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Occupational Safety & Health Administration

Learn about fatal fall hazards in construction and industries, with data from the US Department of Labor. Discover common causes and solutions to protect workers at height. Stay informed to prevent accidents and ensure workplace safety.

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Occupational Safety & Health Administration

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  1. REGION 1 LOCAL EMPHASIS PROGRAM US DEPT OF LABOR FALL HAZARDS Occupational Safety & Health Administration

  2. The Problem

  3. In 1998, 22 workers in New England fell to their deaths Falls to lower levels - The number one cause of fatal injuries in construction In all industries, falls to lower levels resulted in 607 fatalities and 98,544 lost workday injuries in 1996 (BLS data)

  4. Injury Data

  5. 607 Fatal Falls in U.S. in 1996 Breakdown By Industry 178 330

  6. LWDI’s Resulting From Falls To A Lower Level By Industry Division A Significant Problem In Nearly All Industries [1996 BLS Data]

  7. Occupational Fatalities in Region I

  8. Fatal Falls in New England by State

  9. In Construction - Fatal Falls Are Most Often From: Roofs (37%) - Includes fall through roofs or roof openings Scaffolds, Staging (20%) Ladders (15%) Building Girders, Structural Steel (9%) Floors, Loading Docks, Ground Level (4%) Nonmoving Vehicles (3%)

  10. In Construction - Non-FatalFalls Are Most Often From: Ladders (35%) Scaffolds, Staging (15%) Falls Not Classified (13%) Roofs (12%) - Includes fall through roofs or roof openings Nonmoving Vehicle (9%) Stairs, Steps (7%)

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