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Best Practices in Common Core Classroom Planning

Learn effective strategies for Common Core Standards teaching, including a 5-step protocol and guidance documents. Enhance students' literacy with expert tips and tools. Develop "I can" statements for intended learning outcomes.

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Best Practices in Common Core Classroom Planning

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  1. Exemplary Practices in a Common Core Standards Based ClassroomPlanning for Common Core Presented By Dr. Twyla Gary Dr. Cara Richardson

  2. Common Core Standards • Integrated Model of Literacy, • Shared responsibility for students’ literacy development, • The standards define what all students are expected to know and be able to do, not how teachers should teach.

  3. How Will We Get There? • “Teachers are free to provide students with whatever tools and knowledge their professional judgment and experience identify as most helpful for meeting the goals set out in the standards.” It’s all in the planning!!! • 5-Step Protocol- A guide teachers to help students with a clear and understandable vision of the learning target ( GADOE). • Teacher Guidance-Documents that provide academic vocabulary, skills/concepts, and instructional strategies for each standard as well as a side-by-side comparison of GPS and CCGPS with instructional advice for transitional standards ( GADOE).

  4. 5-Step Protocol Step 1-Determine and define vocabulary. Identify key terms within the standard(s) and/or elements(s). Define each term. Step 2-Study the standard(s) and/or element(s). Generate key questions related to the standard(s) and/or element(s). Answer each question. Step 3-Indentify strong and weak work. Collect and rate strong and weak samples of work related to the standard(s)and/or elements. Step 4-Scalffold understanding of the standards (s) and/or elements(s). Paraphrase the standard(s) and/or element(s). Create a “script” that details how teachers will describe the standard(s) and/or element(s) to students. Step 5-Develop “I can” statements. Describe the standard(s) and/or element(s) as statements of intended learning.

  5. STEP 1 Determine and define vocabulary. • Identify key terms within the standard(s) and/or elements(s). Define each term. ELACC6RI-Citetextual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text • Cite-Refer to • Textual Evidence-Sources of data and information • Analysis-the study of • Explicitly- Clearly stated • Inference-Not clearly stated, Draw conclusions

  6. STEP 2 Study the standard(s) and/or element(s) • Generate key questions related to the standard(s) and/or element(s). Answer each question. What skills/concepts do I want students to take away from this standard? Distinguish facts that support your specific claim from facts that are irrelevant. What key vocabulary terms will be necessary for the learning/mastering this standard? Explicit, Inferred , Evidence, Citation, Analysis , Annotation , How will I know what text to use? Make sure that we use wide variety of texts, including a variety of styles, genres, literary periods, authors, perspectives, and subjects

  7. STEP 3 Identify strong and weak work. • Collect and rate strong and weak samples of work related to the standard(s)and/or elements.

  8. STEP 4 Scaffold understanding of the standards (s) and/or elements(s). • Paraphrase the standard(s) and/or element(s). Citetextual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Scaffold-Refer to sources of data and information to support the study of what the text clearly states as well as what the text does not clearly state ( draw conclusions).

  9. STEP 4 ( CONT.) Create a “script” that details how teachers will describe the standard(s) and/or element(s) to students. • I will provide explicit instruction and scaffolding as necessary for the skills and concepts students should acquire for RL1. • I will write the standard on the board. I will have students scaffold the standard by asking them to identify those key terms that are important to them for understanding the standard. • Guide students through the following questions about the standard. • What is textual evidence? • What is explicit evidence? • What is an inference? • What does it mean to analyze the text? • I WILL model frequent comprehension and recall checks throughout text • What did you understand about what we just read? • Who can paraphrase or summarize the paragraph what was just read

  10. STEP 5 Develop “I can” statements. • Describe the standard(s) and/or element(s) as statements of intended learning. • I can help students differentiate between strong and relevant evidence and weak or irrelevant information • I can explain how to infer using a variety of texts. • I can explain how to locate support for analyses of text and inferences.

  11. SOURCES • Chappuis, Jan. Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2009. • ELAReporter ( 2011) Your Professional Resource For English Language Arts And Literacy ( Volume 1Issue 1) Retrieved May 17, 2012 from: https://www.georgiastandards.org/Common-Core/Documents/SeptELAReporter.pdf • Georgia Department of Education ( GADOE) Teacher Guidance Documents: For Teaching The Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. Retrieved May 17, 2012 from: https://www.georgiastandards.org/Common Core/Common%20Core%20Frameworks/CCGPS_ELA_Grade6_Guidance.pdf

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