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Techno Financial Feasibilities for Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Projects

Explore the benefits, risks, and funding options of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in infrastructure projects. Compare established methods and new developments to evaluate technical and financial feasibility. Gain insights from case studies and expert analysis.

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Techno Financial Feasibilities for Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Projects

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  1. Techno Financial Feasibilities for Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Projects Surya Sagi Spring, 2008 Capstone

  2. Introduction • PPP – Public Private Partnership ? • Traditional approach – Government • PPP - Involving private partner • Sourcing investments • Setting criteria for construction and operation standards

  3. Why PPP? • Sharing/delegating risks • Utilize planning and management resources of private field • Faster construction and better operation standards • Reducing public debt • Helping government in answering growing demand for infrastructure

  4. Technical Feasibility/risk • Scope – well defined? • Government willing to share risk? • More incentives for risk? • How to approach unique projects? • Life cycle and cost • Technical knowledge transfer • Advantage of consortium – combination of different experts

  5. Financial Feasibility • PSC (Public sector comparator) i.e., tradition procurement vs PPP costs • Value for money by bidding • Cost benefit • Economic viability – Long term demand and limited competition • Profitability and cash flow to lender

  6. Why? What? How? ISE Theme: • Funding, Funding and Funding…Infrastructure needs money Goals and deliverables: • Compare various existing methods used to evaluate the technical and financial feasibilities for PPP projects • Risk factor in PPP

  7. Data: UMN library, case studies WB ADB etc., • Analysis: comparison of established methods and new developments • A cookbook for consideration of technical and financial issues on PPP projects Suggestions and Comments

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