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YKIS06@YITP. Implications of vector manifestation in hot and dense medium. BLR, PRC 74, 024906 (2006) BLPR, PRL 96, 062303 (2006). Chang-Hwan Lee @. Contents. Part I: Hot Medium : STAR r 0 / p - Ratio Part II: Dense Medium : Kaon Condensation. Part I Hot Medium : STAR r 0 / p - Ratio.
YKIS06@YITP Implications of vector manifestationin hot and dense medium BLR, PRC 74, 024906 (2006) BLPR, PRL 96, 062303 (2006) Chang-Hwan Lee @
Contents Part I: Hot Medium : STAR r0/p- Ratio Part II: Dense Medium : Kaon Condensation
Part I Hot Medium : STAR r0/p- Ratio BLR, PRC 74, 024906 (2006)
M. Rho’s Talk Below Tc: Chiral Symmetry Restoration • Dropping Masses a la Brown/Rho Scaling • Harada/Yamawaki & Harada/Sasaki/Rho Vector Manifestation. Fixed Point of RG approach gives vanishing coupling, vanishing mass towards chiral symmetry restoration point. both mass & decay-width scale !
below TcChiral Symmetry Restoration Vector Manifestation RG fixed point Vanishing coupling M r s RHIC p Tc Q) What happens above Tc ? Hadronization ?
What RHIC found • RHIC data is consistent with ideal hydrodynamics. • Matter formed at RHIC is not weakly interacting quasi-particle gas. • Very strongly coupled regime • sQGP, Quark-Gluon-Liquid
Mesonic bound states above Tc: • Hatsuda & Kunihiro, PRL 55 (1985) 158(para pion & sigma)Asakawa, Hatsuda, & Nakahara, NPA 715 (2003) 863cBrown, Lee, Rho, & Shuryak, NPA 740 (2004) 171Quark-antiquark bound states exists above Tc.
Potential from Bielefeld Lattice Results Assumption: finite value of V1 at r=∞ is absorbed into the renormalized thermal mass of quarks.
Heavy quark potential (renormalized) from Bielefeld lattice mq=1.4 GeV
Mass of Bound States (with heavy quark potential) thermal quark mass Solid lines are just to guide you.
Modification for light quarks in chiral limit color-magnetic effects (cf K-electron) a =velocity of particles (c=1 unit) With chirally restored u, d quarks (helicity eigenstates) 32 degrees of freedom = lattice result 32 above Tc !
Effective degrees of freedom [Karsch et al.] Idea gas limit staggered fermions Effective degrees of freedom is lower by 20% from ideal gas limit (massless limit). 32 istead of 37 (ideal gas limit)
heavy quark potential chiral limit heavy quark potential chiral limit
Unorthodox phase structure (Hypothesis) 2mq* a1 M r Mesons disappear qq s Ideal Liquid QGP p Tc Tzb • Masses of colorless pion, sigma-like modes above Tc go to zero at T = Tc;+
Lattice Results from Miller: Gluon Condensate Hard glue is responsible for ldeal liquid Soft glue Hard glue
Implications for RHIC Scaling decay width Vector manifestation by Harada & Yamawaki No decay near Tc ! dominant decay is around & below T=120 MeV
Braun-Munzinger, Stachel, Wetterich (2003) • Chemical freezeout temperature is close to Tc. • Equilibration in the chirally broken sector just below Tc. • Puzzle: “r/p” ratio (= 4 x 10-4 ) was lower than STAR experiment roughly by a factor of 2 PRL 92 (2004) 092301
Our point of view Equilibrium of hadronic mode has to be already established above Tc at RHIC ! STAR: Peripheral collisions: Tchemical freeze out = Tc Tc : chemical equilibrium Delayed decay of rho at T=120 MeV
With massless mesonic bound states at Tcthis ratio is governed mainly by degrees of freedom 3 (r0) = 0.16 19 (pi- from s & r, …) [ Brown, Lee, Rho, PRC 74, 024906 (2006) ] 4 x 10-4 with vacuum mass( Braun-Munzinger et al. )
Conclusions in Hot Medium • Our analysis (chiral symmetry restoration + Bielefeld Lattice Result) indicates masslessmesonic bound states at Tc;+. • mass & width (simultaneous scaling):delayed rho decay is consistent with rho/pi ratio in peripheral collisions in STAR. Thanks to Bielefeld Lattice Group (F. Zantow) for providing us their results.
Part II Dense Medium : Kaon Condensation BLPR, PRL 96, 062303 (2006)
Why Strange Quarks in Neutron Stars ? • proton, neutron: u, d quarks • By introducing strange quark, we have one moredegrees of freedom, energy of the system can be reduced! • In what form ? Kaon, Hyperons…… Kaon is the lighest particle with strange quark !
reduce pressure forming denser medium Kaon Condensation p + e- p + K- M e- chemical potential Kaon effective mass density
deep discrete bound states:with binding energy ~ 100 MeV Strong in-medium KN interactions. Precursor to kaon condensation. Kaonic Nuclei - Mini Strange Star Very strong K--p attraction Yamazaki, Akaishi, Dote, et al. Barnea & Friedman, n-t/0611020
Q) What is the critical density for kaon condensation ? • Conventional approach (bottom-up):from zero density to higher density • New approach (top-down):from VM fixed point to lower density
Problems in bottom-up approach • Problem in K-p Scattering amplitude:experiment : - 0.67 + i 0.63 fm (repulsive) chiral symmetry : + ( attractive ! ) • Problem of L(1405)pole position of L(1405) => only 30 MeV below KN threshold Perturbation breaks down in bottom-up approach !
Far below L(1405) pole, L(1405) is irrelevant ! One has to start below L(1405) pole !
Essense of KN scattering & kaon condensation puzzle Near w=MK/2, L(1405) is irrelevant !
New Top-down approach Q) Is there a proper way to treat kaon condensation which doesn’t have problems with the irrelevant terms, e.g., L(1405), etc, from the beginning ? Kaon Condensation `a la HY Vector Manifestation => All irrelevant terms are out in the analysis from the beginning!
Kaon condensation from fixed point Lots of problems due to irrelevant terms mK me ? Vector Manifestation density nc chiral symmetry restoration
Weinberg-Tomozawa term: • most relevant from the point of view of RGE `a la VM. • w, r exchange between kaon & nucleon. |VN(w)| = 171 MeV at n0 is well below experimental 270 MeV BR scaling is needed !
Deeply bound pionic atoms [Suzuki et al.] fixed point of VM a*=1 (Harada et al.) Enhancement at fixed point due to BR & VM
Kaon potential at critical density without BR & VM 10% p, nc=3.1 n0 Kaon potential at fixed point ( 4n0) with BR + VM Enough attraction to bring kaon effective mass to zero at VM fixed point ! BR scaling & HM-VM At fixed point, kaon effective mass goes to zero !
All the arguments against kaon condensation (which is based on bottom-up approach) is irrelevant at densities near VM fixed point ! mK Kaon-condensed system Bottom-up Vector Manifestation me Top-down nc After kaon condensation, the system will follow the line guided by fixed-point analysis
Kaon condensation from fixed point mK me ? Chiral symmetry restoration rc density Only EOS which gives rc < rcSB is acceptable !
Conclusion • Vector manifestation can explain the STAR r0/p- ratio by simple counting on degrees of freedom • Vector manifestation indicates that the critical density for kaon condensation is lower than the chiral symmetry restoration density. Thank you !