1. Dynamic Process Models Conversion between model types
Nonlinear model linearization
State-space models
Transfer function models
Matlab/Simulink examples
2. Conversion Between Model Types
3. Theoretical Process Models Conservation equations
Fundamental basis for model development
Mass, energy & momentum conservation
Nonlinear ODEs
Constitutive equations
Semi-empirical relations required to complete model
Reaction rates, heat transfer rates, etc.
Nonlinear algebraic equations
Parameter estimation
Needed to determine unknown parameters
Reaction rate constants, heat transfer coefficients, etc.
Yields parameter values that best fit available data
Focus of ChE 361
4. Nonlinear Model Linearization Nonlinear ODE model
Find steady-state point
Linearize about steady-state point
Yields linear ODE model in deviation form
Covered in ChE 361
5. Isothermal CSTR Example Nonlinear ODE model
Find steady-state point
6. Isothermal CSTR Example cont. Linearize about steady-state point
Transfer function
7. Exothermic CSTR Example Nonlinear ODE model
8. CSTR Model Linearization Linearization
Vector ODE representation
Linearization can be performed in Simulink (covered later)
9. State-Space Models General form
x` is an n-dimensional state vector
u` is an m-dimensional input vector
y` is an p-dimensional output vector
n is the system dimension
Exothermic chemical reactor example
10. Transfer Function Models One-dimensional model
Two-dimensional model
CSTR example
11. Multi-Dimensional Model State-space model
Laplace transform
Transfer function model
12. Chemical Reactor Example State-space model
Compute inverse
Perform matrix multiplication
13. Realization Problem
Given a transfer function model
Construct an equivalent state-space model
State-space model is not unique
Procedure can be rather involved
Second-order example
Not covered further in this course
14. Matlab Model Conversion Example State-space model
Convert to transfer function model
>> sys = ss([0 1;-0.25 -0.5],[0; 2],[1 0],[]);
>> g=tf(sys)
Transfer function:
s^2 + 0.5 s + 0.25
15. Matlab Model Conversion Example cont. Convert to back to state-space model
>> sys1=ss(g)
a =
x1 x2
x1 -0.5 -0.5
x2 0.5 0
b =
x1 2
x2 0
c =
x1 x2
y1 0 2
d =
y1 0 Convert back to transfer function model
>> g1=tf(sys1)
Transfer function:
s^2 + 0.5 s + 0.25
Transfer function model is unique; state-space model is not unique