong to someone else and by acting aggressive towards others.
Law • The rights of the child, UN • Legal analysis of article 19 “27. Violence among children. This includes physical, psychological and sexual violence, often by bullying, exerted by children against other children, frequently by groups of children, which not only harms a child’s physical and psychological integrity and well-being in the immediate term, but often has severe impact on his or her development, education and social integration in the medium and long term. Also, violence by youth gangs takes a severe toll on children, whether as victims or as participants. Although children are the actors, the role of adults responsible for these children is crucial in all attempts to appropriately react and prevent such violence, ensuring that measures do not exacerbate violence by taking a punitive approach and using violence against violence.” General comment nro 13. The right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence
Law • Youth work act Chapter 1 – General provisions Section 1 – Purpose of the Act “The purpose of this act is to improve young people's living conditions and to create favourable conditions for young people's civic activities. In addition, the purpose is to promote equality between generations, genders and Finnish regions, tolerance and cultural diversity and to ensure sustainable exploitation of nature.” • Chapter 2 – Promoting the wellbeing of children and young people “Section 7 – Monitoring and promoting the wellbeing of children and young people The municipal bodies responsible for social services must work together with the municipalities’ other authorities to monitor and promote the wellbeing of children and young people, and must eliminate, and prevent the emergence of, disadvantageous factors concerning the circumstances in which they are brought up.”
Whatgovernmentfindproblematic in the topic? • Messing up common places. Costs for community. • The misbehaving culture at common places for example in shopping centres. Has bad influence on atmosphere. • Misbehaving youths often drift into bigger problems, like stealing. It easily slides into a circle of crimes. Then youth is most likely to become underprivileged. • The importance of early intervention!
WhatYouthfindproblematic in the topic? • The well behaving youths are often blamed for something they didn’t do. The phenomenon is often generalised to every youth. • Some youths also get stigmatized because of one mistake they have done. Everybody makes mistakes, and people should also be able to move on from those, and that should be also happening with youths. One stupid thig he/she has done, doesn’t make him/her stupid!
Sources • Nuorten aggressiivisuuden monet kasvot (Many forms of youths aggressive behavior), Pro Gradu-tutkielma, Varila, Nina Susanna. 2011. Helsingin yliopisto. Sosiaalityö. • Jyväskylän kaupunki. Opetustoimi. 2008. Www-dokumentti. Saatavissa: http://peda.net/img/portal/1329956/Kiusaamiseen_puuttuminen.pdf?cs=1218057780. Luettu 23.2.2013. • Laakso, A-M. & Seitala, J. 2011. 7.- 9.-luokkalaisten nuorten terveys- ja häiriökäyttäytyminen. Opinnäytetyö. Hoitotyö. Terveydenhoitotyö. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
Sources • The rights of the child. http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/crc/comments.htm. General comment nro 13. • Child welfare act in Finland. http://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaannokset/2007/en20070417.pdf. Chapter 2, section 7.