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Outline. IntroductionSolution OverviewResilience FactorGeneralized ThroughputOptimal Peer SelectionOptimization FrameworkMaximizing Generalized ThroughputFindingsSimulation StudyGeneralized Throughput vs. VolumeConclusion. . Introduction. Dynamics in Peer-to-Peer Network: A Fact to Live wi
2. Outline Introduction
Solution Overview
Resilience Factor
Generalized Throughput
Optimal Peer Selection
Optimization Framework
Maximizing Generalized Throughput
Simulation Study
Generalized Throughput vs. Volume
3. Introduction Dynamics in Peer-to-Peer Network: A Fact to Live with
Unscheduled Peer Departure
User Leaving
Machine/Network/Software Failure
Focus of This Work
Modeling the fault resilient peer selection problem under an optimization framework
Combining fault resilience with key performance metrics
throughput Heuristic: Lack the theoretical foundation to analyze the global performanceHeuristic: Lack the theoretical foundation to analyze the global performance
4. Existing Works Resilience of Random Graph
D. Leonard, Z. Yao, V. Rai, and D. Loguinov, On Lifetime-Based Node Failure and Stochastic Resilience of Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2007.
Expected delay before a peer is isolated
Prioritization Heuristics
M. Bishop, S. Rao, and K. Sripanidkulchai, Considering Priority in Overlay Multicast Protocols under Heterogeneous Environments, IEEE InfoCom 2006.
Preempt-Degree, Preempt-Age, Hybrid
G. Tan and SA Jarvis, Improving the Fault Resilience of Overlay Multicast for Media Streaming, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2007.
Bandwidth-ordered Tree, Time-ordered Tree, Reliability-Oriented Switching Tree
5. Solution Overview Generalized Flow Model
A generalized version of multicommodity flow
Broad Range of Applications
Financial Network, Commodity Transportation
Gain Factor
Theft, Loss
Interest Rates
Application in P2P Network?
Modeling peer resilience as gain factor
6. Resilience Factor Measuring Peer Reliability
Our optimization model makes no assumption on how resilience factor should be defined
As an example
r = Pr(T > ?) = 1 � F(?)
Chance that the peer will survive until ?
7. Generalized Throughput Resilience Index
Rt(v): resilience peer v experiences in tree t
Summary of resilience indices for all peers in tree t
R(t) = sumv?t Rt(v)
Generalized Throughput
Product of flow rate of and resilience index of tree t
fg(t) = f(t)R(t)
8. Optimal Peer Selection Goal
Maximizing Generalized Throughput
Under Network Capacity Constraint
Flow conservation
Problem Settings
Network Model
General Topology vs. Star Topology
Overlay Organization
Unlimited Number of Trees vs. Single Tree
Why not Mesh?
Resilience Index
Concatenation vs. Non-concatenation
9. Findings Maximizing Generalized Throughput
Maximizing Throughput (in comparison)
Y. Cui, B. Li, and K. Nahrstedt, On Achieving Optimized Capacity Utilization in Application Overlay Networks with Multiple Competing Sessions, ACM SPAA 2004.
10. Two Topologies General Network
11. Solutions under Star Topology Multi-Tree Solution
At most n+1 trees needed
Single Tree Solution
Find the maximum flow rate a single tree can afford
Greedily construct the tree by prioritizing the most resilient peers
12. Simulation Study Two Experimental Topologies
BRITE Topology
1000 nodes, 2000 edges, Waxman Model
Bandwidth randomly distributed between 100 and 1000Kbps
STAR Topology
1000 nodes
Peer outbound bandwidth randomly distributed between 100 and 1000Kbps
Peer Resilience
100 peers randomly attached to each of the above networks
Lifetime Distribution
Mean Lifetime Varying from 1500 to 3500 seconds
Exponential and Pareto distributions
Resilience Factor
r = Pr(T > ?) = 1 � F(?)
13. Generalized Throughput vs. Volume Volume
Total amount of data collected by each peer until itself or one of its ancestor dies
Multiple Trees, General Network, Non-Concatenation
14. Generalized Throughput vs. Volume Volume
Total amount of data collected by each peer until itself or one of its ancestor dies
Multiple Trees, Star Network, Concatenation
15. Performance of Single-Tree Algorithms Normalized by the generalized throughput achieved by the optimal multi-tree solution
STAR Topology, Concatenation
16. Conclusions Modeling P2P Network Resilience
Optimization framework
Generalized Flow Theory
Maximizing Generalized Throughput
Problem Space
General Topology vs. Star Topology
Unlimited Number of Trees vs. Single Tree
Concatenation vs. Non-concatenation
Details in Paper
Much harder than maximizing throughput problem
Future work
Better Approximation Algorithms and Heuristics
Distributed Solution
Combination with other strategies to improve P2P network resilience
Peer Repairing
17. Thank You VANETS Group