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Section Officer Roles and Responsibilities April 28, 2007 Districts 1 & 5 Leadership Conference. Rick Albrecht. Section Officers. President. President Elect. Vice President. Treasurer. Secretary. Delegate. Committees. Education Exhibit Marketing Membership
Section Officer Roles and ResponsibilitiesApril 28, 2007Districts 1 & 5 Leadership Conference Rick Albrecht
Section Officers President President Elect Vice President Treasurer Secretary Delegate
Committees Education Exhibit Marketing Membership Newsletter Editor Program Section – Division Liaison Standards & Practices Webmaster
Section Relationships ISA Society • Sections are chartered by ISA’s Executive Board • Autonomous • Comprised of 30 or more Members in a defined Geographical Area • Operate under their own Bylaws and Constitution
Section Relationships • District Larger geographical area Direct line of communication through DVP and Officers
Section Relationships • Divisions • Technical focus groups within ISA • 12 - Industries & Sciences Department • 10- Automation & Technology Department • No Formal alignment with Sections • A liaison should be appointed
The Section's Role within ISA The 2 most frequently cited benefits of ISA membership relate directly to Sections Information / education Networking Section Continuity and Prosperity Provide opportunities for member involvement Recruit for depth in Committees - have stand-ins Keep historical records Consider term limits Maintain contact with District Leaders & Headquarters
The Section's Role Outside of ISA • Representative Sections need to convey the best possible image to individuals, organizations, institutions, and other groups apart from ISA. • Resource Non-member Instrumentation & Control Professionals Other Scientific and Professional Societies Media Entities, both Public and Technical Companies and Businesses General Public
President • Manage Operations of the Section Delegating Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Controlling Evaluating Reporting
President Term of Office:1-2 years by election Reports to : Section Time Commitment:Average 3-6 hours per week Obligations: Section meetings, District meetings & Leadership Conference, Annual Conference & Exhibit, President’s Meeting and workshops Requirement:Member in good standing for at least 1 year
President-Elect Assume duties of President if necessary Duties:Serve in absence of President Develop leadership for coming year Other duties as assigned by President Term of Office1year, by election may serve successive years Time Commitment: Average 1-3 hours per week Obligations: Section meetings, District meetings and workshops Requirement:Member in good standing for at least 1 year
Vice President Duties: • Serve in absence of President • Assume special projects as assigned • Develop leadership for coming year • Other duties as assigned by President Term of Office:1 year, by election may serve successive years Time Commitment: Average 1-3 hours / wk Obligations: Section meetings, District meetings and workshops Requirement:Member in good standing minimum 1 year
Treasurer Duties: • Receipts, disbursements, deposits, payments • Safekeeping of Investments • Budget reports and assist in preparation • Close books, submit for audit, copy to IRS • File tax returns on timely basis Term of Office: 1 year, by election may serve consecutive years Time Commitment: Average 2 – 4 hours / week Obligations: Executive & Section Board Meetings Qualifications: Member in Good Standing minimum 1 yr
Secretary Duties: • Meeting Agenda & Notices • Take & Maintain Board Meeting Minutes • Maintain Section Membership List • Safeguard legal documents i.e. Section Charter, Constitution & Bylaws, Corporate Seal, Contracts Term of Office: 1 year, by election may serve consecutive years Time Commitment: Average 2 – 4 hours / week Obligations: Executive & Section Board Meetings Qualifications: Member in Good Standing minimum 1 yr Organized, Good Communicator
Society Delegate Duties: • Attend Annual Council of Society Delegates Meetings • Attend special meetings of Council of Society Delegates • Serve on District Nominating Committee Term of Office:1 year, by election or committee may serve consecutive years Time Commitment:Meeting attendance Obligations:Section & District Meetings & Conferences; President’s & Society Delegates Meetings Qualifications:Member in Good Standing minimum 1 yr Active in and interested in the Operation of ISA
Section-Division Liaison Duties: • Keep informed of and reports Division Activities • Provides Division News to Newsletter Editor • Determines Section needs & reports to Divisions • Promotes Division Membership Term of Office: 1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment: 1 hour / week Obligations: Regular Section Meetings Qualifications: Interested in Sections & Divisions working together to benefit members
Education Chairman Term of Office: 1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment: 1 - 3 hours / week Obligations: Section Meetings & Special Events Qualifications: Interested in furthering members’ knowledge of automation & control science & technology Duties: • Arranges subject matter for monthly tech mtgs., special conferences, training courses, etc. • Provides pertinent automation & control info. • Encourages technical education & joint programs
Membership Chairman Duties: • Organizes committee to focus on recruitment and retention • Advises Board on matters affecting Membership • Examines feasibility of establishing new Sections in adjacent areas Term of Office: 1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment: 1 - 3 hours / week Obligations: Section Meetings; District Meetings & Leadership Conference; President’s Meetings plus Annual Conference & Exhibit which are helpful in understanding operations & benefits Qualifications: Interested in promoting membership awareness of benefit of ISA involvement; willingness to serve
Program Chairman Duties: • Arrange plant tours, workshops, social meetings • Make all meeting space arrangements • Arrange speakers, invitations, accommodations, etc. • Evaluate & record programs; include in Annual Report • Plan new officer Installation program Term of Office: 1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment:2 - 3 hours / week Obligations:Society meetings to broaden understanding of ISA and its programming resources. Qualifications:Knowledge about ISA & its resources
Publicity Chairman Duties: • Develop Media contacts for publicity • Prepare & circulate news releases announcing Section elections & appointments, meetings, speakers, training • Maintain scrapbook of all news releases; noting where sent, date and clippings Term of Office:1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment:1 hour / week Obligations:Major Section functions, monthly meetings, awards program, conference &/or exhibit Qualifications:Interested in promoting ISA activities, good communicator
Newsletter Editor Duties: • Determine Objectives and Identify Financial Resources • Determine if Newsletter will sell ad space • Recruit reporters for input; local, District, international activities; technical articles; membership information, etc. • Distribute to members one week before event or meeting Term of Office:1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment:1-2 hours / week Obligations:Monthly Meetings, Special Events Qualifications:Interested in good Section communications; organized, dependable, good editor
Standards & Practices Chairman Duties: • Familiar with Section S&P Chairman’s Guide • Notify membership of current S&P activities • Promote the review of draft ISA standards • Support efforts to prepare annual S&P report each April; goals, accomplishments, improvement suggestions Term of Office:1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment:1-3 hours / week Obligations:Section & District meetings, President’s Meetings, Annual Conference & exhibit are beneficial Qualifications:Interest in better volunteer standards; willingness to accept responsibility, knowledge of S&P process
New & Views Correspondent Duties: • Provide Section information of interest to editor of News & Views i.e. training courses, awards, promotions • Information should be: 1) Significant and interesting 2) an example of what other Sections could benefit from Term of Office:1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment:1 hour / week Obligations:All Society meetings where information can be gathered Qualifications:Willingness to serve; interest in communications
Section Historian Duties: • Provides historical perspective on plans • Maintains documentation on Section activity for historical file: correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, meeting notices, special event mailings • Prepare written record (index) annually of years records Term of Office:1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment:Minimal Obligations:Section Executive Board & monthly meetings Qualifications:Willingness to attend required meetings; knowledge of section history
Honors & Awards Chairman Duties: • Informs Section membership of available awards • Provides nomination forms to Section members • Follows up to assure that deadlines are met • Collects background information on nominees and sends to Society Honors & Awards Committee when requested Term of Office:1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment:1 hour / week Obligations:Section meetings Qualifications:Knowledgeable about members and their ISA related accomplishments and of the ISA Honors & Awards Program
Publications Chairman Duties: • Becomes familiar with ISA publications & costs • Learn about discounts available to Sections & requirements to qualify • Order publications from ISA headquarters • Sets up and cleans up booth Term of Office:1 year Time Commitment:4 - 6 hours / week Obligations:All meetings related to a display; regular section meetings Qualifications:Interest in providing publications display
Exhibit Chairman Duties: • Appoint committee to cover finances, publicity & contracts, arrangements & services, hosting, etc. • Inform ISA staff of exhibit date—avoid conflict with other ISA activities • Handle functions related to exhibit closing: secure exhibitor materials, critique show, prepare financial report, prepare financial and general reports Term of Office:1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment:4 - 6 hours / week Obligations:All meetings related to exhibit; regular section meetings Qualifications:Dedication & efficiency in managing projects
Student Section Liaison Duties: • Establishes good relationship; Student Section, Advisor and President • Promotes student interests to the Regular Section • Coordinates special programs for students; sponsored by Regular Section • Encourages Students & Advisor to attend Section meetings Term of Office:1 year, can be reappointed Time Commitment:1hour / week Obligations:Regular Section meetings Qualifications:Interest in promoting student involvement in ISA