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Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL). D. Casey Levy State Hazard Mitigation Officer. Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Grant Program Guidance Overview CFDA #97.017. Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM):
Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) D. Casey Levy State Hazard Mitigation Officer
Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Grant ProgramGuidance OverviewCFDA #97.017
Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM): Provide funds to states, territories, Indian tribal governments, and communities for hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects prior to a disaster event. PDM grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Eligible sub-applicants will compete nationally for PDM grant funds.
Purpose • The PDM program provides a significant opportunity to raise risk awareness and reduce the nation’s disaster losses through pre-disaster mitigation planning and the implementation of feasible, effective, and cost-efficient mitigation measures. • The PDM program provides funding to reduce loss of life as well as damage and destruction to property from natural hazards.
Authorization and Appropriation • The PDM program is subject to the availability of appropriation funding, as well as any directive or restriction made with respect to such funds. • FEMA will ensure that a State will receive no less than $500,000 for sub-applications within the State that meet all FY 2008 Guidance eligibility requirements.
Eligible Sub-Applicants • State-level agencies including State institutions • Federally and State-recognized Indian tribal governments • Local governments • Public colleges and universities • Private non-profit (PNP) organizations and private colleges and universities are not eligible sub-applicants.
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) If Sub-applicants have been identified through the NFIP as having a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), and a Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FBHM) or Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) has been issued for their specific jurisdiction, they must be participating in the NFIP, and not suspended or withdrawn from the NFIP, to be eligible for the PDM program.
Allocation Due to the Federal Budget Continuing Resolution, funding for FY 08 PDM has yet to be appropriated.
Mitigation Plan Requirement All sub-applicants must have a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan by the application deadline to be eligible to apply for project grant funding under the PDM program in accordance with 44 C.F.R. Part 201.
Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) Sub-applicants are required to perform a BCA for each project, as well as one for each repetitive flood loss property and substantially damaged property in the sub-application.
Award Process • FEMA will select for further review the highest scoring eligible sub-applicants from each State in order until the projects and/or plans within a State are no less than $500,000. • All remaining eligible sub-applications will be reordered. The Approving Federal Official shall select the highest scored eligible planning and project sub-applications for further review, in order, up to the remaining amount of funds available for the program.
Award Process cont. • The selecting official may make a selection of a sub-application out of rank order based upon one or more of the following factors: • Availability of funding • Balance/distribution of funds geographically or by type of recipient • Duplication of sub-applications • Program priorities and policy factors • Other pertinent information.
Eligible Planning Activities • New Plan Development • Comprehensive Review and Update The outcome of a mitigation planning grant award must result in an adopted FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan prior to the end of the performance period.
Eligible Project Activities • Voluntary acquisition of real property for conversion to open space in perpetuity • Relocation of public/private structures • Elevation of existing public/private structures to avoid coastal or riverine flooding • Structural/non-structural retrofitting of existing public or private structures to meet or exceed applicable building codes relative to hazard mitigation • Construction of safe rooms for public and private structures
Eligible Project Activities cont. • Hydrologic and Hydraulic studies/analyses, engineering studies, and drainage studies • Vegetation management • Protective measures for utilities, water and sanitary sewer systems and/or other infrastructure • Storm water management projects to reduce or eliminate long-term risk from flood hazards • Localized flood control projects that are designed specifically to protect critical facilities and that do not constitute a section of a larger flood control system
Ineligible Planning Activities • Flood studies or flood mapping • Mapping activities that are not part of a risk assessment • Risk assessments, technical assistance, studies, or workshops not resulting in a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan • Information dissemination activities exceeding 10% of the total cost of the planning sub-application or that are not tied directly to a PDM planning sub-application
Ineligible Planning Activities cont. • A sub-application that requires ground disturbing activities that would initiate the environmental or historic preservation review and compliance process • Pre-award activities not directly related to the development of the planning sub-application or implementing the proposed planning activity • Limited revisions and amendments that do not result in a comprehensive hazard mitigation plan update
Ineligible Project Activities • Major flood control projects • Projects that solely address operation, maintenance or repairs of existing structures , facilities, or infrastructure • Water quality infrastructure projects • Warning and alert notification systems, sirens, and other communication systems • Flood studies or flood mapping • Dry flood-proofing of residential structures • Generators and related equipment for non-critical facilities
Ineligible Project Activities cont. • Generators and related equipment for critical facilities that are not part of a larger eligible mitigation project sub-application • Any mitigation activities involving demolishing an existing structure, mitigation reconstruction or demolition/rebuild • Projects that solely address a manmade hazard • Localized flood control projects that do not constitute a section of a larger flood control system • Any project for which another Federal agency has primary authority
Funding Limits for Individual Projects • Mitigation planning: • $1M cap on Federal share for new plans, not to exceed 3 years • $500,000 cap on Federal share for updated plans • Mitigation projects: $3M cap on Federal share, not to exceed 3 years
Cost-Share • 75% Federal cost share • 25% Non-Federal
Application Process • Complete applications must be received in eGrants by January 10, 2008 11:59:59 PM, EST
Performance Period/Extensions • PDM sub-grants are limited by statute to a period not to exceed 3 years • The Regional office may extend the performance period for up to 1 year
PDM Information and Guidance http://www.fema.gov/government/grant/pdm/fy2008.shtm
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant ProgramGuidance OverviewCFDA #97.029
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA): FMA is a pre-disaster grant program created with the goal of reducing or eliminating claims under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Provides funding so that cost-effective measures are taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to structures insurable under the NFIP.
FMA FY 2008 Priority The FY 2008 FMA priority is to fund flood mitigation activities that reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Eligible Sub-Applicants • State-Level Agencies • Federally and State-Recognized Indian Tribal Governments • Local Communities • Private Non-Profit (PNP) organizations are NOTeligible sub-applicants • To be eligible for project grants, an sub-applicant must have a FEMA approved Flood Mitigation Plan
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) All sub-applicants must be participating in the NFIP, and must not be on probation, suspended or withdrawn from the NFIP. FMA funds shall not be awarded for activities in non-participating communities. Properties in all FMA projects must be NFIP insured at the time of project application and flood insurance must be maintained at least through completion of the mitigation activity.
Allocation Due to the Federal Budget Continuing Resolution, funding for FY 08 PDM has yet to be appropriated.
Eligible Project Activities • Acquisitions/ Relocations of insured structures • Elevations • Dry-Floodproofing of insured non-residential structures • Minor localized flood control projects • Beach nourishment activities • Demolition of NFIP-insured structures on acquired or restricted real property
Eligible Planning Activities Planning activities that develop State, Indian tribal, and local Flood Mitigation Plans that meet the planning criteria outlined in 44 CFR Part 78
Eligible Technical Assistance Activities • Solicitation, review, and processing of sub-applications • Assistance to sub-applicants for engineering feasibility, BCA, and Environmental and Historic Preservation documentation • Geo-coding mitigation projects • Managing grants • Technical monitoring • Plan reviews and planning workshops • Computer or GIS equipment (up to 15%) • State FMA Point-of-Contact’s salary, and his/her FMA related training and travel expenses
Ineligible Project Activities • Major Flood Control projects • Dry Flood proofing of residential structures • Mitigation reconstruction • Phased or partial projects • Studies that do not result in a completed mitigation project • Flood studies or Flood mapping • Maintenance or repair projects • Generators, and related equipment • Warning and alert notification systems • Response and communication equipment
Ineligible Planning Activities • Flood studies or Flood mapping • Risk assessments, technical assistance, information dissemination or workshops not resulting in a FEMA-approved Flood Mitigation Plan • Ground disturbing activities • Non-flood planning activities
Funding Limits • Planning Grants • NOT more than once every 5 years • $150,000 to any State agency applicant • $50,000 to any community applicant • Project Grants • Will not exceed $3,300,000 to any community during any 5 year period
Cost Share • 75% Federal • 25% non-Federal cost share • The non-Federal share provided from in-kind contributions cannot exceed 12.5%
Pre-Award Costs • Sub-Applicants may be reimbursed for pre-award costs incurred after the publication of the FMA Guidance for activities directly related to the development of the project proposal. Activities may include: • Development of the BCA • Environmental/Historic Preservation data and documentation • Engineering Design (Project Grants) Pre-Award Costs must be identified as separate line-items in the Cost Estimate for the project sub-application
Application Process • Complete applications must be received in eGrants by March 10, 2008 11:59:59 PM, EST • Eligible Applicants may submit sub-applications for funds in excess of their Target Allocation
Performance Periods and Extensions • FMA sub-grants are limited by statute to a period not to exceed 3 years • The Regional office may extend the performance period for up to 1 year
Scope of Work Changes FEMA may not consider changes to the SOW between the close of the application period and the completion of the selection process. Requests for changes to the SOW after award may be permissible as long as they do not change the nature or total project cost of the activity, properties identified in the sub-application, the feasibility and effectiveness of the project, negate the cost-effectiveness of the project, or make the project ineligible.
FMA Guidance http://www.fema.gov/government/grant/fs_mit_grant_prog.shtm
Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Grant ProgramGuidance OverviewCFDA #97.092
Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC): Provides funding to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to insured structures that have one or more claim payments for flood damages. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis without reference to state allocations, quotas, or other formula-based allocation of funds. The RFC program is subject to the availability of funding.
FY 08 RFC Goal The long-term RFC Goal is to reduce or eliminate claims under the NFIP through mitigation activities that are in the best interest of the National Flood Insurance Fund (NFIF).
Eligible Sub-Applicants • State-Level Agencies • Federally and State Recognized Indian Tribal Governments • Local Communities • Private Non-Profit (PNP) organizations are NOT eligible sub-applicants
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) All sub-applicants must be participating in the NFIP, and must not be suspended or withdrawn from the NFIP. RFC funds shall not be awarded for activities in non-participating communities. Properties in all RFC projects must be NFIP insured at the time of project application and maintained at least through completion of the mitigation activity.
Eligible Activities • Acquire insured properties that have one or more claim payments for flood damages and demolish or relocate structures, with conversion of property to deed-restricted open-space use. • Elevations • Dry Flood-proofing of non-residential structures • Minor Localized Flood Control Projects (funding limited to $1M per project).
Ineligible Activities • Mitigation plan development, update or amendment • Major flood control projects • Dry flood-proofing of residential structures • Mitigation reconstruction • Applications involving any activities for which implementation has already been initiated or completed • Phased or partial projects • Studies that do not result in a completed mitigation project
Ineligible Activities cont. • Flood studies or flood mapping • Projects that solely address maintenance or repairs of existing structures, facilities, or infrastructure • Generators, and related equipment • Warning and alert notification systems • Response and communication equipment • Landscaping for ornamentation • Site remediation of hazardous contaminants