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EASTERN ALBERTA TRADE CORRIDOR Update March, 2016. What is EATC trying to accomplish? What is in it for BRAED, HUB and PEP to work together : Impact government policy and investor decisions Create resources for members

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  2. What is EATC trying to accomplish? • What is in it for BRAED, HUB and PEP to work together: • Impact government policy and investor decisions • Create resources for members • By working together we can accomplish what we can’t do as individual REDAs or as communities.

  3. Creating an Impact • What chance does an individual community have to be heard, when the community is a village or a town? • What chance does 8% of Alberta’s population have when competing with the millions in Alberta’s central region? • But when 80 municipalities speak together with one voice, then the voice of Eastern Alberta is heard.

  4. Recent Successes • Access to high level Washington DC officials • EATC invited as a partner to work with GoA at Global Petroleum Show • EATC invited to provide input on Transportation initiatives • Investment attraction officers recommend EATC locations

  5. Recent Successes • 2015 EDA Award Business and Investment • Attraction Award of Excellence • 2014 EDA Award – Advertising (Print/Electronic) Award in the large community • 2012 Minister’s Award of Excellence

  6. Creating Resources • We work with and for the 80 member communities to create award winning resources for: • Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor • Member Communities • Businesses in each of the REDAs • Recent successes are:

  7. EATC Website • Integrated mapping system – EATC >PEP, BRAED, HUB. • Up to date data on all member communities • Economies of scale produced a dynamic back end editing environment

  8. Community Resources: Investment Profiles • No matter how big or small a community member is, you now have a 2 page investment profile for your community. In the past year we built investment profiles one for each REDA member

  9. Community Resources: On-Line Community Profiles • Each of our member communities also now have an on line community profile. Each of these profiles is a rich source of information about each community..

  10. Business Resources: Company Profiles • We have created business profiles for companies in each of the REDAs. This is to help prospective investors find partners and collaborators in the region.

  11. What Are We Trying To Accomplish? • Our Mission is “To lead collaborative investment, marketing and diversification efforts for eastern Alberta”. Our approach is to do this on two fronts: • Impact government policy and investor decisions • Create resources for members

  12. Why Work Together? • By working together we can accomplish more than individual communities can or even a single REDA can • COST • INVESTMENT ATTRACTION • RAISING REGIONAL PROFILE • GRANT ACQUISITION

  13. …THANK YOU

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